Alice Doane′s Appeal
[El ruego de Alice Doane]
The Ambitious Guest
[La ambición del forastero]
The Artist of the Beautiful
[El artífice de la belleza]
The Birth-mark
[La marca de nacimiento]
The Celestial Railroad
[El ferrocarril celestial]
Dr. Heidegger′s Experiment
[El experimento del doctor Heidegger]
The Earth′s Holocaust
[El holocausto del mundo]
Egotism; or The Bosom Serpent
[El egoísmo; o la serpiente del pecho]
Ethan Brand
[Ethan Brand]
The Feathertop: A Moralized Legend
[Feathertop, una leyenda moralizada]
The Gentle Boy,
[El dulce niño]
The Great Stone Face
[El gran rostro de piedra]
The Hollow of the Three Hills
[La hondonada de las Tres Colinas]
Lady Eleanore′s Mantle
[El manto de lady Eleanore]
The May-Pole of Merry Mount
[El Mástil de Mayo de Merry Mount]
The Minister′s Black Veil
[El velo negro del pastor]
Mr. Higginbotham′s Catastrophe
[La catástrofe del Sr. Higginbotham]
My Kinsman, Major Molineux
[Mi pariente, el mayor Molineux]]
Old Esther Dudley
[La vieja Esther Dudley]
The Old Monse
[Vieja rectoría]
The Peter Goldthwaite′s Treasure
[El Tesoro de Peter Goldthwaite]
The Prophetic Pictures
[Los retratos proféticos]
Rappaccini′s Daughter
[La hija de Rappaccini]
Roger Malvins Burial
[El entierro de Roger Malvins]
The Snow Image: A Childish Miracle
[La muñeca de nievre: un milagro infantil]
The Wedding Knell
[El repique nupcial]
The Wives of the Dead
[Las esposas de los muertos]
Young Goodman Brown
[El joven Goodman Brown