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Montaje interactivo:
Miguel Garci-Gomez.
Profesor Emeritus
Department of Romance Studies
Duke Univesity
Duke University
Erik J. Garci
Colaboradores, Programadores
Teddy Salazar
Mark Barakat
Ediciones interactivas
de obras de autores destacados, de múltiples épocas y nacionalidades, con texto, notas,
concordancias (que permiten la búsqueda de
cualquier palabra en el texto), tesoro (que
permiten ir de la palabra a las ideas del autor, de las ideas al texto),
bibliografía, cotejo con ediciones antiguas y traducciones, etc.
Las EDICIONES BILINGÜES incluyen la Bilia Poliglota en 10 idiomas más cuantiosas
traducciones bilingües, en textos paralelos, procedentes de varias literaturas.
BBVV -- Biblioteca de Bobliotecas virtuales BIBIVI
CIBERBIBLIA Biblia Políglota
Cantar de Mio -- [Song of Mio Cid]ESP-ENG / Esp. moderno /
Esp. moderno y ed. paleográfica
Lazarillo de Tormes ESP-ING
| Baroja, Pío |
La busca [The Quest]ESP-ING
| Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente |
Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis [The Four Horsemen of the Apocalipse]ESP-ING
| Borges, Jorge Luis |
El Apleph y otros cuentosESP-ING
| Calderón de la Barca, Pedro |
La cena del Rey Baltasar -- [Belshazzar′s Feast] ESP-ING
La vida es sueño [Life is a Dream] ESP-ING
El mágico prodigioso -- [The Wonder-Working Magician]ESP-ING
| Cela, Camilo José |
La familia de Pascual Duarte [The Family of ...]ESP-ING
| Cervantes y Saavedra, Miguel |
Don Quijote de la Mancha ESP-ALE / ESP-FRA / ESP-ING / ESP-ITA / ESP-POR
Novelas Ejemplares [Exemplary Novels] ESP-ING
| Cortázar, Julio |
Cuentos [Short Stories]ESP-ING
| García Márquez, Gabriel |
El amor en los tiempos del cólera [Love in the Time of Cholera] ESP-ING
Cien años de soledad [One Hundred Year of Solitude]ESP-ING
El coronel no tiene quien le escriba [No One Writes to the Colonel] ESP-ING
Crónica de una muerte anunciada [Chronicle of a Death Foretold] ESP-ING
Memoria de mis putas tristes [Memories of My Melancholic Whores] ESP-ING
Cuentos. Relatos [Short Stories]ESP-ING
| Ortega y Gasset, José |
La rebelión de las masas [The Revolt of the Masses]ESP-ING
| Pérez Galdós, Benito |
Doña PerfectaESP-ING
| Quiroga, Hotacio |
El almohadón de plumas [Feather Pillow]ESP-ING
La insolación[The Sunstroke]ESP-ING
Los buques suicidantes [The Suicidal Shipmates]
La abeja haragana [The Lazy Bee] ESP-ING
A la deriva [Adrift] ESP-ING
El hijo [The Son] ESP-ING
La gallina-degollada [The Decapitated Chicken] ESP-ING
La gama ciega [The blind doe] ESP-ING
Juan Darién ESP-ING
Las medias de los flamencos [The Flaminco's Stockings] ESP-ING
La miel silvestre [The Wild Honey] ESP-ING
| Rojas, Fernando de |
La Celestina [Tragicomedy of Calito y Melibea]
ESP-ING (Mabbe) /
ESP-ING (Suárez) /
| Unamuno, Miguel de |
Del sentimiento trágico de la vida [Tragic Sense of Life] ESP-ING
| Valera, Juan |
Pepita JimménezESP-ING
| ... |
Declaration Of Independence -- The U. S. Constitution ENG-SPA
| Alcott, Louisa May |
Little Women [Mujercitas]
Eight Cousins [Ocho primos]
Tabby′s Cloth [El mantel de Tabby]
Lunch [Merienda]
| Anderson, Sherwood
Short Stories -- Cuentos
Adventure concerning Alice Hindman
An Awakening concerning Belle Carpenter
The Book Of The Grotesque
Death concerning Doctor Reefy and Elizabeth Willard
Departure concerning George Willard
Drink concerning Tom Foster
Hands concerning Wing Biddlebaum
Mother concerning Elizabeth Willard
Nobody Knows concerning Louise Trunnion
Godliness-I concerning Jesse Bentley
Godliness-II also concerning Jesse Bentley
Godliness-III-Surrenderalso concerning Jesse Bentley
Godliness-IV-Terror concerning David Hardy
Loneliness concerning Enoch Robinson
A Man of ideas concerning Joe Welling
Nobody knows concerning Joe Welling
Queer concerning Elmer Cowley
Respectability concerning Wash Williams
The Paper Pills concerning Doctor Reefy
Tandy concerning Tandy Hard
The Philosopher concerning Doctor Parcival
The Strength of God concerning the Reverend Curtis Hartman
The thinker concerning Seth Richmond
The Untold Lie concerning Ray Pearson
The Teacher concerning Kate Swift
Sophistication concerning Helen White
| Austen, Jane |
Pride and Prejudice [Orgullo y prejuicio]
Sense and Sensibility [Sentido y sensibilidad]
| Bailey, Alice a
The Reappearance Of The Crist [La reaparición de Cristo]
| Benson, Edward Frederic
Short Stories -- Cuentos
A tale of an empty house [Un cuento sobre una casa vacía]
And No bird sings [Y ningún pájaro canta]
At Abdul Ali′s Grave [En la tumba de ..]
Carterpillars [Orugas]
How fear departed from the long gallery [Cómo desapareció el miedo de la galería alargada]
Monkeys [Monos]
Naboth′s vineyard [La viña de Naboth]
Negotium perambulans [Negotium Perambulans]
Pirates [Piratas]
Reconciliation [Reconciliación]
The Bath Chair [La silla de ruedas]
The Bagnell Terrace
The Bed By the Window [La cama junto a la ventana
The Bus-Conductor ]El conductor de autobús]
The cat [La gata]
The confession of Charles Linkworth [La confesión de ...]
The corner house [La casa de la esquina]
The face [El rostro]
The Gardner [El jardinero]
The Hanging of Alfred Wadman [El ahorcamiento de...]
The Room in the Tower [La habitación de la torre] [
The Sanctuary [El santuario]
Terror by night [El terror nocturno
| Blackwood, Algermon
Short Stories -- Cuentos
Ancient lights -- [Luces antiguas]
Keeping His Promise -- [Manteniendo una promesa.]
The-Confession-- [La cionfesión]
The House Of The Past [La casa del pasado]
The Insanity of Jones (A Study in Reincarnation) -- [La Locura de Jones: un estudio sobre la reencarnación.]
The Kit-Bag -- [El maletín ]
The sacriffice -- [ El Sacrificio.]
The Transfer -- [La Transferencia]
Transition -- [Transición..]
The Wendigo -- [El wendigo[
The Willows -- [[Los sauces.]]
A Victim of Higher Space-- [ Una víctima del espacio superior.]
You May Telephone From Here -- [Puedes telefonear desde aquí.]
| Brontë, Charlotte |
Jane Eyre ENG-SPA
| Brontë, Emily |
Wuthering Heights [Cumbres borrascosas] ENG-SPA
| Carroll, Lewis |
Alice in Wonderland [Alicia en el país de las maravillas] ENG-SPA
| Chesterton, G. K. |
A Man Called Thursday [El hombre que fue Jueves] ENG-SPA
The Innocence of Father Brown [La inocencia del Padre Brown] ENG-SPA
| Darwin, Charles |
The Origin of Species [El origen de las especies] ENG-SPA
| Defoe, Daniel |
Robinson CrusoeENG-SPA
| Dickens, Charles |
Christmas Carol [Cuento de Navidad]ENG-SPA
David CopperfieldENG-SPA
| Doyle, Sir Arthur Connan |
A Study In Scarlet [Estudio en escarlata]ENG-SPA
The Adventures of Sherlock Homes [Las aventuras de ...]ENG-SPA
| Fitzgerald, Francis Scot |
The Great Gatsby [El gran Gatsby] ENG-SPA
| Hawethorn, Nathaniel |
The House of The Seven Gables [La casa de los siete tejados]
Short Stories [Cuentos]ENG-SPA
| Hemingway, Ernest |
The Old Man and the Sea [El viejo y el mar]ENG-SPA
| Hume, David | A Treatise Of Human Nature [Tratado de la naturaleza humana] ENG-SPA
Enquiries Concerning Human Understanding [Investigación sobre el entendimiento humano] ENG-SPA
| Huxley, Aldous |
Brave New World [Un mundo feliz] ENG-SPA
| Irving, Washington |
Tales of the Alhambra [Cuentos de la Alhambra] ENG-SPA
| James, Henry |
The Portrait of a Lady [Retrato de una dama] ENG-SPA
| Joyce, James |
A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man [Retrato de un artista adolescente] ENG-SPA
Ulysses [Ulises] ENG-SPA
| Keynes, John Maynard |
The End of laissez-fare [El final del laissez-faire ] ENG-SPA
| Kipling, Rudyard |
The Jungle Book {El libro de la selva] ENG-SPA
TheSecond Jungle Book [El segundo libro de la selva] ENG-SPA
| Lawrence, D. H. |
Lady Chatterley′s Lover [El amante de Lady Chatterly] ENG-SPA
| Lee, Harper |
To Kill A Moking Bird [Matar a un ruiseñor] ENG-SPA
| Melvile, Herman |
Moby Dick ENG-SPA
| Mitchell, Margaret |
Gone With The Wind ENG-SPA
| Orwell, George |
Animal Farm: A Fairy Story [Rebelión en la granja] ENG-SPA
| P, Edgar Allan
Short Stories -- Cuentos
A Tale of the Ragged Mountains [Un cuento de las montañas escabrosas]
The Black Cat [El gato negro]
A Descent Into The Maelström [El descenso al Maelström]
The Fall of the House of Usher [La caída de la casa Usher]
The Gold Bug
King Pest [El rey Peste]
Landor's Cottage [La cabaña de Landor]
Manuscript Found in a Bottle [Manuscrito hallado en una botella]
Mesmeric revelation [Revelación mesmérica]
Metzengerstein [Metzengerstein]
Morella [Morella]
Silence - A Fable [Silencio]
The Angel of the Odd [El ángel de lo extraño]
The Assignation [La cita]
The Cask of Amontillado [El barril de amontillado]
The Colloquy of Monos and Una [El coloquio de los Monos y Una]
The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion [La conversación de Eiros y Charmion]
The Devil In The Belfry [El diablo en el campanario]
The Duc De L'Omelette [El duque de L'Omelette]
The Imp Of The Perverse [El demonio de lo perverso]
The Masque of the Red Death [La máscara de la muerte roja
The Man Of The Crowd [El hombre de la multitud]
The Masque of the Red Death [La máscara de la muerte roja]
The Murders in the Rue Morgue [Los crímenes de la calle Morgue]
The Mystery Of Marie Rogêt [El misterio de Marie Rogêt]
The Oblong Box [La caja oblonga]
The Oval Portrait [El retrato oval]
The Pit and the Pendulum [El pozo y el péndulo]
The Premature Burial [El entierro prematuro]
The Purloined Letter [La carta robada]
The Raven A poem [El cuervo]
The Scythe Of Time [La guadaña del tiempo]
The Shadow [La sombra]
The Strange Case of M. Valdemar [Los hechos sobre el caso de M.Valdemar]
The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether [El sistema del Dr. Tarr y el profesor Fether]
The Tell Tale Heart [El corazón delator]
Von Kempelen And His Discovery [Von Kempelen y su descubrimiento]
William Wilson [William Wilson]
| Shakespeare, William |
Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet [Romeo y Julieta]ENG-SPA
| Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) |
Frankenstein ENG-SPA
| Stowe, Harriet Beecher |
Uncle Tom′s Cabin [La cabaña del tío Tom] ENG-SPA
| Swift, Jonathan |
Gulliver′s Tavels [Los viajes de Gulliver] ENG-SPA
| Twain, Mark |
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer [Las aventuras de ...] ENG-SPA
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn [Las aventuras de ...] ENG-SPA
| Wharton, Edith |
The Age of Innocence [La edad de la inocencia] ENG-SPA
| |
Ethan Frome ENG-SPA
| Wilde, Oscar |
Short Stories [Cuentos] ENG-SPA
Canterville Ghost [El fantasma de Canterville] ENG-SPA
The Picture of Dorian Gray [El retrato de Dorian Gray] ENG-SPA
| Woolf, Virginia |
To the Lighthouse [El faro] ENG-SPA
| Camus, Albert |
L′étranger FRA-ENG/ FRA-ESP
| Descartes, René |
Discours de la métode FRA-ENG/ FRA-ESP
| Dumas Fils) |
La dame aux camélias -- La dama de las camelias FRA-ESP
| Dumas (Pere) |
Les Trois Mousquetaires FRA-ESP
| Flaubert, Gustave |
Madame Bovary FRA-ESP
| Proust, Marcel |
À la recherche du temps perdu (les 7 tomes) FRA-ENG/ FRA-ESP
| Rousseau, John-Jacques |
Èmile, ou de l′éducation. FRA-ESP
| Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) |
Candide [Cándido] FRA-ENG/ FRA-ESP
| Zola, Émile |
Germinal FRA-ESP
| Alighieri, Dante |
Divina commedia ITA-ESP / ITA-ENG
| Vergilius (Publius Vergilius Maro) |
Aeneidos [Aeneid, Enedia] LAT-ESP
Georgicon [Georgics, Geórgicas] LAT-ENG
Eclogae [Eclogues; Eglogas; Bucólicas] LAT-ENG
| Camões, Luis |
Os Lusiadas [Los lusiadas] POR-ESP