Canta de Mio Cid
Edición bilingÜe español inglés, en textos paralelos, con enlaces a la versión en español moderno y transcripción paleográfica
Biligual Edition: Spanish-English, in parallel texts with direct links to a version in modern Spanish and Paleographic Transcription
English translation by Archer M. Huntington, 1897 –1903.
Revisión y realización para Internet: Miguel Garci-Gomez
Integrado en el sistema MGarci
Se agradecen sugerencias sobre la traducción. Contactar


1 De los sus ojos tan fuerte mientre llorando,
Tornaba la cabeza & estabalos catando:
Vio puertas abiertas & uzos sin cañados,
Alcandaras vacias sin pieles & sin mantos
5 E sin falcones & sin azores mudados.
He turned his head and, sorely weeping, gazed
Upon them. Saw the portals standing wide,
The lockless postern gates, the perches bare,
The missing furs, the mantles stripped away,
The falcons fled, and gone the hawks in mew.

Suspiro mio Çid ca mucho habie grandes cuidados,
Hablo mio Çid bien & tan mesurado:
Grado a ti Señor padre que estas en alto:
Esto me han vuelto mios enemigos malos.
10 Alli piensan de aguijar, alli sueltan las riendas.
He sighed, My Cid, for very grave his cares.
With moderation spake My Cid, and well:
"Lord Father, thanks to Thee who art on high,
For this my evil foes upon me brought."
10 They here bethink to drive the spurs, or there

A la exida de Vivar hobieron la corneja diestra,
E entrando a Burgos hobieronla siniestra.
Mecio mio Çid los hombros & engrameo la tiesta:
Albricia, Albar Fañez, ca echados somos de tierra!
15 Mio Çid Ruy Diaz por Burgos entraba,
The reins relar. From out Bivar the crow
They had to right; to left at Burgos′ gate.
My Cid his shoulders shrugged and raised his head:
"A guerdon, Albarfanez! Eriled we!"
My Cid Ruy Diaz entered Burgos town,

En su compaña, 60 pendones; exienlo ver mugieres & varones:
Burgueses & burguesas por las finiestras son,
Plorando de los ojos, tanto habien el dolor.
De las sus bocas todos decian una razon:
20 Dios que buen vasallo! Si hobiese buen Señor!
Within his band he sirty pennons bore.
The men and women rush to see him pass.
The men and women folk the windows crowd,
With streaming eyes, so very sad they were.
A single thought their mouths proclaims:"Ah, God!"
What worthy vassal, had he worthy lord!"

Convidarle ien de grado, mas ninguno no osaba;
El Rey don Alfonso tanto habie la grande saña.
Antes de la noche en Burgos de el entro su carta,
Con grande recaudo & fuerte mientre sellada:
25 que a mio Çid Ruy Diaz, que nadi no le diesen posada,
Though willing, ventured none to welcome him,
For deep the anger king Alfonso bore.
His mandate entered Burgos ere the night,
With great precaution brought and firmly sealed:
That none a shelter grant My Cid Ruy Diaz.

E aquel que gela diese sopiese vera palabra:
que perderie los haberes & mas los ojos de la cara,
E aun demas los cuerpos & las almas.
Grande duelo habien las gentes cristianas;
30 Ascondense de mio Çid, ca no le osan decir nada.
And whoso granteth, word of truth attend:
Possesions shall he forfeit, sight as well;
Bereft of even soul and body stand.
On Christian folk a heavy sorrow fell;
They shin My Cid, nor venture speech with him.

El Campeador adeliño a su posada;
Asi como llego a la puerta, fallola bien cerrada,
Por miedo del Rey Alfonso, que asi lo habien parado:
que si no la quebrantase por fuerza, que no gela abriese nadi
35 Los de mio Çid a altas voces llaman;
Directly sought the Campeador his house.
Arrived before the portal, found it fast,
In fear of king Alfonso thus they planned,
That never any open unto him,
If he endeavor not by force to break.
In accents loud My Cid′s attendant call;

Los de dentro no les querien tornar palabra.
Aguijo mio Çid, a la puerta se llegaba,
Saco el pie del estribera, una ferida le daba;
No se abre la puerta, ca bien era cerrada.
40 Una niña de nueve años a ojo se paraba.
Within they nought in answer would return,
Up spurred My Cid, before the portal came
His foot from stirrup drew, a blow thereon.
Nor yields the door, for well it was secured.
A little maid of nine appeared in sight:

¡Ya Campeador, en buen hora ççinxiestes espada!
El rey lo ha vedado, anoche d′′el entro su carta,
Con gran recaudo e fuertemientre sellada
No vos osariemos abrir ni coger por nada;
Si no, perderiemos los haberes y las casas {N-45}
Y demas los ojos de las caras.
Çid, en el nuestro mal vos no ganades nada,
Mas el criador vos vala con todas sus vertudes santas.
Esto la niña dixo & tornose pora su casa.
  "Now, Campeador, in hour propitious thou
Hast girded sword. The kind forbade; this night
His mandate entered, circumspectly borne
And firmly sealed. To open dare we not;
Nor yet, for aught, reception grant you, lest
Our wealth we lose, and homes
 and eyes beside.
By our misfortune, Cid, you nothing gain.
Creator guard with holy virtues all."
Thus spake the child and turned her toward her house.
50 Ya lo ve el Çid que del Rey no habia gracia.
Partiose de la puerta, por Burgos aguijaba, Llego a santa Maria, luego descabalga,
Finco los hinojos, de corazon rogaba;
La oracion fecha, luego cabalgaba.
55Salio por la puerta & en arlanzon posaba
The Cid perceives the royal favor lost
left the door, through Burgos onward spurred:
Santa Maria gained; dismounting then
he knelt and offered prayer in heartfelt guise.
The prayer accomplished, mounted once again,
The portal passed and camped by Arlanzon:

Cabo esa villa en la glera posaba
Fincaba la tienda & luego descabalgaba
Mio Çid Ruy Diaz el que en buen hora cinxo espada
Poso en la glera cuando no le coge nadi en casa
60 Derredor de el una buena compaña
That town beside, within the strand, encamped.
He fired the tent, dismounted thereupon.
My Cid Ruy Diaz, he who girded sword
In hour propitious, when, within their homes,
Not any welcomed, camped upon the strand;
Around about him goodly company.

Asi poso mio Çid como si fuese en montaña
Vedada le han compra dentro en Burgos la casa
De todas cosas cuantas son de vianda
No le osarien vender al menos dinarada
65 Martin Antolinez el burgales cumplido
As though amid the wilds My Cid encamped.
It was forbid that any food soe′er
He buy within the walls of Burgos town.
The least money′s worth they dare not sell.
That all accomplished Martin Antolinez,
The man of Burgos, did supply My Cid

A mio Çid & a los suyos abastales de pan & de vino
No lo compra ca el selo habie consigo
De todo conducho bien los hobo bastidos
Pagose mio Çid el Campeador & todos los otros que van a su servicio
70 Hablo Martin Antolinez odredes lo que ha dicho

And all his followers with bread and wine;
At hand he had it, nought he buys of it.
With all provisions well he furnished them.
Contented was My Cid the Campeador,
And all the rest who service render him.
Spake Martin Antolinez; bear his words:

Ya Campeador en buen hora fuestes nacido
Esta noche yagamos & vayamosnos al matino
Ca acusado sere de lo que vos he servido
En ira del Rey Alfonso yo sere metido
75 Si convusco escapo sano o vivo
"How, Campeador, in hour propitious born,
This night we pass, with morn departing hence,
For shall I stand accused of serving you;
Beneath the king Alfonso′s anger fall.
If I alive and well escape with you,

Aun cerca o tarde el Rey quererme ha por amigo
Si no cuanto dexo no lo precio un figo
Hablo mio Çid el que en buen hora cinxo espada
Martin Antolinez sodes ardida lanza
80 Si yo vivo doblarvos he la soldada
The king my friendship soon or late will seek.
If not, what′s left I value not a fig."
My Cid, who sword in hour propitious girt,
Outspake:"Thou, Martin Antolinez, art
A valiant lance. An I survive, your pay

Espeso he el oro & toda la plata
Bien lo vedes que yo no trayo haber & huebos me serie
Pora toda mi compaña
Fer lo he amidos de grado no habrie nada
85 Con vuestro consejo bastir quiero dos arcas
I′ll double. Gold and silver all is spent;
Thou seest clearly money have I none,
And yet for all my men ′twere needed sore.
I must by force, for nought were freely mine.
With your assistance would I fain construct

Hincamoslas de arena ca bien seran pesadas
Cubiertas de guadalmeci e bien enclaveadas
Los guadalmecis bermejos & los clavos bien dorados
Por rachel & vidas vayadesme privado
90 Cuando en Burgos me vedaron compra & el Rey me a airado
Two chests, with sand we′ll fit to give them weight,
With leather bound, and firmly held with nails;
The leather red, and gilded well the nails.
Rachel and Vidas seek me out in haste:
In Burgos purchase was forbidden me;

No puedo traer el haber ca mucho es pesado
Empeñargelo he por lo que fuere guisado
De noche lo lleven que no lo vean cristianos
Vealo el criador con todos los sus santos
95 Yo mas no puedo & amidos lo fago
Martin Antolinez no lo detarba
Por rachel & vidas apriesa demandaba
Paso por Burgos al castiello entraba
Por rachel & vidas apriesa demandaba
100 rachel & vidas en uno estaban amos
The king, moreover, is displeased with me.
The wealth I cannot take, for great its weight,
And needs in pledge for fitting sum must leave.
That Christians see not, let them take by night;
Creator view the thing with all his saints!
I can no more, and this unwillingly."
Brooks Martin Antolinez no delay;
Rachel and Vidas sought in eager haste.
Through Burgos rode, within the castle passed.
Rachel and Vidas sought in eager haste. Rachel and Vidas were together found,

En cuenta de sus haberes de los que habien ganados
Llego Martin Antolinez a guisa de menbrado
O sodes rachel & vidas los mios amigos caros
En poridad hablar querria con amos
105 No lo detardan todos 3 se apartaron
Rachel and Vidas were together found,
Their moneys counting, profits gained by them.
With shrewdness Martin Antolinez came
"Rachel and Vidas, friends beloved of mine,
Where are ye? Both in secret speech I seek."
Delay they not; the three apart withdrew:

rachel & vidas amos me dad las manos
que no me descubrades a moros ni a cristianos
Por siempre vos fare ricos que no seades menguados
El Campeador por las parias fue entrado
110 Grandes haberes priso & muchos sobejanos
"Rachel and Vidas, give me, both, your hands
That not to Moor or Christian ye betray.
I will enrich, that want ye never know.
The Campeador for tribute made a march;
The gains he took were rich and plentiful.

retovo dellos cuanto que fue algo
Por ende vino a aquesto por que fue acusado
Tiene dos arcas llenas de oro esmerado
Ya lo vedes que el Rey le ha airado
115 dexado ha heredades & casas & palacios
Of this a goodly part he hath retained,
And thence his accusation came to him.
The king, ye know perceive is wroth with him.
The palace, house and heritage hath left.
Two coffers filled with purest gold are his.

Aquellas no las puede llevar sino serien ventadas
El Campeador dexarlas ha en vuestra mano
E prestalde de haber lo que sea guisado
Prended las arcas & metedlas en vuestro salvo
120 Con grande jura meted y las fes amos
These, undiscovered, may he not remove;
The Campeador within your hands would leave.
Thereon advance him just equivalent.
Receive the chests; within your safeguard place.
Set both thereon your faith with mighty oath

que no las catedes en todo aqueste año
rachel & vidas seiense consejando
Nos huebos habemos en todo de ganar algo
Bien lo sabemos que el algo gano
125 Cuando a tierra de moros entro que gran haber saco
Ye will not look upon them all this year."
Rachel and Vidas counsel took of each:
"Some profit needs we must in all retain.
Full well we know a goodly sum he gained,
A fortune great in Moorish lands acquired.

No duerme sin sospecha qui haber trae monedado
Estas arcas prendamoslas amas
En logar las metamos que no sean ventadas
Mas decid nos del Çid de que sera pagado
130 O que ganancia nos dara por todo aqueste año
Who holdeth coin, distrust attends his sleep.
These coffers let us take and hide them both
Where may they lie from all discovery safe.
But let us bear what sum will please the Cid,
What profit will be grant for all this year?"

respuso Martin Antolinez a guisa de membrado
Mio Çid querra lo que sea aguisado
Pedir vos ha poco por dexar su haber en salvo
Acogensele homnes de todas partes menguados
135 Ha menester 600 marcos
With shrewdness Martin Antolinez spake:
"My Cid were satisfied with what were just;
To leave his wealth in safety little asks.
They seek him, men from every side in want.
Sir hundred marks were needful unto him."

dixo rachel & vidas dargelos de grado
Ya vedes que entra la noche el Çid es presurado
Huebos habemos que nos dedes los marcos
dixo rachel & vidas no se faze asi el mercado
140 Si no primero prendiendo & despues dando
Rachel and Vidas said:"We gladly grant it."
The other:"Look night comes, the Cid is pressed;
And great our need that ye bestow the marks."
Rachel and Vidas said:"Not so is trade,
But taking first, then giving.""That to me

dixo Martin Antolinez yo deso me pago
Amos todos traed al Campeador contado
E nos vos ayudaremos que asi es aguisado
Por aducir las arcas & meter las en vuestro salvo
145 que no lo sepan moros ni cristianos
Is pleasing," Martin Antolinez said.
"We three the Campeador renowned will seek.
To you we′ll lend assistance-such is just-
To take and place within your guard the chests,
That Moor or Christian never know of it."

dixo rachel & vidas nos desto nos pagamos
Las arcas aduchas prended 600 marcos
Martin Antolinez cabalgo privado
Con rachel & vidas de voluntad & de grado
150 No viene a la puente ca por el agua ha pasado
Rachel and Vidas said:"This pleases us;
The coffers brought, be thine sir hundred marks."
Then Martin Antolinez mounted swift;
Rachel and Vidas joined, content and pleased;
Nor bridge he sought, for through the stream he passed,

que gelo no ventansen de Burgos homne nado
Afevoslos a la tienda del Campeador contado
Asi como entraron al Çid besaron le las manos
Sonrisose mio Çid estabalos hablando
155 Ya don rachel & vidas habedes me olvidado
That none of Burgos born discover him.
Before the tent of Campeador renowned,
Behold they stand, and when they passed within,
And came before the Cid, they kissed his hands.
Then smiled My Cid, and thus he spake to them:
"Rachel and Vidas, Sirs, you do forget me!

Ya me exco de tierra ca del Rey soy airado
A lo que me semeja de lo mio habredes algo
Mientra que vivades no seredes menguados
Don rachel & vidas a mio Çid besaronle las manos
160 Martin Antolinez el pleito ha parado
I leave the land, for wroth the king with me.
Of mine it seemeth something ye have:
Through life ye ne′er shall want." Then on his hands
Sir Rachel and Sir Vidas kissed My Cid.
Then Martin Antolinez stopped the talk:

que sobre aquellas arcas darle ien 600 marcos
E bien gelas guardarien fasta cabo del año
Ca asi le dieran la fe & gelo habien jurado
que si antes las catasen que fuesen perjurados
165 No les diese mio Çid de la ganancia un dinero malo
Sir hundred marks they′d give upon these chests,
And guard them well until the year were done,
For thus they faith engaged and swore to him,
That is they looked before they′d perjured be;
My Cid a sorry coin of gain would grant.

dixo Martin Antolinez carguenlas arcas privado
Llevaldas rachel & vidas ponedlas en vuestro salvo
Yo ire convusco que adugamos los marcos
Ca a mover ha mio Çid ante que cante el gallo
170 Al cargar de las arcas veriedes gozo tanto
Said Martin Antolinez:"Take in haste
The chests, Rachel and Vidas, bear them off;
Bestow within your safeguard.
I with you will go that hither may be bring the marks;
For must My Cid depart ere crows the cock."
You had beheld contentment when they strove

No las podien poner en somo maguer eran esforzados
Gradanse rachel & vidas con haberes monedados
Ca mientra que visquiesen refechos eran amos
rachel a mio Çid la mano le va besar
175 Ya Campeador en buen hora cinxiestes espada
To move the chests; though strong, they could not bear.
Rachel and Vidas each to each rejoice
Upon wealth of coin, for while they lived
Were both in fortune made. Then Rachel sought
My Cid, to kiss his hand:"Now, Campeador,
On hour propitious hast thou girded sword;

De castiella vos ides pora las gentes estrañas
Asi es vuestra ventura grandes son vuestras ganancias
una piel bermeja morisca & honrada
Çid beso vuestra mano en don que la yo haya
180 plazeme dixo el Çid de aqui sea mandada
to seek the stranger folk you leave Castile,
Your fortune such that profits great are yours.
A present grant me, Cid - I kiss you hand -
A skin of Moorish leather fair and red."
The Cid replied:"′Tis pleasing unto me;

Si vos la aduxier de alla si no contalda sobre las arcas
En medio del palacio tendieron un almofalla
Sobre ella una sabana de ranzal & muy blanca
a todo el primer colpe 300 marcos de plata echaron
185 Notolos don martino sin peso los tomaba
I grant it here and will I bring it to you,
Or else its value take upon the chests."
A carpet spread they `mid the palace then;
Thereon a sheet of linen fair and white.
Three hundred silver marks at very first
They tossed. Don Martin took and counted them,

Los otros 300 en oro gelos pagaban
Cinco escuderos tiene don martino a todos los cargaba
Cuando esto hobo fecho odredes lo que hablaba
a don rachel & vidas en vuestras manos son las arcas
190 Yo que esto vos gane bien merecia calzas
Nor weighed. The other three they paid in gold.
Don Martin five esquires had brought with him;
he burdened all. This done, attend his words:
"Rachel and Vidas, Sirs, the chests are yorus;
I surely merit those who this procured."

Entre rachel & vidas aparte ixieron amos
Demosle buen don ca el nos lo ha buscado
Martin Antolinez un burgales contado
Vos lo merecedes darvos queremos buen dado
195 De que fagades calzas & rica piel & buen manto
Rachel and Vidas both aside withdrew:
"he brought it; let us give him good reward.
Famed Martin Antolinez, Burgales,
We would bestow your due and fair reward: We give you thirty marks wherewith to make

Damosvos en don a vos 30 marcos
Merecernoslos hedes ca esto es aguisado
Atorgarnos hedes esto que habemos parado
Gradeciolo don martino & recibio los marcos
200 Grado exir de la posada & espidiose de amos
A handsome skin, a mantle fair and hose.
You will with justice earn our gratitude,
And see accomplished what we had agreed."
Don Martin gave his thanks and took the marks; he deemed it good to leave the place, and bade

Exido es de Burgos & arlanzon ha pasado
Vino pora la tienda del que en buen hora nasco
recibiolo el Çid abiertos amos los brazos
Venides Martin Antolinez el mio fiel vasallo
205 Aun vea el dia que de mi hayades algo
Farewell to both. He hath form Burgos gone,
And passed the Arlanzon and gained the tent
Of him whose birth on hour propitious fell.
The Cid with open arms his welcome gave:
"My vassal Martin Antolinez true,
Approach, and may I soon behold the day

Vengo Campeador con todo buen recaudo
Vos 600 & yo 30 he ganados
Mandad coger la tienda & vayamos privado
En san Pero de cardena y nos cante el gallo
210 Veremos vuestra mugier membrada fija de algo
Wherein a recompense you gain from me."
"With happy tidings, Campeador, I come:
Sir hundred you and thirty I have gained.
Command to strike the tent, depart we soon.
Saint Peter of Cardena′s walls within,
Attend the crowing cock, and there behold

Mesuraremos la posada & quitaremos el reinado
Mucho es huebos ca cerca viene el plazo
Estas palabras dichas la tienda es cogida
Mio Çid & sus compañas cabalgan tan aina
215 La cara del caballo torno a santa Maria
Your wife, the noble woman known to all.
We′ll tarry little, straight the kingdom leave.
`Tis needful; few the hours of grace become."
These words addressed, they gather up the tent;
My Cid and his companion mount in haste.
He wheeled his horse to face Saint Mary′s church,

Alzo su mano diestra la cara se santigua
A ti lo gradesco dios que cielo & tierra guias
Valanme tus vertudes gloriosa santa maria
Daqui quito castiella pues que el Rey he en ira
220 No se si entrare y mas en todos los mios dias
Right hand upraised and made the sign of cross
Upon his visage:"God, who art supreme
In earth and heaven, thanks I render Thee.
Saint Mary glorious, be Thy grace mine aid.
The kings; displeasure gained, I leave Castille,
Nor know if all my days I shall return.

Vuestra vertud me vala gloriosa en my exida & me ayude
Ella me acorra de noche & de dia
Si vos asi lo fizieredes & la ventura me fuere cumplida
Mando al vuestro altar buenas donas & ricas
225 Esto he yo en deudo que faga y cantar 1000 misas
May virtues Thine avail me, Glorious One,
On this, my setting forth, and bring me aid,
And bear me succor both by night and day!
If so Thou dost and fortune favor me,
I send Thine altar presents rich and fair,
And pledge to have a thousand masses sung."

Espidiose el caboso de cuer & de voluntad
Sueltan las riendas & piensan de aguijar
dixo Martin Antolinez vere a la mugier a todo mio solaz
Castigarlos he como habran a far
230 Si el Rey melo quisiere tomar a mi no me incale
Glad leave and earnest took the worthy man.
They loose the reins and think to spur ahead.
Cried Martin Antolinez:"I shall see
My wife, in all my solace; needs must I
Instruction give them how they will proceed,
Nor care can′t please the king to seize my lands.

Antes sere convusco que el sol quiera rayar
Tornabase Martin Antolinez a Burgos & mio Çid a aguijar
Pora san Pero de cardena cuanto pudo a espolear
Con estos caballeros que le sirven a su sabor
235 Apriesa cantan los gallos & quieren quebrar albores
I shall have joined you ere the sun arise."
To Burgos Martin Antolinez turned,
And swiftly towards Saint Peter of Cardena
My Cid and gentleman who serve him spurred.
Soon crow the cocks, the dawn begins to break;

Cuando llego a san Pero el buen Campeador
El Abad don sancho cristiano del criador
rezaba los matines a vuelta de los albores
Y estaba doña ximena con cinco dueñas de pro
240 rogando a san Pero & al criador
And when the worthy Campeador attained
Saint Peter′s, saw he Abbott Sancho stand,
God; Christian, chanting matins for return
Of dawn; and Dame Ximena too was there,
With noble ladies five attending her;
Creator and Saint Peter they besought:

Tu que a todos guias vala mio Çid el Campeador
Llamaban a la puerta y sopieron el mandado
Dios que alegre fue el Abad don Sancho
Con lumbres & con candelas al corral dieron salto
245 Con tan gran gozo le reciben al que en buen hora nasco
"Guard, Guide of All, my Cid the Campeador."
They called without, and these the accents knew.
Ah, God! how joyful Abbot Sancho was!
With lights and candles swiftly did they seek
The outer court. They hail with joy supreme
The one upon an hour propitious born.

Gradescolo a Dios mio Çid dixo el Abad don sancho
Pues que aqui vos veo prende de mi hospedado
Dixo el Çid gracias don Abad & soy vuestro pagado
Yo adobare conducho pora mi & pora mis vasallos
250 Mas por que me voy de tierra dovos 50 marcos
"Thank God! My Cid," the Abbot Sancho said;
"Since here I see you, take my hospitage."
The Cid replied:"Sir Abbot, thanks′ I stand
Your debtor; food I′ll self and vassals find.
But since I leave the land I do bestow
Upon you fifty marks, and if I live

Si yo algun dia visquier servos han doblados
No quiero fazer en el monesterio un dinero de daño
Evades aqui pora doña ximena dovos 100 marcos
A ella & a sus fijas & a sus dueñas sirvadeslas este año
255 Dos fijas dexo niñas & prendedlas en los brazos
Shall that amount be doubles unto you.
I′d not within the monastery cause
Ertent of one dinero′s injury.
And look, to Dame Ximena I devote
An hundred marks: her daughters, ladies, self,
This years attend. I leave my daughters both;
They are but children: take within your arms.

Aquellas vos acomiendo a vos Abad don sancho
Dellas & de mi mugier fagades todo recaudo
Si esa despensa vos falleciere o vos menguare algo
Bien las abastad yo asi vos lo mando
260 Por 1 marco que despendades al monesterio dare yo 4
I place them, Abbot Sancho, `neath your guard.
Bestow upon them, as upon my wife,
The greatest care; if that provision fail,
Or aught you lack, supply them well I bid.
For every mark that be expended so
I will return the monastery

Otorgadogelo habie el Abad de grado
Afevos doña ximena con sus fijas do va llegando
Señas dueñas las traen & aducenlas adelante
Ante el Campeador doña ximena finco los hinojos amos
265 lloraba de los ojos quiso le besar las manos
Thereto consent the Abbot gladly gave.
Behold! her daughters Dame Ximena brings;
A lady each conducts and forward leads.
Ximena fell upon her knees and wept
Before the Campeador, his hands would kiss:

Merced Campeador en hora buena fuestes nado
Por malos mestureros de tierra sodes echado
Merced ya Çid barba tan cumplida
Feme ante vos yo & vuestras fijas infantes son & de dias chicas
270 Con aquestas mis dueñas de quien soy yo servida
"Grace, Campeador, in hour propitious born,
By wicked meddlers forced to leave the land,
Grace, Cid, thou faultless Beard! Behold me stand,
Your daughters too, before you, children young,
And these, my dames who service render me.

Yo lo veo que estades vos en ida
E nos de vos partirnos hemos en vida
Dadnos consejo por amor de santa maria
Enclino las manos en la su barba bellida
275 A las sus fijas en brazo las prendia
I see thou art to hour of parting come;
And needs we must, though living, separate.
For love you bear Saint Mary, guidance give."
Upon his noble beard his hand he placed,
his daughters clasped within his arms and pressed

Llegolas al corazon ca mucho las queria
llora de los ojos tan fuerte mientre sospira
Ya doña ximena la mi mugier tan cumplida
Como a la mi alma yo tanto vos queria
280 Ya lo vedes que partirnos hemos en vida
Against his heart, for great his love for them.
The tears his eyes o′erflowed, he deeply sighed;
"Ximena, oh, thou perfect wife of mine!
As I do love my soul so love I thee.
Thou seest, living, must we separate,

Yo ire & vos fincaredes remanida
Plega a Dios & a santa maria que aun con mis manos case estas mis fijas
O quede ventura & algunos dias vida
E vos mugier honrada de mi seades servida
285 Grande yantar le fazen al buen Campeador
I shall depart and you remain behind.
God and Saint Mary grant that yet my hands
These daughters mine in marriage may bestow,
And grant me fortune fair and length of days,
And you, my honored wife, my care received!"
Before the Campeador a great repast

Tañen las campañas en san Pero a clamor
Por castiella oyendo van los pregones
Como se va de tierra mio Çid el Campeador
unos dexan casas & otros honores
290 En aquese dia a la puente de arlanzon
They set. Saint Peter′s bells with clamor sound.
Throughout Castle the herald′s voice is heard.
how leaves the land My Cid the Campeador.
Abandon some their dwellings, some estates.
Upon that day at bridge of Arlanzon

115 caballeros todos juntados son
Todos demandan por mio Çid el Campeador
Martin Antolinez con ellos cogio
Vanse pora san Pero do esta el que en buen punto nacio
295 Cuando lo sopo mio Çid el de Vivar
There met an hundred horsemen and fifteen.
They all demand My Cid the Campeador,
And Martin Antolinez went with them.
They seek Saint Peter′s, where was found the man
Whose birth upon a time propitious fell.
My Cid, be of Bivar, when `ware of it,

que le crece compaña porque mas valdra
Apriesa cabalga recibirlos salie
Tornose a sonrisar lleganle todos la mano le van besar
Hablo mio Çid de toda voluntad
300 Yo ruego a Dios & al padre espirital
That grows his force whereby his power shall grow,
Swift mounting, sallied forth to welcome them.
Upon his face a smile; they all approach
And seek to kiss his hand. Right willingly
Outspake My Cid:"Who left your homes for me

Vos que por mi dexades casas & heredades
En antes que yo muera algun bien vos pueda far
Lo que perdedes doblado vos lo cobrar
Plogo a mio Çid porque crecio en la yantar
305 Plogo a los otros homnes todos cuantos con el estan
And heritages, ere I die, of God
And Spiritual father I entreat
That may I some good service render you,
And twofold reparation make to you
For all your losses." Now it please My Cid
Wherein that added force his strength increased,
And all the others there rejoiced of it.

Los 6 dias de plazo pasados los han
3 han por trocir sepades que no mas
Mando el Rey a mio Çid a aguardar
Que si despues del plazo en su tierra le pudiese tomar
310 Por oro ni por plata no podrie escapar
Sir days of grace have gone, and there remain
But three to pass, and, know ye, none beyond.
And bade the king My Cid to bear in mind
That, passed, the days of grace, an he be ta′en
On royal lands, would gold nor silver save.

El dia es exido & la noche querie entrar
A sus caballeros mandolos todos juntar
Oid varones no vos caya en pesar
Poco haber trayo darvos quiero vuestra parte
315 Sed membrados como lo debedes far
The day is done, the night begins to fall.
he bade his followers in council join:
"Now bear me, men, nor sadness weigh your hearts;
Small wealth I bear, I wish to share with you.
Be circumspect, as `twere your need to be:

A la mañana cuando los gallos cantaran
No vos tardedes mandedes ensillar
En san Pero a matines tandra el buen Abad
La misa nos dira esta sera de santa trinidad
320 La misa dicha pensemos de cabalgar
Upon morning, when the cocks shall crow,
Make no delay, but saddled see your steeds.
The worthy Abbot will the matins sounds
Within Saint Peter′s; mass he will recite,
And that shall be of Holy Trinity.
The mass repeated, let us think to mount,

Ca el plazo viene a cerca mucho habemos de andar
Como lo mando mio Çid asi lo han todos a far
Pasando va la noche viniendo la man
A los mediados gallos piensan de cabalgar
325 Tañen a matines a una priesa tan grande
For cometh unto end the time of grace,
And far we have to go." As bade My Cid
So all perform. The night departed, came
The morn. At crow of cock they think to mount.
In eager haste they sound the matin bells.

Mio Çid & su mugier a la eglesia van
Echose doña ximena en los grados delante el altar
rogando al criador cuanto ella mejor sabe
Que a mio Çid el Campeador que dios le curiase de mal
330 Ya señor glorioso padre que en cielo estas
To seek the church My Cid his wife attends.
Upon the steps before the altar fell
The Dame Ximena, praying unto him
Who hath created all, as best she knew;
That God protect My Cid the Campeador
From evil:"Lord of Glory, Father, Thou

feziste cielo & tierra el tercero el mar
feziste estrellas & luna & el sol pora escalentar
Prisiste encarnacion en santa maria madre
En belen apareciste como fue tu voluntad
335 Pastores te glorificaron hobieronte a laudar
On high, who has created heavens and earth
And third the sea, stars, moon, and sun that warms,
In holy Mother incarnation took,
In Bethlehem appeared as was Thy will.
The shepherds glorified and gave Thee praise.
There came in adoration seeking Thee

Tres reyes de arabia te vinieron adorar
Melchor & gaspar & baltasar oro & tus & mirra
Te ofrecieron como fue tu voluntad salveste
A jonas cuando cayo en la mar
340 Salveste a daniel con los leones en la mala carcel
Three kinds of far Arabia, Melchior,
Balthasar, Gaspar, bringing unto Thee
Of gold and frankincense and myrrh, for so
Thy wish. Then Jonah fell amid the sea,
Didst rescue; Saint Sebastian in Rome,
And Daniel in the evil lions′ den,

Salveste dentro en roma al señor san sabastian
Salveste a santa susana del falso criminal
Por tierra andidiste 32 años señor espirital
Mostrando los miraclos por en habemos que hablar
345 Del agua feziste vino & de la piedra pan
And Saint Susannah saved from vile reproach,
O Lord of Spirit, thirty years and two
On earth didst , performing miracles,
Whereof we have to speak: Thou madest wine
Of water, bread of stone, raised Lazarus,

resuciteste a lazaro ca fue tu voluntad
A los judios te dexeste prender do dicen monte calvarie
Pusieronte en cruz por nombre en golgota
Dos ladrones contigo estos de señas partes
350 El uno es en paraiso ca el otro no entro alla
For so Thy will; permitted Jews to lead Thee
Where rose the Mount of Calvary by name.
Upon a cross they raised Thee where `twas called
Of Golgotha, on wither hand a thief.
Of these now resteth one in Paradise,
The other never passed the portal through.

Estando en la cruz vertud feziste muy grande
Longinos era ciego que nunca vio alguandre
Diote con la lanza en el costado donde ixio la sangre
Corrio la sangre por el astil ayuso las manos se hobo de untar
355 Alzolas arriba llegolas a la faz
Thou didst a deed a great benefience
Upon the cross: Longinus-blind was he-
had never any human face beheld.
With lance he pierced Thy side, wherefrom the blood
Gushed forth. The blood along the handle flowed
And downward, till at last it did anoint
his hands; he raised them upward, touched his face,

Abrio sus ojos cato a todas partes
En ti crovo al hora por ende es salvo de mal
En el monumento resuciteste & fuste a los infiernos
Como fue tu voluntad
360 Quebranteste las puertas & saqueste los padres santos
Unclosed his eyes and gazed on every hand;
Thereon believed on Thee, and evil `scaped.
Thou didst arise within the tomb and seek
The realms infernal , being thus Thy will,
The portals break, the holy fathers save.

Tu eres Rey de los Reyes & de todo el mundo padre
A ti adoro & creo de todo voluntad
E ruego a san pedro que me ayude a rogar
Por mio Çid el Campeador que dios le curie de mal
365 Cuando hoy nos partimos en vida nos faz juntar
Thou art the King of Kings, of all the earth
The father; I with willing faith adore.
God guard My Cid the Campeador from harm;
Saint Peter aid my prayer on his behalf,
I do implore; and since today we part,
God grant that living may we meet again."

La oracion fecha la misa acabada la han
Salieron de la eglesia ya quieren cabalgar
El Çid a doña ximena iba la abrazar
Doña ximena al Çid la mano le va besar
370 llorando de los ojos que no sabe que se far
The prayer complete, the mass was brought to end..
They left the church, full eager now to mount.
The Cid for last embrace Ximena sought;
The Cid′s hand Dame Ximena seeks to kiss
Nor deemed what act were best with weeping sore.

E el a las niñas tornolas acatar
A dios vos acomiendo fijas & a la mugier & al padre espirital
Agora nos partimos dios sabe el ayuntar
llorando de los ojos que no viestes a tal
375 Asi se parten unos dotros como la uña de la carne
And he upon his children turned to gaze:
"To God, your mother, and your ghostly sire,
My daughters, I commend you. Now we part,
And God alone the hour of meeting knows."
With streaming eyes, the like ye ne′er beheld,
They part from each as parts the nail from flesh.

Mio Çid con los sus vasallos penso de cabalgar
a todos esperando la cabeza tornando va
A tan grande sabor hablo minaya Alvar Fañez
Çid do son vuestros esfuerzos en buen hora nasquiestes de madre
380 Pensemos de ir nuestra via esto sea de vagar
My Cid and vassals now bethought to march.
To all attending, oft he turned his head.
Minaya Albarfanez aptly spake:
"Thou Cid, of mother born upon an hour
Propitious, whither now thy spirits fled?
Bethink to go our way and this reserve

Aun todos estos duelos en gozo se tornaran
Dios que nos dio las almas consejo nos dara
Al Abad don sancho tornan de castigar
Como sirva a doña ximena & a las fijas que ha
385 E a todas sus dueñas que con ellas estan
For hour that presseth not. In time shall turn
These sorrows into joys, and God, who gave
Our souls, will guidance still vouchsafe to us."
The Abbot Sancho once again instruct
how he should Dame Ximena service bear,
her daughters likewise there, and ladies all

Bien sepa el Abad que buen galardon dello prendra
Tornado es don sancho & hablo Alvar Fañez
Si vieredes gentes venir por convusco ir
Abad decildes que prendan el rastro & piensen de andar
390 Ca en yermo o en poblado podernos han alcanzar
Attending. Well the Abbot is aware
That he will gain a worthy recompense.
Don Sancho turned and Albarfanez spake:
"If folk ye should behold arrive who seek
To join us, Abbot, bid them take the trail
And forward haste, for may they overtake
Perchance in peopled place or desert land."

Soltaron las riendas piensan de andar
Cerca viene el plazo por el reino quitar
Vino mio Çid yacer a espinaz de can
Otro dia mañana piensa de cabalgar
395 Grandes gentes sele acogen esa noche de todas partes
They loose the reins, they think to spur ahead.
The time of grace to leave the kingdom ends.
My Cid within Spinar de Can sought rest.
At morn he thinks to march. Throughout the night
Full many joined him, folk from very hand.

ixiendose va de tierra el Campeador leal
De siniestro san esteban una buena ciudad
De diestro a lilon las tierras torres que moros las han
Paso por alcobiella que de castiella fin es ya
400 La calzada de quinea ibala traspasar
The loyal Campeador departs the land.
Upon the left Saint Stephen, goodly town;
To right Ayllon the Towers, held of Moors.
he Alcubilla passed, Castile′s extreme;
Quinea′s highway traversed, Duero crossed

Sobre navas de palos el duero va pasar
A la figueruela mio Çid iva posar
Vansele acogiendo gentes de todas partes
Y se echaba mio Çid despues que fue cenado
405 Y un sueño le priso dulce tan bien se adurmio
At Navapalos; came My Cid to rest
At Figueruela. People joined with him
On every side, and when My Cid had dined
he there reposed. A gentle dream o′ertook;
he slept profoundly. Then there came to him

El angel gabriel a el vino en sueño
Cabalgad Çid el buen Campeador ca nunca
En tan buen punto cabalgo varon
Mientra que visquieredes bien se fara lo to
410 Cuando desperto el Çid la cara se santiguo
Within his dream the Angel Gabriel:
"Good Cid the Campeador, thy charger mount,
For never rode a man in time so good.
Throughout thy life shall all thy deed be well."
And when the Cid awoke, upon his face

Siñaba la cara a dios se acomendo
Mucho era pagado del sueño que ha soñado
Otro dia mañana piensan de cabalgar
Ese dia ha de plazo sepades que no mas
415 A la sierra de miedes ellos iban posar
he made the sign of cross, and unto God
himself commended. Greatly he rejoiced
Upon the vision dreamed. And with the dawn
They think to spur, it is the day whereon
The time of grace hath end; and know `tis all.
At night they seek Miedes; mountain heights.

Aun era de dia no era puesto el sol
Mando ver sus gentes mio Çid el Campeador
Sin las peonadas & homnes valientes que son
Noto 300 lanzas que todas tienen pendones
420 Temprano dad cebada si el criador vos salve
Day rested still, not yet the sun had set.
My Cid the Campeador a full review
Of all his men commands. Not counting foot
And valiant soldiers present, beheld
Three hundred lances, each a pennant flies.
"At early hour the forage give, and so

El qui quisiere comer & y qui no cabalgue
Pasaremos la sierra que fiera es & grande
La tierra del Rey Alfonso esta noche la podemos quitar
Despues qui nos buscare fallarnos podra
425 De noche pasan la sierra venida es la manaña
Creator be your guard; let eat who will,
The rest to horse. The mountain wild and high
We now shall pass. The king Alfonso′s land
We may this night depart; thereafter those
Who seek us may discover." Through the night
They pass the mountain height. The dawn has come,

E por la loma ayuso piensan de andar
En medio de una montaña maravillosa & grande
Fizo mio Çid posar & cebada dar
Dixoles a todos como querie trasnochar
430 Vasallos tan buenos por corazon lo han
And down the slope they think to urge their way.
Upon a mountain marvelous and high
My Cid encamped and bade them forage give.
he told them all he wished to march the night;
Such worthy vassals heartily agree:

Mandado de so señor todo lo han a far
Ante que anochesca piensan de cabalgar
Por tal lo faze mio Çid que no lo ventase nadi
Andidieron de noche que vagar no se dan
435 O dicen castejon el que es sobre fenares
`Tis theirs to do their leader′s least behest.
Ere night hath come they think to mount their steeds.
So acts My Cid that none discover it.
They march by night, nor grant them aught of rest.
There lies a place upon Henares′ bank
Called Castejon, and there My Cid concealed

Mio Çid se echo en celada con aquellos que el trae
Toda la noche yace en celada el que en buen hora nacio
Como los consejaba minaya Alvar Fañez
Ya Çid en buen hora cinxiestes espada
440 Vos con 100 de aquesta nuestra compaña
himself and those he leads in ambuscade.
All night the one in hour propitious born
Within abused abode concealed.
Minaya Albarfanez counseled them:
"In hour propitious, Cid, didst gird thy sword;
keep you an hundred men of this our band,

Pues que a castejon sacaremos a celada
vos con los 200 idvos en algara alla vaya Alvar Alvarez
E Alvar Salvadorez sin falla & Galinde garcia una fardida
Lanza Caballeros buenos que acompañen a minaya
445 Aosadas corred que por miedo no dexedes nada
For Castejon we take by ambuscade.
I′ll lead the twice an hundred more a raid.
"Now Albar Albarez be one to go,
And Albar Salvadorez fail ye not;
Galin Garcia, hardy lance is he:
Good knights who bear Minaya company.
Leave nought through fear, but boldly sweep the land.

Fita ayuso & por guadalfajara fasta alcala llegen las algaras
E bien acojan todas las ganancias
Que por miedo de los moros no dexen nada
E yo con los 100 aqui fincare en la zaga
450 Terne yo castejon donde habremos grande empara
Guadalajara past, by Hita down,
And reach the raiders unto Alcala,
And all the booty let them gather well,
Nor leave behind them aught through fear of Moors.
At rear the hundred I will here retain;
Take Castejon where shelter great were ours.

Si cueta vos fuere alguna al algara
Facedme mandado muy privado a la zaga
Daqueste acorro hablara toda españa
Nombrados son los que iran en el algara
455 E los que con mio Çid fincaran en la zaga
Upon the raid if some mischance befall,
In haste, to rear, the news report to me;
With that relief the whole of Spain shall sound."
The men to go upon the raid are named,
And those who rest at rear beside My Cid.

Ya quiebran los albores & vinie la mañana
ixie el sol dios que fermoso apuntaba
En castejon todos se levantaban
Abren las puertas de fuera salto daban
460 Por ver sus labores & todas sus heredades
The dawn begins to break, and comes the day.
Uprose the sun-ah, God, how fair he shone!
In Castejon the people all arose,
The portals open, hasten they abroad
Their work and all possesion to attend.

Todos son exidos las puertas dexadas han abiertas
Con pocas de gentes que en castejon fincaron
Las gentes de fuera todas son derramadas
El Campeador salio de la celada corrie a castejon sin falla
465 Moros & moras habienlos de ganancia
Are all departed, wide the portals stand,
And few the folk that rest in Castejon.
Without the people all scattered wide.
Broke first from ambuscade the Campeador,
And, never halting, rushed on Castejon.
The Moors, the men and women, were their spoil,

E esos ganados cuantos enderredor andan
Mio Çid don rodrigo a la puerta adeliñaba
Los que la tienen cuando vieron la rebata
Hobieron miedo & fue desemparada
470 Mio Çid Ruy Diaz por las puertas entraba
And all the slocks that wander thereabout.
Sought straight the port My Cid Don Roderick.
When those who held it saw the swift attack,
They terror felt the gate unguarded stood.
My Cid Ruy Diaz passed the portal through.

En mano trae desnuda el espada
15 moros mataba de los que alcanzaba
Gano a castejon & el oro & e la plata
sus caballeros llegan con la ganancia
475 Dexanla a mio Çid todo esto no precia nada
Within his hand his naked sword he bore;
Fifteen the Moors he slew of those he reached.
he Castejon with gold and silver gained.
The booty bearing, now his knights arrive.
They leave My Cid the whole; he deems it nought.

Afevos los 203 en el algara
E sin duda corren fasta alcala llego la seña de minaya
E desi arriba tornanse con la ganancia
Fenares arriba & por guadalfajara
480 Tanto traen las grandes ganancias muchos & ganados
Behold the twice an hundred men and three
Upon the raid; unerringly they marched
To Alcala. Minaya′s standard came.
Thence turned they back with plunder to ascend
Henares; Guadalajar′s way they passed.
how very great the spoil they gather there

De ovejas & de vacas & de ropas & de otras riquezas largas
Derecha viene la seña de minaya
No osa ninguno dar salto a la zaga
Con aqueste haber tornanse esa compaña
485 Felos en castejon o el Campeador estaba
Of many herd of cattle, flocks of sheep,
And garments rich and other things of price.
Now straightway back Minaya′s banner comes,
Nor any dare assault upon the rear.
With booty such returned that company.
In Castejon, where was the Campeador,

El castiello dexo en su poder el Campeador cabalga
Saliolos recibir con esta su mesnada
Los brazos abiertos recibe a minaya
Venides Alvar Fañez una fardida lanza
490 Do yo vos enviase bien habria tal esperanza
Behold them now. The Campeador he left
The castle gained, and mounting, sallied forth
To welcome them with this his following
Minaya he receives with open arms:
"Now, Albarfanez, come, thou hardy lance,
Where′er I sent you had my hope been such.

Eso con esto sea ajuntado
Dovos la 5 si la quisieredes minaya
Mucho vos lo gradesco Campeador contado
Daquesta 5 que me habedes mandado
495 Pagarse ia della Alfonso el castellano
Let this be placed with that; I give to you,
Minaya, an it be your wish, the fifth."
"For this I thank you, Campeador renowned.
that fifth awarded unto me by you,
Alfonso the Castillian would esteem.

Yo vos la suelto & habello quitado
A dios lo prometo a aquel que esta en alto
Fasta que yo me pague sobre mio buen caballo
Lidiando con moros en el campo
500 Que emplee la lanza & al espada meta mano
I free it, holding you absolved of it.
To God I vow, the One who is on high,
That till I′m satisfied on my good steed,
In battling Moors upon the field of war,
Till lance I use and hold my sword in hand,

E por el codo ayuso la sangre destellando
Ante Ruy Diaz el lidiador contado
No prendre de vos cuanto vale un dinero malo
Pues que por mi ganaredes quesquier que sea de algo
505 Todo lo otro afelo en vuestra mano
The blood a dripping from the elbow down,
Before Ruy Diaz, man of battle famed,
I′ll not a bad dinero′s worth from you.
Now since through me you have some fortune gained,
For all the rest behold it in your hand."

Estas ganancias alli eran juntadas
Comidiose mio Çid el que en buen hora fue nado
Al Rey Alfonso que llegarien sus compañas
que le buscarie mal con todas sus mesnadas
510 Mando partir todo aqueste haber
Together then they gathered their spoils.
My Cid, in hour propitious born, bethought
That news would reach the king Alfonso′s ears
Of his campaigns; that would he seek to do
An evil unto him with all his force,
he bade division make of all that gain,

sus quiñoneros que gelos diesen por carta
sus caballeros ian arribanza
A cada uno dellos caen 100 marcos de plata
E a los peones la mitad sin falla
515 Toda la 5 a mio Çid fincaba
that each his part by written form receive.
his knights therein have share, and each receives
An hundred marks of silver. Those on foot
Do each the half of that unfailing gain.
A fifth complete My Cid received; but here

Aqui no lo pueden vender ni dar en presentaja
ni cautivos ni cautivas no quiso traer en su compaña
Hablo con los de castejon & envio a fita & aguadalfajara
Esta 5 por cuanto serie comprada
520 Aun de lo que diesen que hobiesen grande ganancia
They may not sell it now as gift bestow.
Yet would he not within his company
Or men or women captives bear with him.
With those of Castejon he parley held;
to Hita sent, and unto Guadalajara,
This fifth, for what it might be bought of him.
Whate′er the price they give, their gain were great.

Asmaron los moros 3000 marcos de plata
Plogo a mio Çid da questa presentaja
A tercer dia dados fueron sin falla
Asmo mio Çid con toda su compaña
525 Que en el castiello no y habrie morada
Three thousand marks of silver name the Moors.
That offer pleased My Cid. The third day gone,
`Twas surely paid. My Cid, with all his men,
Bethought he might within the castle find
No fitting resting place, that `twould be his,

E que serie retenedor mas no y habrie agua
Moros en paz ca escrita es la carta
Buscarnos ie el Rey Alfonso con toda su mesnada
Quitar quiero castejon oid escuelas & minaya
530 Lo que yo dixiere no lo tengades a mal
But water there was none. At peace he lay,
For write the covenant:"With all his force
Would seek us King Alfonso. Followers,
And you, Minaya, hear me: Castejon
I wish to leave - nor hold my words as ill.

En castejon no podriemos fincar
Cerca es el Rey Alfonso & buscarnos verna
Mas el castiello no lo quiero hermar
100 moros & 100 moras quiero las quitar
535 Por que lo prise dellos que de mi no digan mal
In Castejon we may not rest, for near
Is King Alfonso, searching will he come.
Yet would I not the castle desolate;
An hundred Moors of men and women each
I wish to free, that ill they name me not

Todos sodes pagados & ninguno no por pagar
Cras a la mañana pensemos de cabalgar
Con Alfonso mio señor no querria lidiar
Lo que dixo el Çid a todos los otros plaze
540 Del castiello que prisieron todos ricos se parten
Wherein I dispossessed them. Ye are all
Content, and none remain to satisfy.
At early dawn bethink to mount our steeds.
I seek no strife against my lord Alfonso."
What spake My Cid contented all the rest.
All leave enriched the castle gained by them.

Los moros & las moras bendiciendole estan
Vanse fenares arriba cuanto pueden andar
Trocen las alcarias & iban adelante
Por las cuevas de Anquita ellos pasando van
545 Pasaron las aguas entraron al campo de torancio
The Moorish men and women blessings shower.
At utmost speed Henares′ stream they mount,
And pass Alcarias, and onward urge,
Past caverns of Anquita, waters cross,
And strike upon the field Torancio.

Por esas tierras ayuso cuanto pueden andar
Entre fariza & cetina mio Çid iba albergar
Grandes son las ganancias que priso por la tierra do va
No lo saben los moros el ardimente que han
550 Otro dia moviose mio Çid el de Vivar
In greatest haste descending, pass they through
These lands. Between Ariza and Cetina
My Cid encamped. The plunder great he took
Form lands he passed. Nor comprehend the Moors
Their boldness. When the morrow came My Cid,
he of Bivar, set forth and passed him by

E paso a alfama la foz ayuso va
Paso a bovierca & a Teca que es adelante
E sobre alcocer mio Çid iba posar
En un otero redondo fuerte & grande
555 Acerca corre salon agua no le pueden vedar
Alhama, marched adown the course of Foz,
By Boubierca passed, Ateca town
That lies beyond, and near to Alcocer
My Cid encamped, upon a rounded hill
Most high and strong. At hand Zalon doth course;
May none forbid him water. hath in mind

Mio Çid don rodrigo alcocer cuida ganar
Bien puebla el otero firme prende las posadas
Los unos contra la sierra & los otros contra la agua
El buen Campeador que en buen hora nacio
560 Derredor del otero bien cerca del agua
My Cid Don Roderick to take the won
Of Alcocer. he strongly manned the hill,
Positions firm he took, and toward the heights
Faced one, the other looked upon the stream.
Around about the hill and close upon
The water, did the worthy Campeador -
In hour propitious born - a ditch command

A todos sus varones mando fazer una carcaba
Que de dia ni de noche no les diesen arrebata
Que sopiesen que mio Çid alli habie fincanza
Por todas esas tierras iban los mandados
565 Que el Campeador mio Çid alli habie poblado
That all his men
Might no assault be made, and be it known
That there My Cid had taken fired abode.
Through all these lands the news was borne along:

Venido es a moros exido es de cristianos
En la su vecindad no se treven ganar tanto
Aguardandose va mio Çid con todos sus vasallos
El castiello de alcocer en paria va entrando
570 Los de alcocer a mio Çid ya le dan parias de grado
how Campeador My Cid had manned the place.
he leaves the Christians, unto Moors he comes.
With him at hand they little profit hope.
On guard My Cid with all his vassals lies.
The castle Alcocer of tribute treats.
Of Alcocer the people gladly grant
My Cid the tribute, so Ateca′s folk

A los de teca & los de teruel la casa
A los de calatayud sabed mal les pesaba
Alli yogo mio Çid cumplidas 15 semanas
Cuando vio mio Çid que alcocer no sele daba
575 El fizo un arte & no lo detardaba
And those within the city Tereul.
Deep, know ye, doth it grieve Calatayud.
There lay My Cid for fifteen weeks entire.
My Cid, when he beheld that Alcocer
Surrendered not, a stratagem conceived,
Nor made delay. A single tent erect

Dexa una tienda fita & las otras llevaba
Cogio salon ayuso la su seña alzada
Las lorigas vestidas & cintas las espadas
A guisa de menbrado por sacarlos a celada
580 Veienlo los de alcocer dios como se alababan
he left, and all the others bore away.
Adown Jalon he marched, his banner raised.
They wore cuirasses, girded were their swords.
he shrewdly marched to tempt to ambuscade.
The men of Alcocer beheld the thing.
God! how they did among themselves rejoice!

Fallido ha a mio Çid el pan & la cebada
Las otras abes lleva una tienda ha dexada
De guisa va mio Çid como si escapase de arrancada
Demos salto a el & feremos gran ganancia
585 Antes que le prendan los de terrer si no no nos daran den nada
"My Cid of bread and forage stands in need;
he left a tent, be scarce the rest could bear
My Cid departs as though from rout he fled.
Now let us fall upon him, great our spoil,
Ere those of Tereul shall capture him,
For else they will not give us aught of it

La paria que el ha presa tornarnosla ha doblada
Salieron de alcocer a una priesa mucho estraña
Mio Çid cuando los vio fuera cogiose como de arrancada
Cogiose salon ayuso con los sus a vuelta nadi
590 Dicen los de alcocer ya se nos va la ganancia
The tribute taken shall be twice return."
With strangest haste they rushed from Alcocer.
And when My Cid perceived they were without,
he fled as though form rout and turned him down
Jalon, now any came against his force.
Cried those of Alcocer: "Our spoil escape!"

Los grandes & los chicos fuera salto dan
Al sabor del prender de lo al no piensan nada
Abiertas dexan las puertas que ninguno no las guarda
El buen Campeador la su cara tornaba
595 Vio que entrellos & el castiello mucho habie grande plaza
They rush, both great and small, without the place,
With wish of taking, nought considered else;
They leave the portals wide with none to guard.
he turned his face the worthy Campeador,
And saw between the castle and themselves

Mando tornar la seña a priesa espoloneaban
Feridlos caballeros todos sin dudanza
Con la merced del criador nuestra es la ganancia
Vueltos son con ellos por medio de la lana
600 Dios que bueno es el gozo por aquesta mañana
The space was great. The banner bade he turn.
In haste they spur′d. "Now surely strike them, knights!"
By grace of the Creator, ours the spoil."
They turned across the plain at midst with them.
Ah God, that morn how great the joy! Ahead

Mio Çid & Alvar Fañez adelante aguijaban
Tienen buenos caballos sabed a su guisa les andan
Entrellos & el castiello en eshora entraban
Los vasallos de mio Çid sin piedad les daban
605 En una hora & un poco de logar 300 moros matan
My Cid and Albarfanez spurred. Be sure
Their steeds are good, and to their guise they go.
Thereon, between the castle came and them.
My Cid′s attendants struck, nor mercy gave.
In little o′er an hour of time they killed

Dando grandes alaridos los que estan en la celada
Dexando vanlos delante por el castiello se tornaban
Las espadas desnudas a la puerta se paraban
Luego llegaban los sus ca fecha es el arrancada
610 Mio Çid gano a alcocer sabed por esta maña
Three hundred Moors, while those who were within
The ambuscade began to cry aloud.
They see the castle, leaving those ahead,
With naked swords, before the portal stopped.
Full soon their men arrived, the rout is done.
And know, My Cid hath Alcocer obtained

Vino Pero Vermudez que la seña tiene en mano
Metiola en somo en todo lo mas alto
Hablo mio Çid Ruy Diaz el que en buen hora fue nado
Grado a dios del cielo & a todos los sus santos
615 Ya mejoraremos posadas a dueños & a caballos
By this device. Pero Vermudez came;
he bore in hand the banner, raised it high
All else above. My Cid Ruy Diaz spake,
Who was upon an hour propitious born:
"Be thanks to God of heaven and all his saints!
Now horse and man shall better lodgment gain.

Oid a mi Alvar Fañez & todos los caballeros
En este castiello grande haber habemos preso
Los moros yacen muertos de vivos pocos veo
Los moros & las moras vender no los podremos
620 Que los descabecemos nada no ganaremos
Attend me, Albarfanez; all the knights,
Attend. The wealth we gained is very great
Within this castle. Dead the Moors are stretched;
Of living few I see. We may not sell
The Moors, or men or women, now would aught
Be ours of gain and we beheaded them.

Cojamoslos de dentro ca el señorio tenemos
Posaremos en sus casas & dellos nos serviremos
Mio Çid con esta ganancia en alcocer esta
Fizo enviar por la tienda que dexara alla
625 Mucho pesa a los de teca & a los de teruel no plaze
Shut them within, for we are masters here;
Command their service, in their houses dwell."
This booty held in Alcocer My Cid;
he sent to bring the tent they left behind.
Most heavy grief Ateca′s folk oppressed,
And those of Tereul joyed not of it,

E a los de calatayud no plaze
Al Rey de Valencia enviaron con mensaje
Que a uno que dicien mio Çid Ruy Diaz de Vivar
Airolo el Rey Alfonso de tierra echado lo ha
630 Vino posar sobre alcocer en un tan fuerte logar
Nor those within Calatayud were pleased.
A message to Valencia′s king they sent:
"One called My Cid Ruy Diaz of Bivar -
The king Alfonso hates and eriled him -
he camped within a place a greatest strength
O′er Alcocer, and drew the people forth

Sacolos a celada el castiello ganado ha
Si no das consejo a teca & a teruel perderas
Perderas calatayud que no puede escapar
ribera de salon toda ira a mal
635 Asi fera lo de siloca que es del otra parte
To ambuscade, and hath the castle gained.
Ye shall Ateca lose and Tereul,
An ye supply no aid; and shall ye lose
Calatayud, which never may escape;
Beside Jalon shall all to evil go;
And such befall Jiloca′s land, which lies
Upon the other hand." When this he heard

Cuando lo oyo el Rey tamin por cuer le peso mal
Tres Reyes veo de moros derredor de mi estar
No lo detardedes los dos id pora alla
3000 moros llevedes con armas de lidiar
640 Con los de la frontera que vos ayudaran
king Tamin sore was grieved: "Three Moorish kings
I see about me; make ye no delay,
But thither hasten two and bear with you
Three thousand Moors for battle armed, with those
Who will upon the borders give you aid.

Prendedmelo a vida aducidmelo delante
Por que seme entro en mi tierra derecho me habra a dar
3000 moros cabalgan & piensan de andar
Ellos vinieron a la noche en sogorbe posar
645 Otro dia mañana piensan de cabalgar
Take him alive and here before me bring;
For entering lands of mine shall requite."
There mount three thousand Moors and think to march;
That night Segorbe gained to make their camp.
On other day at morn bethink to ride.

Vinieron a la noche a celfa posar
Por los de la frontera piensan de enviar
No lo detienen vienen de todas partes
Ixieron de celfa la que dicen de canal
650 Andidieron todo el dia que vagar no se dan
At night they unto Celfa came to camp.
They mind to send and seek the border folk.
Delay they not, but come form every hand.
They leave the town called Celfa of Canal;
Throughout the day′s ertent, nor resting, marched.

Vinieron esa noche en calatayud posar
Por todas esas tierras los pregones dan
Gentes se ajuntaron sobejanas & de grandes
Con aquestos dos Reyes que dicen Fariz & galve
655 Al bueno de mio Çid en alcocer le van cercar
Calatayud they reached that night to camp.
Through all these lands the heralds make their way.
In numbers great the folk together came.
With those two kings they Galba name and Faris
They go to siege My Cid the good within
The town of Alcocer. They fired the tents

Fincaron las tiendas & prenden las posadas
Crecen estos virtos ca gentes son sobejanas
Las arobdas que los moros sacan de dia
E de noche envueltos andan en armas
660 Muchas son las arobdas & grande es el almofalla
And their positions took. These forced grow,
For many are the folk. In arms are clad
By night and day the guards the Moors have set.
These guards are many, very great the host;
Already they deprive of water those

A los de mio Çid ya les tuellen el agua
Mesnadas de mio Çid exir querien a la batalla
El que en buen hora nacio firme gelo vedaba
Tovierongela en cerca cumplidas 3 semanas
665 A cabo de 3 semanas la 4 querie entrar
Who serve My Cid. The force My Cid commands
Would seek the fight, but firmly that forbade
The one upon an hour propitious born.
Three weeks in full they held the place besieged.
Now three weeks having passed, the fourth at hand,

Mio Çid con los sus tornose a acordar
El agua nos han vedada exirnos ha el pan
Que nos queramos ir de noche no nos lo consintran
Grandes son los poderes por con ellos lidiar
670 Decidme caballeros como vos plaze de far
My Cid anew his men in council took:
"The water have they turned away from us;
We bread shall need; and should we seek to go
Away by night, they′d not consent to it.
To fight them are their forces very great.
Bow tell me, knights, what have ye mind to do?"

Primero hablo minaya un caballero de prestar
De castiella la gentil exidos somos aca
Si con moros no lidiaremos no nos daran del pan
Bien somos nos 600 algunos hay de mas
675 En el nombre del criador que no pase por al
First spake Minaya, knight of honor he;
"We left Castile the noble, hither came.
If Moors we fight not, bread they′ll give us none.
Sir hundred full are we and some beyond.
In name of the Creator, may it ne′er

Vayamos los ferir en aquel dia de cras
Dixo el Campeador a mi guisa hablastes
Hondrastes vos minaya ca habervoslo iedes de far
Todos los moros & las moras de fuera los manda echar
680 Que no sopiese ninguno esta su poridad
Pass otherwise, but let us forth to strike
Upon the morrow." Said the Campeador:
"Didst speak my guise, Minaya, thou hast done
Thyself an honor, and shall further do."
The men and women Moors he bade expel,
That one might this their secret come to know.

El dia & la noche piensanse de adobar
Otro dia mañana el sol querie a puntar
Armado es mio Çid con cuantos que el ha
Hablaba mio Çid como odredes contar
685 Todos iscamos fuera que nadi no raste
That day and night they preparation make.
Another morn the sun his rays revealed,
My Cid and all the men he hath are armed.
As shall ye hear related spake My Cid:
"All go we forth, nor any man remain,

Sino dos peones solos por la puerta guardar
Si nos murieremos en campo en castiello nos entraran
Si vencieremos la batalla creceremos en rictad
E vos Pero Vermudez la mi seña tomad
690 Como sodes muy bueno tenerla edes sin arte
Save only two on foot to guard the port;
And if on field we die, they sepulcher
Will grant within the castle. If we gain
The battle, we in riches will increase.
But Vermudez, you my standard take;
As brave ye be, so will ye hear it well.

Mas no aguijedes con ella si yo no voslo mandar
Al Çid beso la mano la seña va tomar
Abrieron las puertas fuera un salto dan
Vieronlo las arobdas de los moros al almofalla se van tornar
695 Que priesa va en los moros e tornaronse a armar
But, lest I order, spur not on with it.:
he kissed the Cid upon the hand and took
The standard. Then they flung the portals wide
And rushed without. The Moorish guards beheld,
And turned them toward the host. What haste was now
Among the Moors. They sought to arm themselves.

Ante roido de atamores la tierra querie quebrar
Veriedes armarse moros apriesa entrar en az
De parte de los moros dos señas ha caudales
E fizieron dos aces de peones mezclados qui los podrie contar
700 Las aces de los moros ya se mueven adelante
It seemed as though the very earth would split
Beneath the sound of drums. Ye had beheld
Moors arming, swiftly entering into line.
Two standards great among the Moors were raised.
Two battle lines they formed of mingled foot -
What man could count them? Now the Moorish lines

Pora mio Çid & a los sus a manos los tomar
Quedas sed mesnadas aqui en este logar
No derranche ninguno fasta que yo lo mande
Aquel Pero Vermudez no lo pudo endurar
705 La seña tiene en mano compezo de espolonear
Advance to meet My Cid and followers
In hand-to-hand encounter: "Rest ye still,
My men, within this place; none leave the lines
Until I did." But this could not endure
But Vermudez; grasps within his hand
The standard, spurs thereon began to drive:

El criador vos vala Çid Campeador leal
Voy meter la vuestra seña en aquella mayor az
Los que el deudo habedes veremos como la acorredes
Dixo el Campeador no sea por caridad
710 Respuso Pero Vermudez no rastara por al
"Creator, guard, Cid Campeador the true!
I go to set your standard there within
That greater line of battle. We shall see
how ye whose duty ′tis shall rescue it."
Then cried the Campeador: "For charity,
Be it not so!" "It shall not otherwise!"
But Vermudez cried, and spurred his horse,

Espoloneo el caballo e metiole en el mayor az
Moros le reciben por la seña ganar
Dan le grandes colpes mas no le pueden falsar
Dixo el Campeador valelde por caridad
715 Embrazan los escudos delante los corazones
And placed it mid the greater line. The Moors,
To gain the standard, welcome him, and deal
Upon him mighty blows, but may not shake.
Cried out the Campeador: "For charity,
Aid lend him!" Shields they grasp before their breasts,

Abaxan las lanzas a vueltas de los pendones
Enclinaron las caras de suso de los arzones
Ibanlos ferir de fuertes corazones
A grandes voces llama el que en buen hora nacio
720 Feridlos caballeros por amor de caridad
They drop their lances low, with pennons decked,
Their faces bend above their saddle-bows;
With valiant hearts they go to strike their foes.
he born in hour propitious cried aloud:
"Now strike them, knights, for love of charity -

Yo soy Ruy Diaz el Çid Campeador de Vivar
Todos fieren en el az do esta Pero Vermudez
300 lanzas son todas tienen pendones
Seños moros mataron todos de seños colpes
725 A la tornada que fazen otros tantos son
Ruy Diaz, I, Bivar′s Cid Campeador!"
They all direct attack upon the line
Where now Pero Vermudez may be found.
Three hundred lances pennanted are they.
Each slew a Moor upon a single stroke,
And at return the number is the same,

Veriedes tantas lanzas premer & alzar
Tanta adagara foradar & pasar
Tanta loriga falsa desmanchar
Tantos pendones blancos salir bermejos en sangre
730 Tantos buenos caballos sin sus dueños andar
how many lanced had ye there beheld
To rise and fall; how many shields transfired
Or pierced, cuirasses broken, pennons white
All red with blood emerge what noble steeds
Without their riders go! The Moors invoke

Los moros llaman mahoma & los cristianos santiago
Caien en un poco de logar moros muertos 1300 ya
Cual lidia bien sobre exorado arzon
Mio Çid Ruy Diaz el buen lidiador
735 Minaya Alvar Fañez que Zorita mando
Muhammad, while the Christians call Saint James.
A thousand and three hundred Moors are killed
Within a little space. how worthily,
Upon his golden saddle-bow, did there
My Cid Ruy Diaz, man of battle, fight!
Minaya Albarfanez, who did lord

Martin Antolinez el burgales de pro
Muño Gustioz que fue su criado
Martin muñoz el que mando a monte mayor
Albar Alvarez & Alvar Salvadorez
740 Galinde Garcia el bueno de aragon
Zurita; Martin Antolinez, too,
The Burgos worthy; Muno Gustioz,
Whom he hath raised; Martin Munoz, who ruled
At Mont Mayor; and Albar Albarez,
And Albar Salvadorez, and beside
The good Galin Garcia of Aragon;

Felez Muñoz su sobrino del Campeador
Desi adelante cuantos que y son
Acorren la seña & a mio Çid el Campeador
A Minaya Alvar Fañez mataronle el caballo
745 Bien lo acorren mesnadas de cristianos
The nephew of the Campeador was there,
Felez Munoz, and all the rest defend
The standard of My Cid the Campeador,
The horse Minaya Albarfanez rides
They slay; the Christian forces aid him well.

La lanza ha quebrada al espada metio mano
Maguer de pie buenos colpes va dando
Violo mio Çid Ruy Diaz el castellano
Acostose a un aguacil que tenie buen caballo
750 Diole tal espadada con el su diestro brazo
With broken lance, he layeth hand on sword;
Although afoot, he dealeth sturdy blows.
That saw My Cid, Ruy Diaz of Castile,
he neared an alquacil whose horse was good,
And such right-handed blow of sword he dealt,

Cortolo por la cintura el medio echo en campo
A Minaya Alvar Fañez ibale dar el caballo
Cabalgad Minaya vos sodes el mio diestro brazo
Oid en este dia de vos habre grande bando
755 Firmes son los moros aun no se van del campo
Through waist he cut and cast him down. Thereon
Minaya Albarfanez, to bestow
The steed, he sought: "Minaya, mount, thou art
Right hand of mine, and shall I gain this day
Great power through you." The Moors with firmness

Cabalgo minaya el espada en la mano
Por estas fuerzas fuerte mientre lidiando
A los que alcanza valos delibrando
Mio Çid Ruy Diaz el que en buen hora nacio
760 Al Rey Fariz 3 colpes le habie dado
Nor yet the field desert. Minaya then
Did mount the horse, his sword within his hand.
Engaging ′midst these forces battle fierce
he goeth slaying all within his reach.
My Cid Ruy Diaz, who was born upon
An hour propitious, smote King Faris thrice.

Los dos le fallen & el uno le ha tomado
Por la loriga ayuso la sangre destellado
Volvio la rienda por irsele del campo
Por aquel colpe rancado es el fonsado
765 Martin Antolinez un colpe dio a galve
Twice failed his blows, the third hath taken him.
Adown his mail the trickling blood descends,
Aside he drew the reins to fly the field.
That blow hath cast the army into rout.
Once Martin Antolinez Galva smote,

Las carbonclas del yelmo echogelas aparte
Cortole el yelmo que llego a la carne
Sabed el otro no gelo oso esperar
Arrancado es el Rey Fariz & galve
770 Tan buen dia por la cristiandad
And dashed the carbuncles form out his helm.
he burst the helm apart and reached the flesh.
And, know ye, dares the other not attend.
king Faris and King Galva are o′erthrown.
What day auspicious for Christianity!

Ca fuyen los moros de la parte
Los de mio Çid firiendo en alcance
El Rey Fariz en teruel se fue entrar
E a galve no lo cogieron alla
775 Para calatayud cuanto puede se va
For thence the Moors are flying. Those who serve
My Cid, pursuing, shower blows on them.
In Tereul king Faris refuge found.
But welcome none they gave to Galva there.
Calatayud he sought in greatest haste.

El Campeador iba le en alcance
Fasta calatayud duro el segudar
A Minaya Alvar Fañez bien le anda el caballo
Daquestos moros mato 34
780 Espada tajador sangriento trae el brazo
The Campeador pursued, the chase endured
As far as Calatayud. Now swiftly sped
The steed Minaya Albarfanez rode.
Among the Moors he thirty-four dispatched.
Blade trenchant, stained with blood his arm, and blood

Por el codo ayuso la sangre destellando
Dice Minaya agora soy pagado
Que a castiella iran buenos mandados
Que mio Çid Ruy Diaz lid campal ha vencida
785 Tantos moros yacen muertos que pocos vivos ha dexados
From elbow dripping down! Minaya speaks:
"Now please am I that tidings good will reach
Castile, how hath My Cid a battle gained
In open field." So many Moors lie dead
That there remain but few of them alive.
For while upon pursuit they never failed

Ca en alcance sin duda les fueron dando
Ya se tornan los del que en buen hora nacio
Andaba mio Çid sobre su buen caballo
La cofia froncida dios como es bien barbado
790 Almofar a cuestas la espada en la mano
To deal them blows. Now turn the men who serve
The one who on propitious hour was born.
On sped My Cid upon his goodly steed,
Camail released, Ah God, how bearded he!
his hood upon his back, his sword in hand.

Vio los sus como se van allegando
Grado a dios aquel que esta en alto
Cuando tal batalla habemos arrancado
Esta albergada los de mio Çid luego la han robada
795 De escudos & de armas & de otros haberes largos
Beheld he how his men together drew:
"Be thanks to God, the One is who is on high,
Since we have gained a battle such as this!"
Who serve My Cid they pillaged soon that camp,
Shields, arms, and much of other wealth was there.

de los moriscos cuando son llegados fallaron 510 caballos
Gran alegria va entre esos cristianos
Mas de 15 de los sus menos no fallaron
Traen oro & plata que no saben recaudo
800 refechos son todos esos cristianos con aquesta ganancia
When backed they turned from ′mongst the Moors, they
Five hundred steeds and ten. The joy was great found
Among the Christians. Not above the fifteen
They found their loss of men. They bring such gold
And silver, know they not the sum of it.
That spoil hath all these Christian folk enriched.

A sus castiellos a los moros dentro los han tornados
Mando mio Çid aun que les diesen algo
Grande a el gozo mio Çid con todos sus vasallos
Dio a partir estos dineros & estos haberes largos
805 En la su 5 al Çid caen 100 caballos
Within their castles drove they back the Moors.
My Cid commanded something given them.
high joy My Cid and all his vassals knew.
he bade divide that coin and plunder the great.
There fell the Cid, within his portioned fifth,

Dios que bien pago a todos sus vasallos
A los peones & a los encabalgados
Bien lo a guisa el que en buen hora nacio
Cuantos el trae todos son pagados
810 Oid Minaya sodes mio diestro brazo
An hundred horses. God, how well he pleased
his vassals al, both foot and mounted men!
Well planned it he on hour propitious born,
Content is every man who follows him.
"Minaya, hark, thou art mine own right arm:

Daquesta riqueza que el criador nos ha dado
A vuestra guisa prended con vuestra mano
Enviar vos quiero a castiella con mandado
Desta batalla que habemos arrancada
815 Al Rey Alfonso que me ha airado
Of all his wealth Creator gave to us
Take whatsoe′er thou list within thy hand.
With message would I send you to Castile
Concerning this engagement won by us,
To king Alfonso who is wroth with me.

Quierole enviar en don 30 caballos
Todos con siellas & muy bien enfrenados
Señas espadas de los arzones colgadas
Dixo Minaya Alvar Fañez esto fare yo de grado
820 Evades aqui oro & plata una huesa llena
I wish to send him thirty steeds as gift,
With saddles all and reins of fair design,
And fast to every saddle-bow a sword.:
Minaya Albarfanez said: "With joy
Will I think thing accomplish." "Look, a purse
Of gold and silver full" - that nought he lack -

Que nada no le menguaba
En santa maria de Burgos quitedes 1000 misas
Lo que remaneciere daldo a mi mugier & a mis fijas
Que rueguen por mi las noches & los dias
825 Si les yo visquier seran dueñas ricas
"Within Saint Mary′s church of Burgos town
A thousand masses pay and what remains
My Wife and daughters give, and may their prayers
In my behalf he uttered night and day.
Rich ladies they, an I survive to them."

Minaya Alvar Fañez desto es pagado por ir con el homnes son contados
Agora daban cebada ya la noche era entrada
Mio Çid Ruy Diaz con los sus se acordaba
Ides vos Minaya a castiella la gentil
830 A nuestros amigos bien les podedes decir
Minaya Albarfanez joys of this,
And those are names who shall accompany him.
Thereon they gave the barley, now the night
had come. My Cid Ruy Diaz counsel took
Among his people. "You, Minaya, go
Castile the noble seek. And well you may

Dios nos valio & venciemos la lid
A la tornada si nos fallaredes aqui
Si no do sopieredes que somos indos conseguir
Por lanzas & por espadas habemos de guarir
835 Si no en esta tierra angosta no podriemos vivir
Address our friends: assistance God hath lent
And we the battle gained. Returning, here
You shall discover us; if not, pursue
Where′er you learn our resting place may be.
By lance and sword subsistence must we gain,
Nor else survive within this barren land."

Ya es aguisado mañana se fue minaya
E el Campeador con su mesnada
La tierra es angosta & sobejana de mala
Todos los dias a mio Çid aguardaban
840 Moros de las fronteras & unas gentes estrañas
Now all is set, at dawn Minaya goes,
And rests the Campeador among his men.
A very evil land and barren this.
The frontier Moors and certain stranger folk
keep watch throughout these days upon My Cid.
king Faris cured, they counsel held with him.

Sano el Rey Fariz con el se consejaban
Entre los de teca & los de teruel la casa
E los de calatayud que es mas honrada
Asi lo han asmado & metudo en carta
845 Vendido les ha alcocer por 3000 marcos de plata
Between Ateca′s folk and those who dwell
In Tereul the city, likewise those
Within Calatayud, the greater place,
It thus was planned and into writing framed:
To these, for thrice a thousand silver marks,
he Alcocer hath sold. To Alcocer

Mio Çid Ruy Diaz a Alcocer es venido
Que bien pago a sus vasallos mismos
A caballeros & a peones fechoslos ha ricos
En todos los sus no fallariedes un mesquino
850 Qui a buen señor sirve siempre vive en delicio
My Cid Ruy Diaz came. how well he pleased
his vassals - both the horse and foot enriched!
′Mong all his men not one in need was found.
Lives aye in joy who serves a worthy lord!

Cuando mio Çid el castiello quiso quitar
Moros & moras tomaronse a quexar
Vaste mio Çid nuestras oraciones vayante delante
Nos pagados fincados señor de la tu parte
855 Cuando quito ha alcocer mio Çid el de Vivar
When now My Cid the castle sought to leave
The Moorish men and women made complaint:
"My Cid, thou partest, go our prayers before!
We rest contented, Sire, with all thine acts."
When went away My Cid, he of Bivar,
Form Alcocer; a weeping fell the Moors,

Moros & moras compezaron de llorar
Alzo su seña el Campeador se va
Paso salon ayuso aguijo caba delante
Al exir de salon mucho hobo buenas aves
860 Plogo a los de terrer & a los de calatayud mas
Both men and women folk. he raised aloft
his banner; now departs the Campeador,
he crossed adown Jalon and onward spurred.
The omens, when they left Jalon, were fair.
Content threat were those of Tereul.
Within Calatayud they more were pleased,

Peso a los de alcocer ca pro les fazie grande
Aguijo mio Çid ibase caba delante
Y finco en un poyo que es sobre monte real
Alto es el poyo maravilloso & grande
865 No teme guerra sabed a nulla parte
It sore oppressed the folk of Alcocer,
for much of good had he on them bestowed.
Set spurs My Cid and forward straight advanced,
Encamped upon a hill o′er Monreal.
The hill is high and marvelous and great;
Attack he feareth not on any hand.

Metio en paria a doroca en antes
Desi a molina que es de la otra parte
La tercera teruel que estaba delante
En su mano tenie a celfa la de canal
870 Mio Çid Ruy Diaz de dios haya su gracia
Daroca town which lies before he placed
Beneath his tribute, thus Molina nert.
Which stands upon the other hand, and third
The town of Tereul which was before;
held Celfa de Canal within his hand.
My Cid Ruy Diaz grace receive of god!

Ido es a castiella Alvar Fañez minaya
30 caballos al Rey los empresentaba
Violos el Rey fermoso sonrrisaba
Qui me los dio estos si vos vala dios Minaya
875 Mio Çid Ruy Diaz que en buen hora cinxo espada
Minaya Albarfanez to Castile
hath gone; the thirty steeds he gave the king.
The king beheld him, fair he smiled: "May God,
Minaya, guard you, who hath given these?"
"My Cid Ruy Diaz, who, upon an hour

Vencio dos Reyes de moros en aquesta batalla
Sobejana es señor la su ganancia
A vos Rey honrado envia esta presentaja
Besavos los pies & las manos amas
880 que le hayades merced si el criador vos vala
Propitious girt his sword; within that fight
Two Moorish kings o′ercame. his booty, Sire
Is great. To you, the honored king, he sent
This gift; he kisses both your feet and hands.
Creator guards you, mercy grant you to him."

Dixo el Rey mucho es mañana
homne airado que de señor no ha gracia
Por acogello a cabo de 3 semanas
Mas despues que de moros fue prendo esta presentaja
885 Aun me plaze de mio Çid que fizo tal ganancia
The king replied: "Tis very soon to take,
But three weeks gone, a man in anger held,
Who grace of lord hath none; but since from Moors
I will accept this present; pleased am I
Wherein My Cid so great a spoil secured.

Sobre esto todo a vos quito minaya
Honores & tierras habellas condonadas
Id & venid daqui vos do mi gracia
Mas del Çid Campeador yo no vos digo nada
890 Sobre aquesto todo decirvos quiero minaya
Beside, I free, Minaya, all to you,
Your fiefs and lands released receive again.
Depart or come, I grant you hence my grace,
But say you nought of Cid the Campeador.
Beyond all this, Minaya, would I say

De todo mio reino los que lo quisieren far
Buenos & valientes pora mio Çid uyar
Sueltoles los cuerpos & quito es las heredades
Besole las manos minaya Alvar Fañez
895 Grado & gracias Rey como a señor natural
That those throughout my kingdom who desire -
Good men and brave - to aid My Cid, I free
Their persons and their heritages leave."
Minaya Albarfanez kissed his hands:
"Thanks, king, and gratitude I render you,
As unto natural liege; thy present act

Esto feches agora al feredes adelante
Id por castiella & dexenvos andar minaya
Si nulla duda id a mio Çid buscar ganancia
Quiero vos decir del que en buen hora nacio & cinxo espada
900 Aquel poyo en el priso posada
Is thus, but wilt thou otherwise anon."
"Now through Castile, Minaya, go and let
Your passage all permit, nor fear assail,
But go to join My Cid to seek for spoil."
I wish to tell you what befell the man
Who on propitious hour was born and girt
his sword. that hill whereon he made his camp,

Mientra que sea el pueblo de moros & de la gente cristiana
El poyo de mio Çid asi le diran por carta
Estando alli mucha y tierra preaba
El de rio martin todo lo metio en paria
905 A Zaragoza sus nuevas llegaban
While it be held of Moors or Christian folk,
hill of My Cid in writing shall be named.
While there, his conquests spread on every hand,
All River Martin′s land ′neath tribute laid.
To Zaragoza word of hi was borne.

No plaze a los moros firme mientre les pesaba
Alli sovo mio Çid cumplidas 15 semanas
Cuando vio el caboso que se tardaba minaya
Con todas sus gentes fizo una trasnochada
910 Dexo el poyo todo lo desemparaba
Nor did it please the Moors but sore distressed.
Full fifteen weeks My Cid abode thereon.
When saw the worthy one Minaya stayed,
A march he made by night with all his men,
The hill deserted - quite abandoned it.

Allende teruel don rodrigo pasaba
En el pinar de tevar don ruy diaz posaba
Todas esas tierras todas las preaba
A Zaragoza metuda la ha en paria
915 Cuando esto fecho hobo a cabo de 3 semanas
don Roderick passed upon the other side
Of Tereul; and Don Ruy Diaz camped
In Tebar′s wood of pines, and all these lands
he quite subdued and Zaragoza laid
Neath tribute. When he had accomplished that

De castiella venido es minaya
200 con el que todos ciñen espadas
No son en cuenta sabed las peonadas
Cuando vio mio Çid asomar a minaya
920 El caballo corriendo valo abrazar sin falla
And three weeks passes, Minaya from Castile
returned. Two hundred armed with swords he brought,
And know, ye might not count the infantry!
Now when my Cid beheld Minaya come
he rode in haste to welcome him, and kissed

Besole la boca & los ojos de la cara
Todo gelo dice que no le encubre nada
El Campeador fermoso sonrisaba
Grado a Dios & a las sus vertudes santas
925 Mientra vos visquieredes bien me ira a mi minaya
his mouth and eyes. Minaya told him all
Nor did he anything conceal form him.
fair smiled the Campeador: "My praise to god,
And all his holy virtues; while, Minaya,
Thou livest all with me were fortunate!"

Dios como fue alegre todo aquel fonsado
Que minaya Alvar Fañez asi era llegado
Diciendoles saludes de primos & de hermanos
E de sus compañas aquellas que habien dexadas
930 Dios como es alegre la barba bellida
God, how the joy throughout that army ran,
Since thus Minaya Albarfanez came,
From those among their comrades left behind,
And cousins, brothers, bearing messages!
And God, how Noble Beard rejoice of it!

Que Alvar Fañez pago las 1000 misas
E que le dixo saludes de su mugier & de sus fijas
Dios como fue el Çid pagado & fizoizo gran alegria
Ya Alvar Fañez vivades muchos dias
935 No lo tardo el que en buen hora nacio
For Abarfanez had acquitted him
The thousand masses, bringing word form both
his wife and daughters. God, how pleased the Cid,
And great the demonstration of his joy!
"Now, Albarfanez may your days be long!"
he, born on hour propitious, tarried not.

Tierras de alcance negras las va parando
E aderredor todo lo va preando
Al tercer dia don ixo y es tornado
Ya va el mandado por las tierras todas
940 Pesando va a los de monzon & a los de huesca
Black lands of Alcaniz be, conquering passed,
And all about beneath his tribute laid.
Three days from starting came he there again.
And now, through all the land, the message goes.
It grieved the folk of Huesca and Monzon.

Por que dan parias plaze a los de Zaragoza
De mio Çid Ruy Diaz que no temien ninguna fonta
Con estas ganancias a la posada tornando se van
Todos son alegres ganancias traen grandes
945 Plogo a mio Çid & mucho a Alvar Fañez
The folk of Zaragoza joyed because
They tribute give. In these My Cid Ruy Diaz
No dread of harm inspires. To camp they turn,
This plunder bearing. Joyous are they all,
The spoil they hear is great. It pleased My Cid
And Albarfanez greatly. Then he smiled.

Sonrrisose el caboso que no lo pudo endurar
Ya caballeros decirvos he la verdad
Qui en un logar mora siempre lo su puede menguar
Cras a la mañana pensemos de cabalgar
950 Dexad estas posadas & iremos adelante
that admirable one whose might not rest.
"Now, gentlemen, I needs must say you true
Whose place is aye the same may fortune lose.
Tomorrow morn our steeds bethink to mount.
This camp desert and forward urge our way."

Estonces se mudo el Çid al puerto de alucante
Den corre mio Çid a huesca & a monte alban
En aquesa corrida 10 dias hobieron a morar
Fueron los mandados a todas partes
955 Que el salido de castiella asi los trae tan mal
Then changed the Cid to Alucant′s defile.
Thence Huesca sought My Cid and Montalban.
Ten days upon that foray were consumed.
In all directions went the messengers,
Relating how the erile of Castile
Great evil upon them. Now are gone

Los mandados son idos a todas partes
Llegaron las nuevas al conde de barcelona
Que mio Çid Ruy Diaz que le corrie la tierra toda
Hobo grande pesar & tovoselo a grande fonta
960 El conde es muy follon & dixo una vanidad
In all directions forth the messengers.
The count of Barcelona heard the news:
My Cid Ruy Diaz all the land o′erran.
his pain was deep, he deemed it shame profound.
A boastful man the Count, he vainly spake:

Grandes tuertos me tiene mio Çid el de Vivar
Dentro en mi corte tuerto me tovo grande
Firiome el sobrino & no lo enmendo mas
Agora correme las tierras que en mi empara estan
965 No lo desafie ni le torne enemistad
"My Cid, he of Bivar, hath borne to me
Great wrongs. Within my court he did me wrong;
My nephew struck nor rendered count of it.
Now lands beneath my sway he overruns.
I ne′er defied nor bore him enmity,

Mas cuando el melo busca irgelo he yo demandar
Grandes son los poderes & a priesa se van llegando
Gentes se le allegan grandes entre moros & cristianos
Adeliñan tras mio Çid el bueno de Vivar
970 3 dias & 2 noches pensaron de andar
But, since he seeks me, will I go to him
Demanding justice." Great his forces are
And swiftly do they gather. What with Moors
And Christians very many come to him.
Bivar′s good man, My Cid, they follow straight.
Three days, two nights, their thoughts to marching bend;

Alcanzaron a mio Çid en tevar & el pinar
Asi viene esforzado que el conde a manos sele cuido tomar
Mio Çid don rodrigo trae grande ganancia
Dice de una sierra & llegaba a un val
975 Del conde don Remon venidole es mensaje
O′ertook My Cid in Tebar′s wood of pines.
Such forces brings the Count he thinks to take
his foe within his hands. Don Roderick,
My Cid, doth bear a booty great with him.
From mountain heights descending he arrived
Within a vale. A message came to him

Mio Çid cuando lo oyo envio pora alla
Digades al conde no lo tenga a mal
de lo so no llevo nada dexeme ir en paz
respuso el conde esto no sera verdad
980 Lo de antes & de agora todo me lo pechara
From Count Don Raymond. When My Cid had heard
he thither sent: "Desire the Count to feel
No Anger, nought I near away of his,
My parting grant in peace." Replied the Count:
"It shall not thus befall. He shall repay

Sabra el salido a quien vino deshonrar
Tornose el mandadero cuanto pudo mas
eshora lo conosce mio Çid el de Vivar
Que a menos de batalla no se pueden den quitar
985 Ya caballeros a parte fazed la ganancia
For all that went before and now. And let
This erile learn whose honor he assails!"
Returned in utmost haste the messenger.
My Cid, he of Bivar, thereon was ware
That short of battle might he not depart:
"Now put aside the booty, gentlemen,

Apriesa vos guarnid & metedos en las armas
El conde don Remon darnos ha gran batalla
De moros & de cristianos gentes trae sobejanas
A menos de batalla no nos dexarie por nada
990 Pues adelante iran tras nos aqui sea la batalla
Prepare and arm yourselves in greatest haste.
Count Raymond will great battle wage with us.
Vast force of Moors and Christians leadeth he.
For aught he would not leave us short of fight.
0 Be here the battle, for they′d follow us.

Apretad los caballos & vistades las armas
Ellos vienen cuesta yuso & todos traen calzas
E las siellas coceras & las cinchas amojadas
Nos cabalgaremos sillas gallegas & huesas sobre calzas
995 100 caballeros debemos vencer aquellas mesnadas
The steeds prepare and buckle on your arms.
They charge adown the slope and hose they wear,
They′ve padded saddles, slack the horses′ girths;
We ride Gallegan saddles, boots o′er hose.
An hundred knights we should defeat that band.

Antes que ellos lleguen al llano presentemosles las lanzas
Por uno que firgades 3 sillas iran vacias
Vera Remon verengel tras quien vino en alcanza
hoy en este pinar de tevar por tollerme la ganancia
1000 Todos son adobados cuando mio Çid esto hobo hablado
We will present our lances unto them
Before they have attained the level plain.
For one ye strike shall saddles three be cleared.
This day shall Raymond Berenger behold
What man it be he seeketh in pursuit
To rob of spoil in Tebar′s wood of pine."
Are all prepared. When this My Cid had said,

Las armas habien presas & sedien sobre los caballos
Vieron la cuesta yuso la fuerza de los francos
Al fondon de la cuesta cerca es del llano
Mandolos ferir mio Çid el que en buen hora nacio
1005 Esto fazen los sus de voluntad & de grado
They seized their arms and all their steeds bestrode.
Adown the hill beheld the Frankish force.
Beneath the hill, or hard upon the plain,
My Cid, in hour propitious born, gave word
To strike them. Gladly, willingly, his men

Los pendones & las lanzas tan bien las van empleando
A los unos firiendo & a los otros derrocando
Vencido ha esta batalla el que en buen hora nacio
Al conde don Remon a prision le han tomado
1010 Y gano a colada que mas vale de 1000 marcos de plata
Obey. With good effect they pennons used
And lances, some dismounting, striking some.
This fight the man in hour propitious born
hath won. he took Count Raymond prisoner.
And there he gained the Colada, which is worth

Y vencio esta batalla por o honro su barba
Prisolo al conde pora su tierra lo llevaba
A sos creenderos mandarlo guardaba
De fuera de la tienda un salto daba
1015 De todas partes los sus se ajuntaron
Above a thousand silver marks, and gained
This battle, whence he honor bore his beard.
he took the Count, he led him toward his tent,
And bade his trusted ones to guard him well.
he left the tent; form every side his men

Plogo a mio Çid ca grandes son las ganancias
A mio Çid don rodrigo gran cocina le adobaban
El conde don Remon no gelo precia nada
Aducenle los comeres delante gelos paraban
1020 El no lo quiere comer a todos los sosanaba
Collected. Joyed My Cid for great the spoils.
They placed before My Cid Don Roderick
A mighty feast. The count Don Raymond set
Not any store thereby. The food they brought
And placed it forth before him; would he not
Partake thereof, and ev′rything he spurned.

No comere un bocado por cuanto ha en toda españa
Antes perdere el cuerpo & dexare el alma
Pues que tales malcalzados me vencieron de batalla
Mio Çid Ruy Diaz odredes lo que dixo
1025 Comed conde deste pan & bebed deste vino
"I′d not a mouthful eat for all in Spain.
I′d rather body lose and soul desert,
Since such an ill-clad force defeated me!"
Attend the words My Cid Ruy Diaz spake:
"Eat, Count, this bread and drink this wine. If you

Si lo que digo fizieredes saldredes de cativo
Si no en todos vuestros dias no veredes cristianismo
Dixo el conde don Remon comed don rodrigo & pensedes de folgar
Que yo dexarme morir que no quiero comer
1030 Fasta tercer dia no le pueden a cordar
Obey me shall you leave the captivity,
Else al your days no Christian land behold!"
Count Raymond: "Eat, Don Roderick, and rejoice.
Shall death be mine, I wish to eat no more."
Three days they move him not, and while they share

Ellos partiendo estas ganancias grandes
No le pueden fazer comer un mueso de pan
Dixo mio Çid comed conde algo ca si no comedes no veredes cristianos
E si vos comieredes don yo sea pagado
1035 A vos & dos fijos de algo quitarvos he los cuerpos & darvos he de mano
These mighty spoils they cannot make him take
Of bread a morsel. "Count," exclaimed My Cid,
"Eat something, else ye ne′er a Christian see.
But eat till I′m content, I′ll free yourself
Beside two gentlemen and bid you go."

Cuando esto oyo el conde ya se iba alegrando
Si lo fizieredes Çid lo que habedes hablado
Tanto cuanto yo viva sere den maravillado
Pues comed conde & cuando fueredes yantado
1040 A vos & a otros dos darvos he de mano
When this the Count had heard he joyful grew.
"If Cid, you fill your promise, all my life
I′ll marvel." "Eat then, Count; and I will free,
When you have dined, yourself and other twain.

Mas cuanto habedes perdido & yo gane en campo
Sabed no vos dare a vos un dinero malo
Mas cuanto habedes perdido no vos lo dare
Ca huebos melo he & pora estos mios vasallos
1045 Que conmigo andan lazrados & no vos lo dare
But what you lost and I on field have gained,
know, not a sorry coin I′ll give to you
Nor what you lost will I return to you,
′Twere need of mine and all my vassals here,
For they do follow me in poverty,

Prendiendo de vos & de otros ir nos hemos pagando
Habremos esta vida mientra ploguiere al padre santo
Como que ira ha de Rey & de tierra es echado
Alegre es el conde & pidio agua a las manos
1050 E tienengelo delante & dierongelo privado
And shall ye not receive it back form me.
from you and others taking do we go
Ourselves contenting. Such a life were ours
So long the holy Father deem it well,
For doth he bear the kingly wrath and stand
From all the land an exile." Then the Count
Rejoiced; he asked for water for his hands.
They brought it there and quickly gave it him.

Con los caballeros que el Çid le habie dados
Comiendo va el conde dios que de buen grado
Sobre el sedie el que en buen hora nacio
Si bien no comedes conde don yo sea pagado
1055 Aqui feremos la morada no nos partiremos amos
With knights the Cid had given him the Count
Partook of food, and, God, how willingly!
he, born of hour propitious, sat at hand.
"An, Count, ye eat not well, to my content,
We here remain, nor any parting know."

Aqui dixo el conde de voluntad & de grado
Con estos dos caballeros a priesa va yantando
Pagado es mio Çid que lo esta aguardando
Por que el conde don Remon tan bien volvie las manos
1060 Si vos ploguiere mio Çid de ir somos guisados
Thereon the Count reply: "With heart and will."
With these two knights he dined in eager haste.
My Cid, who watched him, is satisfied.
For well the Count Don Raymond plied his hands.
"An ′twere your pleasure, now we are, My Cid,

Mandadnos dar las bestias & cabalgaremos privado
Del dia que fue conde no yante tan de buen grado
El sabor que dende he no sera olvidado
Danle 3 palafres muy bien ensillados
1065 E buenas vestiduras de pellizones & de mantos
Prepared to go. Command to give us beasts,
And will we quickly start. Since day I first
Became a count, I ne′er so gladly dined;
The joy thereof will not forgotten be."
Three palfreys saddled well they gave to him,
Likewise pelisses, mantles, garments fair.

El conde don Remon entre los dos es entrado
Fasta cabo del albergada escurriolos el castellano
Ya vos ides conde a guisa de muy franco
En grado vos lo tengo lo que me habedes dexado
1070 Si vos viniere en miente que quisieredes vengallo
the Count Don Raymond went between the two.
And the Castilian bore them company
Throughout the camp. "Now, Count, in manner frank
Thou goest, I′m content of what you left.
And if it cross your mind to vengeance take,

Si me vinieredes buscar fallarme podredes
E si no mandedes buscar o me dexaredes
De lo vuestro o de lo mio llevaredes algo
Folguedes ya mio Çid sodes en vuestro salvo
1075 Pagado vos he por todo a queste año
If search you make you may discover me.
An ye but seek me not, but leave in peace,
Of mine or of your own ye′ll something gain."
"Now rest at ease, My Cid, for safe ye be.
I am acquit of you for all this year.

De venirvos buscar solo no sera pensado
Aguijaba el conde e pensaba de andar
Tornando va la cabeza & catandose atras
Miedo iba habiendo que mio Çid se repintra
1080 Lo que no farie el caboso por cuanto en el mundo ha
To seek you out alone will not be dreamed."
The Count drove spurs, his thoughts on marching bent.
With turning head and looks behind he goes.
he went in fear My Cid would yet repent,
Which had that chief not done for all on earth;

una deslealtanza ca no la fizo alguandre
Ido es el conde tornose el de Vivar
Juntose con sus mesnadas compezolas de llegar
De la ganancia que han fecha maravillosa & grande
1085 Aqui se compieza la gesta de mio Çid el de Vivar
for ne′er in aught disloyal act were his.
The Count has gone, Bivar′s knight turned him back.
Rejoined his force, began to share with them
the mighty spoil and marvelous they gained.
My Cid′s gest here begins, he of Bivar.


Tan ricos son los sus que no saben que se han
Poblado ha mio Çid el puerto de alucante
Dexado ha Xaragoza & a las tierras duca
E dexado ha huesca & las tierras de mont alvan
1090 Contra la mar salada compezo de guerrear
So rich his men they know not what they have.
My Cid hath manned the Pass of Alucant.
he Zaragoza left and lands this way,
From Huesca turned and lands of Montalban,
And toward the salty sea began to war.

A oriente exe el sol e tornose a esa parte
Mio Çid gano a xerica & a onda & almenar
Tierras de borriana todas conquistas las ha
Ayudole el criador el señor que es en cielo 
1095 El con todo esto priso a murviedro
The sun upon the East arose; he turned
In that direction. Onda gained My Cid
And Xerica and Almenara gained.
And conquered all of Burriana′s lands.
Creator, Lord in heaven lent him aid.
Moreover hath he Murviedro gained.

Ya vie mio Çid que dios le iba valiendo
Dentro en Valencia no es poco el miedo
Pesa a los de Valencia sabed no les plaze
Prisieron su consejo que le viniesen cercar
1100 Trasnocharon de noche al alba de la man
Now saw My Cid that God protected him
Not slight the fear within Valencia.
It grieved Valencia, know it pleased them not.
Agreed they how they might to siege him go.
From night to break of dawn they made their march,

Acerca de murviedro tornan tiendas a fincar
Violo mio Çid tomose a maravillar grado a ti padre espirital
En sus tierras somos & femosles todo mal
Bebemos su vino & comemos el su pan
1105 Si nos cercar vienen con derecho lo fazen
Near Murviedo came to fir their tents.
My Cid beholding what was filled with joy.
"To Thee be thanks, oh Father Spiritual!
We′re in their lands and do them every ill.
Their wine we drink and do we eat their bread.
′Twere justly done an they to siege us came.
That, short of fight will find no settlement.

A menos de lid no se partira aquesto
Vayan los mandados por los que nos deben ayudar
Los unos a xerica & los otros a alucad
Desi a onda & los otros a almenar
1110 Los de borriana luego vengan aca
To those who should assistance render us
Let messengers be sent. Let some depart
to Xerica and other Alucant,
To Onda some and others Almenara;
Let hose of Burriana swiftly come.

Compezaremos aquesta lid campal
Yo fio por dios que en nuestro pro enadran
Al 3 dia todos juntados son
El que en buen hora nacio compezo de fablar
1115 Oid mesnadas si el criador vos salve
We will deliver them and fight on field.
I trust in God that all will stand us well."
Three days and all had come. he, born upon
An hour propitious, thus began to speak:
"Attend me, men -Creator be your guard!

Despues que nos partiemos de la limpia cristiandad
No fue a nuestro grado ni nos no pudiemos mas
Grado a dios lo nuestro fue adelante
Los de Valencia cercados nos han
1120 Si en estas tierras quisieremos durar
Since land of sweet Christianity we left -
No wish of ours, we might not otherwise -
Be thanks to god, for prospered our affairs.
Valencia′s folk have sieged us. Would we rest

Firme mientre son estos a escarmentar
Pase la noche & venga la mañana
Aparejados me sed a caballos & armas
Iremos ver aquella su almofalla
1125 Como homnes exidos de tierra estraña
within these lands we must chastise them well.
Let us pass the night and let the morrow come:
with arms and horses be prepared for me.
We′ll journey forth to view this host of theirs,
As men separated from a foreign land.

Alli parecera el que merece la soldada
Oid que dixo minaya Alvar Fañez
Campeador fagamos lo que a vos plaze
A mi dedes 100 caballeros que no vos pido mas
1130 Vos con los otros firadeslos delante
There shall be seen who meriteth his pay."
What spake Minaya Albarfanez hear:
"We, Campeador, accomplish your behest.
give me an hundred knights. I ask no more.
In front attack them you, with all the rest.

Bien los ferredes que duda no y habra
Yo con los ciento entrare del otra parte
Como fio por dios el campo nuestro sera
Como gelo ha dicho al Campeador mucho plaze
1135 Mañana era & piensanse de armar
Well will ye strike, no hesitation there.
And I, the hundred leading, will attack
The other side. As trust I have in God,
The field will be our own." The words he spake
Well pleased the Campeador. ′Twas morn and all
Bethought to arm. Well knoweth each his part.

Quis cada uno dellos bien sabe lo que ha de far
Con los albores mio Çid ferirlos va
En el nombre del criador & del apostol santiago
Feridlos caballeros de amor & de grado & de grande voluntad
1140 Ca yo soy ruy diaz mio Çid el de Vivar
My Cid at dawning light to strike them goes.
"In name of the Creator and Saint James
Apostle, strike them gentlemen with love
And willingness and goodly earnestness,
For I′m My Cid Ruy Diaz of Bivar!"

Tanta cuerda de tienda y veriedes quebrar
Arrancarse las estacas & acostarse a todas partes los tendales
Los Moros son muchos ya quieren recombrar
Del otra parte entroles Alvar Fañez
1145 maguer les pesa hobieron se a dar & a arrancar
Of tent cords many had ye seen to break,
Uptorn the stakes, tents falling everywhere.
The Moors are many, would they rally now.
Fell Albarfanez on their other side.
Unwilling were they forced to yield and fly.

Grande es el gozo que va por ese logar
Dos Reyes de moros mataron en ese alcance
Fasta Valencia duro el segudar
Grandes son las ganancias que mio Çid fechas ha
1150 Prisieron cebolla & cuanto que es y adelante
Is great within that place the joyousness.
Tow Moorish kings in this pursuit they slew.
Unto Valencia the chase endured.
The spoil My Cid has gained is great. They took
Cebola and whatever lies before.

De pies de caballo los que se pudieron escapar
robaban el campo & piensanse de tornar
Entraban a murviedro con estas ganancias que traen grandes
Las nuevas de mio Çid sabed sonando van
1155 Miedo han en Valencia que no saben que se far
Who might, escaped through fleetness of their steeds.
They spoiled the camp and thought to turn them back.
This mighty booty bearing came they then
to Murviedro. Be assured the news
About My Cid reechoes far and wide.
So great the fear within Valencia

Sonando van sus nuevas allende parte del mar
Alegre era el Çid & todas sus compañas
Que dios le ayudara & ficiera esta arrancada
Daban sus corredores & fazien las trasnochadas
1160 Llegan a guiera & llegan a xativa
They know not what to do. The news resounds
Beyond the sea′s ertent. My Cid was gay
And all his men, that god assistance lent,
And he the victory gained. Their fleet ones sped,
By night they marches made, Guiera reached,
Arrived at Xativa and, further down,

Aun mas ayuso a deina la casa
Cabo del mar tierra de moros firme la quebranta
Ganaron Peña cadiella las exidas & las entradas
Cuando el Çid Campeador hobo peña cadiella
1165 Males pesa en xativa & dentro en guiera
At Denia, the City. Near the sea
They stoutly ravage all the Moorish lands.
Took Pena Cadiella, every way
that leadeth in or leadeth out they took.
Cid Campeador, when he had gained the town

No es con recaudo el dolor de Valencia
En tierra de moros prendiendo & ganando
E durmiendo los dias & las noches trasnochando
En ganar aquellas villas mio Çid duro 3 años
1170 A los de Valencia escarmentados los han
Of Pena Cadiella, deep it grieved
The folk of Guiera town and Xativa.
Beyond all bounds the grief Valencia knew.
By storm and capture in the Moorish lands,
In sleep by day and marching through the nights,
Three years My Cid employed to gain those towns.
he hath Valencia′s folk a warning given.
they dare not venture forth not fight with him

No osan fuera se exir ni con el se ajuntar
Tajabales las huertas & faziales grande mal
En cada uno destos años mio Çid les tollo el pan
Mal se aquexan los de Valencia que no saben que se far
1175 De ninguna parte que sea no les vinie pan
They felled their huertas - did them grievous harm;
My Cid of bread deprived them all these years.
They know not what to do; Valencia′s folk
made deep complaint. And never unto them
from any part so ever bread arrived,

ni da consejo padre a fijo ni fijo a padre
ni amigo a amigo no se pueden consolar
Mala cueta es señores haber mengua de pan
Fijos & mugieres ver lo morir de fambre
1180 Delante veien su duelo no se pueden uyar
Nor son might aid his sire, nor father son,
Nor friend to friend might consolation bear.
′Tis evil plight, my lords, to want for bread!
To see, through hunger, sons and women die!
They see their pain nor may assistance bear.

Por el Rey de marruecos hobieron a enviar
Con el de los montes claros habien guerra tan grande
No les dixo consejo ni los vino uyar
Sopolo mio Çid de corazon le plaze
1185 Salio de murviedro una noche en trasnochada
Unto Morocco′s king they needs must send.
Dire war he waged against the one who dwells
In Montes Claros. help he sent them none,
Nor came to aid. That learned My Cid; at heart
he was content. he Murviedro left
to march the night. day broke upon My Cid

Amanecio a mio Çid en tierras de monreal
Por aragon & por navarra pregon mando echar
A tierras de castiella envio sus mensajes
Quien quiere perder cueta & venir a rictad
1190 Viniese a mio Çid que ha sabor de cabalgar
In lands of Monreal. he heralds sent
Through Aragon, Navarre; his messengers
Bade seek Castile: "Who care would lose and gain
In riches, join My Cid, on marching bent.

Cercar quiere a Valencia pora cristianos la dar
Quien quiere ir conmigo cercar a Valencia
Todos vengan de grado ninguno no ha premia
3 dias le esperare en canal de celfa
1195 Esto dixo mio Çid el que en buen hora nacio
To place Valencia in Christian hands
he would surround the place. Who seeks to go
Along with me to siege Valencia -
Come all by choice, compulsion none shall know -
Three days I will attendance hold on them,
Within Canal de Celfa." This My Cid,

Tornabase a murviedro ca el se la ha ganada
Andidieron los pregones sabe a todas partes
Al sabor de la ganancia no lo quiere detardar
Grandes gentes se le acogen de la buena cristiandad
1200 Creciendo va riqueza a mio Çid el de Vivar
The one on hour propitious born, hath said.
he unto Murviedro turned him back,
For had he gained it. know, the heralds went
On every hand, With eagerness for spoil,
he would not stay. from fair Christianity
Great numbers join. My Cid, be of Bivar,

Cuando vio mio Çid las gentes juntadas compezose de pagar
Mio Çid don rodrigo no lo quiso detardar
Adeliño pora Valencia & sobre ella se va echar
Bien la cerca mio Çid que no y habia arte
1205 Viedales exir & viedales entrar
Grows richer. When My Cid the gathered force
Perceived, he joyed. My Cid Don Roderick
Wished no delay, but straight he marched against
Valencia, and sought attack thereon.
My Cid he sieged it well nor trick employed;
Forbade their going out or coming in.
All news is echoed wide concerning him.

Sonando van sus nuevas todas a todas partes
Mas le vienen a mio Çid sabed que no se le van
Metiola en plazo si les viniesen uyar
9 meses cumplidos sabed sobre ella yace
1210 Cuando vino el 10 hobierongela a dar
More seek My Cid, be sure, than go from him.
A time of grace he set wherein the place
Might help receive. Before the town he lay
Full nine months, know, and when the tenth arrived,
They needs must yield it. Great the joy that ran

Grandes son los gozos que van por ese logar
Cuando mio Çid gano a Valencia & entro en la ciudad
Los que fueron de pie caballeros se fazen
El oro & la plata quien vos lo podrie contar
1215 Todos eran ricos cuantos que alli ha
Through all this place. The day whereon My Cid
Valencia took and came within the town,
The men who walked were changed to mounted knights.
Who might relate the gold and silver′s sum?
All present were enriched. Then bade My Cid,

Mio Çid don rodrigo la 5 mando tomar
En el haber monedado 3000 marcos le caen
E los otros haberes quien los podrie contar
Alegre era el Campeador con todos los que ha
1220 Cuando su seña caudal sedie en somo del alcazar
Don Roderick, to gather up the fifth.
Full thirty thousand marks in coin were his;
And who might name the other riches there?
The Campeador rejoiced with all his men,
When o′er the Alcazar his chief banner waved.

Ya folgaba mio Çid con todas sus compañas
A aquel Rey de Sevilla el mandado llegaba
Que presa es Valencia que no gela emparan
Vinolos ver con 3000 de armas
1225 Apres de la huerta hobieron la batalla
My Cid reposed with all his companies.
the news that taken is Valencia
for want of aid, Sevilla′s king hath reached.
he came to see with thirty thousand armed.
Beside the huerta did they hold the fight.

Arrancolos mio Çid el de la luenga barba
Fasta dentro en xatiua duro el arrancada
En el pasar de xucar y veriedes barata
Moros en aruenzo amidos beber agua
1230 Aquel Rey de marruecos con 3 colpes escapa
My Cid o′erthrew them - he whose beard is long.
The rout was carries quite within the walls
Of Jativa. Ye had confusion seen
At passing Jucar river. There the Moors
Thrown back, despite themselves the water drink.
Morocco′s king escape, receiving thrice

Tornado es mio Çid con toda esta ganancia
Buena fue la de Valencia cuando ganaron la casa
Mas mucho fue provechosa sabe esta arrancada
a todos los menores cayeron 100 marcos de plata
1235 Las nuevas del caballero ya vedes do llegaban
A blow. My Cid, with all the spoil, returned.
When they Valencia gained the spoil was fair.
But greater profit, know, this rout hath brought:
Among them - unto all the very least
An hundred marks of silver fell. Now see

Gran alegria es entre todos esos cristianos
Con mio Çid Ruy Diaz el que en buen hora nacio
Ya le crece la barba & vale alongando
Dixo mio Çid de la su boca atanto
1240 Por amor del Rey Alfonso que de tierra me ha echado
how sped the reputation of the knight.
Among those Christians with My Cid Ruy Diaz,
On hour propitious born, the joy was great.
Now doth his beard increase and longer grow.
My Cid addressed them thus: "For love I bear
The king Alfonso who hath eriled me,

ni entrarie en ella tijera ni un pelo no habrie tajado
E que fablasen desto moros & cristianos
Mio Çid don rodrigo en Valencia esta folgando
Con el Minaya Alvar Fañez que no se le parte de so brazo
1245 Los que exieron de tierra de rictad son abondados
Should scissors never find their way therein,
Nor fall a single hair, and may the Moors
And Christians talk thereof." Don Roderick,
My Cid is resting in Valencia,
At hand Minaya Albarfanez stands
Who never leaves his arm. The eriles now

a todos les dio en Valencia casas & heredades
De que son pagados el amor de mio Çid ya lo iban probando
Los que fueron con el & los de despues todos son pagados
Veelo mio Çid que con los haberes que habien tomados
1250 Que si se pudiesen ir ferlo ien de grado
Great wealth possess. Within Valencia
he gave to each both house and heritage
Wherewith are all content; for now is proved
My Cid′s affection. Those who left with him
And those of later coming all are pleased.
My Cid perceived that, holding such a spoil
As they had gained, if now they might depart,

Esto mando mio Çid minaya lo hobo consejado
Que ningun homne de los sus que sele no espidiese o no le besase la mano
Si le pudiesen prender o fuese alcanzado
Tomasenle el haber & pusiesenle en un palo
1255 Afevos todo aquesto puesto en buen recaudo
′Twould willingly be done. This bad My Cid -
Minaya counseled it: - "Each man who took
No leave, nor kissed his hand, if they might seize him
Or overtake, they should attach his wealth
And on a gibbet raise him high. So all
With care hath he arranged. For counsel now

Con minaya Alvar Fañez el se va consejar
Si vos quisieredes minaya quiero saber recaudo
de los que son aqui & conmigo ganaron algo
Meterlos he en escrito & todos sean contados
1260 Que si alguno se furtare o menos le fallaren el haber me habra a tornar
he with Minaya Albarfanez goes.
Minaya, an you deem it well, I′d know
The state of those at hand, who profit gained
With me, and write their names - be listed all;
So that among these vassals mine who guard

Aquestos mios vasallos que curian a Valencia & andan arobdando
Alli dixo minaya consejo es aguisado
Mandolos venir a la corte & a todos los juntar
Cuando los fallo por cuenta fizolos nombrar
1265 3600 cientos habie mio Çid el de Vivar
Valencia and round it keep their watch,
If any flee away and should be missed,
he unto me his plunder shall return."
"Therein," Minaya said, "′Tis wisely planned."
he bade them seek the court and gather all.
When there he found them, count he took of them.
Three thousand and sir hundred had My Cid,
he of Bivar. his heart was glad, he smiled.

Alegrasele el corazon & tornose a sonrrisar
Grado a dios Minaya & a santa maria madre
Con mas pocos ixiemos de la casa de Vivar
Agora habemos riqueza mas habremos adelante
1270 Si a vos ploguiere minaya & no vos caya en pesar
"Minaya, praise to God, be praised as well
Saint Mary Mother, less our forces when
We left Bivar the town. Now have we wealth
And more will have. Minaya, an you will,
An′t grieve you not, I wish to send you hence

Enviarvos quiero a castiella do habemos heredades
Al Rey Alfonso mio señor natural
Destas mis ganancias que habemos fechas aca
Darle quiero 100 caballos & vos idgelos llevar
1275 Desi por mi besalde la mano e firme gelo rogad
Unto Castile, where hold we heritage,
And king Alfonso, he, my lawful liege.
From this, my spoil, we here have gained, I′d give
And hundred steeds to him, which you shall take,
And kiss his hand and earnestly beseech

Por mi mugier & mis fijas si fuere su merced
Que me las dexe sacar
Enviare por ellas & vos sabed el mensaje
La mugier de mio Çid & sus fijas las infantes
1280 De guisa iran por ellas que a grande honra vernan
his leave my wife and daughters to remove,
An′t please him. Will I send for them, and you
The message learn: The daughters of My Cid
Infantas, and his wife, such way shall go
That great their honor in these stranger lands

A estas tierras estrañas que nos pudiemos ganar
eshora dixo minaya de buena voluntad
Pues esto han fablado piensanse de adobar
100 homnes les dio mio Çid a Alvar Fañez por servirle en la carrera
1285 E mando 1000 marcos de plata a san Pero llevar
That we enabled were to gain." Thereon
Minaya made reply: "right willingly."
This said, they preparation thought to make.
My Cid an hundred Albarfanez gave,
To serve him on the road, and bade him bear
Saint Peter′s church a thousand silver marks,

E que los diese al Abad don Sancho
En estas nuevas todos se alegrando
De parte de oriente vino un coronado
El obispo don Jeronimo su nombre es llamado
1290 Bien entendido es de letras & mucho acordado
And Abbot Sancho give. While all rejoiced
Upon his news, there came tonsured one
From out the East, Jerome the bishop called.
A man of wisdom, deep in letters learned.

De pie & de caballo mucho era arreciado
Las provezas de mio Çid andabalas demandando
Sospirando el obispo que se viese con moros en el campo
Que si se fartase lidiando & firiendo con sus manos
1295 A los dias del sieglo no le llorasen cristianos
Afoot or mounted most adroit was he.
he came with questions of the deeds of fame
My Cid had wrought the bishop eager was
To see himself engaged afield with Moors,
For is in fight he fall a -dealing blows,
To end of time let Christians weep him not.

Cuando lo oyo mio Çid de aquesto fue pagado
Oid minaya Alvar Fañez por aquel que esta en alto
Cuando dios prestarnos quiere nos bien gelo gradescamos
En tierras de Valencia fer quiero obispado
1300 E dargelo a este buen cristiano
My Cid, when that he heard, rejoiced. "Attend,
Minaya Albarfanez, by the One
Who is on high, since God would lend us aid,
Let us display our thanks. I would create
Within Valencia′s lands a bishopric,
And on this goodly Christian would bestow.

Vos cuando ides a castiella llevaredes buenos mandados
Plogo a Alvar Fañez de lo que dixo don rodrigo
A este don Jeronimo ya le otorgan por obispo
Dieronle en Valencia o bien puede estar rico
1305 Dios que alegre era todo cristianismo
Fair tidings yours when you shall seek Castile."
Don Roderick′s words gave Albarfanez joy.
This Don Jerome they now a bishop make,
Establish in Valencia where well
he rich may be. God, all of Christendom

Que en tierras de Valencia señor habie obispo
Alegre fue minaya & espidiose & vinose
Tierras de Valencia remanidas en paz
Adeliño pora castiella minaya Alvar Fañez
1310 Dexarevos las posadas no las quiero contar
how glad that now within Valencia′s lands
A bishop dwelt! Minaya was rejoiced.
he took his leave and went. Valencia′s lands
At peace, Minaya Albarfanez made
Unto Castile his way. I will omit
The halts, nor have desire to name them o′er.

Demando por Alfonso do lo podrie fallar
Fuera el Rey a san Fagun aun poco ha
Tornose a Carrion y lo podrie fallar
Alegre fue de aquesto minaya Alvar Fañez
1315 Con esta presentaja adeliño pora alla
he questioned where Alfonso might be found.
The king had shortly sought Sahagun; he came
To Carrion and there he might be found.
Thereat was glad Minaya Albarfanez.
This present bearing, there he straightway went.

De misa era exido eshora el Rey Alfonso
Afe minaya Alvar Fañez do llega tan apuesto
Finco sus hinojos ante todo el pueblo
A los pies del Rey Alfonso cayo con grande duelo
1320 Besabale las manos & fablo tan apuesto
The king Alfonso just from mass had turned.
Behold where comes upon most fitting time
Minaya Albarfanez! Fell he then
Upon his knees before the people all;
In sorrow deep he knelt before the king
Alfonso, kissed his hands and aptly spake:
"Grace, liege Alfonso, for Creator′s love!

Merced señor Alfonso por amor del criador
Besabavos las manos mio Çid lidiador
Los pies & las manos como atan buen señor
que le hayades merced si vos vala el criador
1325 Echastesle de tierra no ha la vuestra amor
Doth kiss your hands My Cid, the man of wards,
Your feet and hands as to such worthy lord.
So may Creator guard you, grant him grace!
From out the land you drove him, hath he not
You love, but though within a foreign land

Maguer en tierra agena el bien faze lo suyo
Ganada ha xerica & a onda por nombre
Priso a almenar & a murviedro que es mejor
Asi fizo cebolla & a delante castejon
1330 E peña cadiella que es una peña fuerte
he hath his own affairs attended well.
The towns called Xerica and Onda gained,
Took Almenara, Murviedro took,
The greater, thus he did Cebolla treat
And Castejon before, and that which is
A rock of strength, called Pena Cadiella.

Con aquestas todas de Valencia es señor
Obispo fizo de su mano el buen Campeador
E fizo 5 lides campales & todas las arranco
Grandes son las ganancias que le dio el criador
1335 Fevos aqui las señas verdad vos digo yo
With all of these he is Valencia′s lord.
With his own hand the worthy Campeador
A bishop made, five battles fought afield
And gained them all; Creator gave to him
A mighty booty; here behold the proofs

100 caballos gruesos & corredores
De siellas & de frenos todos guarnidos son
Besavos las manos & que los prendades vos
razonase por vuestro vasallo & a vos tiene por señor
1340 Alzo la mano diestra el Rey se santiguo
that truth I say you, steeds an hundred here
Both great and swift and all with bridles decked
And saddles. Doth he kiss your hands and pray
You take them; deems yourself his vassal, holds
Yourself his lord." The king his right hand raised
And made upon his face the sign of cross.

De tan fieras ganancias como ha fechas el Campeador
Si me vala san esidro plazeme de corazon
E plazeme de las nuevas que faze el Campeador
recibo estos caballos que me envia de don
1345 maguer plogo al Rey mucho peso a garci ordoñez
"For such great spoil the Campeador hath gained,
Saint Isidore so aid me, am I pleased
At heart. These deeds the Campeador hath wrought
Content me well. These steeds he sent as gift,
I do accept." Although it pleased the king
Garciordonez did it sorely grieve:

Semeja que en tierra de moros no ha vivo homne
Cuando asi faze a su guisa el Çid Campeador
Dixo el Rey al conde dexad esa razon
Que en todas guisas mejor me sirve que vos
1350 fablaba minaya y a guisa de varon
"Me seems that not a man in Moorish land
Is left alive, that this Cid Campeador
So works his will." The king to count replied:
"Now cease that talk, for doth he render me
In all things service better far than you."
Minaya spake and after manly wise:

Merced vos pide el Çid si vos cayese en sabor
Por su mugier doña Ximena & sus fijas amas a dos
Saldrien del monesterio do el las dexo
E irien pora Valencia al buen Campeador
1355 eshora dixo el Rey plazeme de corazon
"An′t please you, grace the Cid implores of you
For both his daughters as upon his wife
The Dame Ximena; would they go from where,
Within the monastery left he them,
And seek the worthy Campeador within Valencia."
Then spake the king: "Thereof
I joy at heart and will I bid that, while

Yo les mandare dar conducho mientra que por mi tierra fueren
De fonta & de mal curialdas & de deshonor
Cuando en cabo de mi tierra aquestas dueñas fueren
Catad como las sirvades vos & el Campeador
1360 Oidme escuelas & toda la mi corte
Within my land, provision they receive.
Dishonor, shame and evil fend from them.
And when these ladies reach my land′s ertent,
Give heed that both the Campeador and you
Attend them. harken troops and all my court:

No quiero que nada pierda el Campeador
a todas las escuelas que a el dicen señor
Porque los desherede todo gelo suelto yo
Sirvanle sus heredades do fuere el Campeador
1365 Atregoles los cuerpos de mal & de ocasion
I would not aught the Campeador should lose.
To all the troops who name him liege I give
Release of all wherein I seizure made.
Where′er the Campeador may be, let each
his heritage receive. From sudden death
And evil so I free their bodies all.

Por tal fago aquesto que sirvan a su señor
Minaya Alvar Fañez las manos le beso
Sonrrisose el Rey tan bellido fablo
Los que quisieren ir servir al Campeador
1370 De mi sean quitos & vayan a la gracia del criador
And this I do that may they serve their liege."
Minaya Albarfanez kissed his hands.
The king he smiled, and very fair he spake:
"Whoe′er would seek the Campeador to serve,
Be freed of me and with Creator′s grace

Mas ganaremos en esto que en otra deshonor
Aqui entraron en fabla los infantes de Carrion
Mucho crecen las nuevas de mio Çid el Campeador
Bien casariemos con sus fijas pora huebos de pro
1375 No la osariemos a cometer nos esta razon
Depart. The greater were our gain therein
Than in another′s shame." Thereon the Lords
Of Carrion began to hold discourse:
"My Cid the Campeador′s success apace
Increaseth. Well his daughters would we wed
To our advantage. Yet we would no dare
Ourselves to broach this subject. From Bivar

Mio Çid es de Vivar & nos de los condes de Carrion
No lo dicen a nadi y finco esta razon
Minaya Alvar Fañez al buen Rey se espidio
Ya vos ides Minaya id a la gracia del criador
1380 Llevedes un portero tengo que vos habra pro
My Cid, and we are counts of Carrion!"
To none they told it, there this talk was left.
Farewell Minaya Albarfanez gave
The goodly king. "Minaya, now you part,
And may Creator′s grace accompany you.
A porter take, I deem it were you gain.

Si llevaredes las dueñas sirvanlas a su sabor
Fasta dentro en medina denles cuanto huebos les fuere
Desi adelante piense dellas el Campeador
Espidiose Minaya & vase de la corte
1385 Los infantes de Carrion dando iban compaña a minaya Alvar Fañez
And if ye take the dames, their wished fill.
Unto Medina grant their every need,
Thereafter let the Campeador attend."
Minaya bade farewell and left the court.
Beside Minaya Albarfanez marched
The Lords of Carrion: "In al things thou

En todo sodes pro en esto asi lo fagades
Saludad nos a mio Çid el de Vivar
Somos en su pro cuanto lo podemos far
El Çid que bien nos quiera nada no perdera
1390 respuso Minaya esto no me ha por que pesar
Art worthy, act in this with worthiness;
My Cid, he of Bivar, salute for us,
In what we may we stand in his behalf.
No loss the Cid′s wherein he favor us."
Replied Minaya: "Naught aggrieves me there."

Ido es Minaya tornanse los infantes
Adeliño pora san Pero o las dueñas estan
Tan grande fue el gozo cuando le vieron asomar
Decido es Minaya a san Pero va rogar
1395 Cuando acabo la oracion a las dueñas se torno
Minaya gone, the Lords they turned them back.
he sought Saint Peter′s straight, where wait the dames.
Supreme the joy when saw they him appear.
Dismounts Minaya, seeks Saint Peter′s church
For prayer. That done the ladies be approached:

Homillome doña Ximena dios vos curie de mal
Asi faga a vuestras fijas amas
Saludavos mio Çid alla onde de esta
Sano lo dexe & con tan grande rictad
1400 El Rey por su merced sueltas me vos ha
"I bow before you, Dame Ximena, here;
God shield from harm, and so your daughters guard!
My Cid, from where he rests, his greeting sends;
I left him well, with riches very great.
In clemency, the king you freedom grants

Por llevaros a Valencia que habemos por heredad
Si vos viese el Çid sañas & sin mal
Todo serie alegre que no habrie ningun pesar
Dixo doña Ximena el criador lo mande
1405 Dio 3 caballeros Minaya Alvar Fañez
To me, to bear you to Valencia,
Our heritage. An sees you safe the Cid,
And free from harm, all joyful will he be.
For naught his care." The Dame Ximena said:
"Creator grant it." Thereupon apart
Three knights Minaya Albarfanez set,

Enviolos a mio Çid a Valencia do esta
Decid al Campeador que dios le curie de mal
Que su mugier & sus fijas el Rey sueltas me las ha
Mientra que fueremos por sus tierras conducho nos mando dar
1410 De aquestos 15 dias si dios nos curiare de mal
And sent them where My Cid remained within
Valencia City: "Tell the Campeador -
May god from harm defend - that both his wife
And daughters hath the king released to me.
And while we should within his lands remain
he bade we be with all provisions plied.
Gone fifteen days - an God from harm protect -

Seremos yo & su mugier & sus fijas que el ha
& todas las dueñas con ellas cuantas buenas ellas han
Idos son los caballeros & dello pensaran
remanecio en san Pero minaya Alvar Fañez
1415 Veriedes caballeros venir de todas partes
Myself, his wife and children will be there,
And all the worthy dames they have with them."
The knights are gone, and they will mind it well.
Minaya Albarfanez hath remained
Within Saint Peter′s. had ye there beheld
Arrive from every hand the knights. They wish

Irse quiere a Valencia a mio Çid el de Vivar
Que les toviese pro rogaban a Alvar Fañez
Diciendo esto minaya esto fere de veluntad
A minaya 65 caballeros a crecidole han
1420 E el se tenie 100 que aduxiera de alla
To seek My Cid, he of Bivar, within
Valencia. They Albarfanez pray
To favor them. Minaya thus replied:
"that will I gladly." knights Minaya sought
In number sixty-five. An hundred more

Por ir con estas dueñas buena compaña se faze
Los 500 marcos dio minaya al Abad
de los otros 500 decirvos he que faze
Minaya a doña Ximena & a sus fijas que ha
1425 E a las otras dueñas que las sirven delante
he had form yonder led. A goodly force
They form, these ladies to accompany.
Five hundred marks Minaya did bestow
Upon the Abbot, while the other five,
I will relate what use he made of them.
The Dame Ximena, as her children there,
And other ladies who before they serve,

El bueno de minaya pensolas de adobar
de los mejores guarnimientos que en Burgos pudo fallar
Palafres & mulas que no parescan mal
Cuando estas dueñas adobadas las han
1430 El bueno de minaya pensar quiere de cabalgar
The good Minaya thought to furnish them
With best equipment he might find within
The town of Burgos; palfreys, mules as well,
To end that they no poor appearance make.
The dames equipped, the good Minaya wished
To think on marching, when, before his feet

Afevos rachel & vidas a los pies le caen
Merced minaya caballero de prestar
Desfechos nos ha el Çid sabed si no nos vale
Soltariemos la ganancia que nos diese el caudal
1435 Yo lo vere con el Çid si dios me lleva alla
Rachel and Vidas fell: "Thou knight of fame,
Minaya, grace! And if he aid us not
know ye that Cid hath ruined us. The gain
We grant but let him the capital."
"that thing before the Cid I will attend.

Por lo que habedes fecho buen cosimente y habra
Dixo rachel & vidas el criador lo mande
Si no dexaremos Burgos ir lo hemos buscar
Ido es pora san Pero minaya Alvar Fañez
1440 Muchas gentes sele a cogen penso de cabalgar
An God but lead me there. Your deed will gain
Fair recompense." Rachel and Vidas said:
"Creator so ordain, for else we needs
Must Burgos leave and go in search of him."
Minaya Albarfanez sought Saint Peter′s
Full many came to him, he thought to march.

Gran duelo es al partir del Abad
Si vos vala el criador minaya Alvar Fañez
Por mi al Campeador las manos le besad
Aqueste monesterio no lo quiera olvidar
1445 Todos los dias del sieglo en llevar lo adelante
At parting is the Abbot′s grief profound.
"Now may Creator be your guardian,
Minaya Albarfanez. And for me
Salute upon his hands the Campeador
And may be ne′er forget this monastery,

El Çid siempre valdra mas
respuso minaya ferlo he de veluntad
Ya se espiden & piensan de cabalgar
El portero con ellos que los ha de aguardar
1450 Por la tierra del Rey mucho conducho les dan
For higher aye My Cid will be esteemed
for making it to prosper all his days."
Minaya made reply: "Right willingly."
And now they take their leave and think to ride.
The porter set to guard them goes with them.
Throughout the king′s domain provision great
They gave them. Five the days they use to march

De san Pero fasta medina en 5 dias van
Felos en medina las dueñas & Alvar Fañez
Direvos de los caballeros que llevaron el mensaje
Al hora que lo sopo mio Çid el de Vivar
1455 Plogole de corazon & tornose a alegrar
The space between Saint Peter′s and Medina.
Lo! Albarfanez and the dames within
Medina. Will I tell ye of the knights
454-5~ Who bore the word. When ware of that, My Cid,

De la su boca compezo de fablar
Qui buen mandadero envia tal debe esperar
Tu Muño Gustioz & Pero Vermudez delante
E Martin Antolinez un burgales leal
1460 El obispo don jeronimo coronado de prestar
he of Bivar, was glad and pleased at heart.
be′gan to speak: "Who envoy worthy sends
May look for like. Thou, Muno Gustioz,
Pero Vermudez, thou to horse before,

Cabalguedes con 100 guisados pora huebos de lidiar
Por santa Maria vos vayades pasar
Vayades a molina que yace mas adelante
Tiene ella Abengalbon mio amigo es de paz
1465 Con otros 100 caballeros bien vos consigra
With hundred men for fight prepared, and go
True Martin Antolinez, Burgales,
And Bishop Don Jerome, the tonsured one
of high esteem. Saint Mary′s pass and seek
Molina town beyond. Who holds that place,
Avengalvon, my friend of peace is he.
he well may join with hundred other knights.

Id pora medina cuanto lo pudieredes far
Mi mugier & mis fijas con Minaya Alvar Fañez
Asi como a mi dixieron y los podredes fallar
Con grande honra aducidmelas delante
1470 E yo fincare en Valencia que mucho costadome ha
Fly to Medina. As they told to me,
You there will find Minaya Albarfanez
With wife and children mine. In honor great
Lead them before me; I will rest within
Valencia, which place hath cost me dear.

Gran locura serie si la desemparase
Yo fincare en Valencia ca la tengo por heredad
Esto era dicho piensan de cabalgar
E cuanto que pueden no fincan de andar
1475 Trocieron a santa Maria & vinieron albergar a frontael
′Twere madness great an I abandoned it.
I will within Valencia remain,
For do I hold the place as heritage."
that said, they thought to ride. At utmost speed
They never ceased to march; Saint Mary′s crossed
And came to pitch their camp before the place;

E el otro dia vinieron a molina posar
El moro Abengalbon cuando sopo el mensaje
Saliolos recibir con gran gozo que faze
Venides los vasallos de mio amigo natural
1480 A mi no me pesa sabed mucho me plaze
At morrow lodge within Molina town.
When Moor Avengalvon the message knew,
With great delight he went to welcome them.
"Now, come, ye vassals of my natural friend,
And, know ye, great my joy, no pain is mine!"

fablo Muño Gustioz no espero a nadi
Mio Çid vos saludaba & mandolo recaudar
Con 100 caballeros que privado le acorrades
Su mugier & sus fijas en medina estan
1485 Que vayades por ellas adugadesgelas aca
Awaiting none, spake Muno Gustioz:
"My Cid saluted you and bade us urge
That swift you bear him aid with hundred men.
his wife and daughters in Medina rest.
he begs you seek and bring them here to him

E fasta en Valencia dellas no vos partades
Dixo Abengalbon ferlo he de voluntad
Esa noche conducho les dio grande
A la mañana piensan de cabalgar
1490 Ciento le pidieron mas el con 200 va
Nor leave them till you gain Valencia."
"that will I gladly," said Avengalvon.
Provision great that night he gave to them.
At morn the thought to ride. An hundred me
They asked, but he with twice an hundred goes.

Pasan las montanas que son fieras & grandes
Pasaron mata de toranz de tal guisa que ningun miedo no han
Por el val de arbuxedo piensan a deprunar
E en medina todo el recaudo esta
1495 Envio dos caballeros Minaya Alvar Fañez que sopiese la verdad
Vast mountains wild they pass. In such a guise
Passed Mata de Toranz. No fear had they.
By Val de Arburedo planned descent.
Now all are in Medina. Truth to learn,
Two knights Minaya Albarfanez sent.

Esto no detardan ca de corazon lo han
El uno finco con ellos & el otro torno a Alvar Fañez
Virtos del Campeador a nos vienen buscar
Afevos aqui Pero Vermudez & Muño Gustioz que vos quieren sin arte
1500 E Martin Antolinez el burgales natural
No stay was there, they have the thing at heart.
The one remained with them, but back again
To Albarfanez did the other turn.
"Now men of Campeador come seeking us.
Pero Vermudez here before you see,
And Muno Gustioz, who love you true,
And Martin Antolinez, Burgales,

E el obispo don jeronimo coronado leal
E el alcayaz Abengalbon con sus fuerzas que trae
Por sabor de mio Çid de grande honra le dar
Todos vienen en uno agora llegaran
1505 eshora dixo Minaya vayamos cabalgar
And Alcayaz Avengalvon and all
The force he leads, to bring My Cid content
And bear him honor. Al together come
And now arrive." "This hour," Minaya cried,

Eso fue apriesa fecho que no se quieren detardar
Bien salieron den ciento que no parecen mal
En buenos caballos a petrales & a cascabeles
& a cuberturas de cendales & escudos a los cuellos
1510 E en las manos lanzas que pendones traen
For seek they not delay. Full hundred men
They sallied forth, no did they ill beseem,
On goodly steeds that poitrels bore and bells,
And sendal coverings and shields on necks,
And lances pennanted in hands, to show

Que sopiensen los otros de que seso era Alvar Fañez
O como saliera de castiella Alvar Fañez con estas dueñas que trae
Los que iban mesurando & llegando delante
Luego toman armas & tomanse a deportar
1515 Por cerca de salon tan grandes gozos van
Oh, how went Albarfanez from Castile
With these the dames he led! The ones who spy
And march ahead soon take their arms and go.
high ran the joy along the stream Jalon.

Don llegan los otros a minaya Alvar Fañez se van homillar
Cuando llego Abengalbon donde a ojo ha
Sonrisandose de la boca ibalo abrazar
En el hombro lo saluda ca tal es su usaje
1520 Tan buen dia convusco minaya Alvar Fañez
Obeisance to Minaya Albarfanez.
When came Avengalvon and saw him there,
he sought embrace with smile on mouth, and pressed
Salute upon his shoulder - such his use:
"Fair day is yours, Minaya Albarfanez!

Traedes estas dueñas por o valdremos mas
mugier del Çid lidiador e sus fijas naturales
Hondrarvos hemos todos ca tal es la su auze
Maguer que mal le queramos no gelo podremos fer
1525 En paz o en guerra de lo nuestro habra
Wife, daughters lawful of the warrior Cid,
We all must honor - such his auspices.
Though ill we wished him might we do him none.
In peace or war of ours he e′er shall have.

Mucho le tengo por torpe qui no conosce la verdad
Sonrisose de la boca minaya Alvar Fañez
Y Abengalbon amigo le sodes sin falla
Si dios me llegare al Çid & lo vea con el alma
1530 Desto que habedes fecho vos no perderedes nada
Minaya Albarfanez smiled: "Art thou,
Avengalvon, a flawless friend; an God
But bear me ′fore the Cid and him I see
In life, for this your deed you naught shall lose.

Vayamos posar ca la cena es adobada
Dixo Abengalbon plazeme desta presentaja
Antes deste tercer dia vos la dare doblada
Entraron en medina servialos minaya
1535 Todos fueron alegres del servicio que tomaron
Avengalvon: "Tis offer give me joy.
And ere from this three days passed away
Twofold I will return it unto you."
They passed within Medina town and there
Minaya entertainment gave to them.
Of service thus bestowed were all rejoiced.

El portero del Rey quitarlo mandaba
Hondrado es mio Çid en Valencia do estaba
De tan grande conducho como en medina le sacaron
El Rey lo pago todo & quito se va minaya
1540 Pasada es la noche venida es la mañana
Within Valencia, where said me Cid,
he honor hath received by vast supplied
They furnished him within Medina town.
All paid the king and free Minaya town.
The night hath passed away, the morn hath come,

Oida es la misa & luego cabalgaban
Salieron de medina & salon pasaban
Arbuxuelo arriba privado aguijaban
El campo de torancio luego le atravesaban
1545 Vinieron a molina la que Abengalbon mandaba
They left Medina, crossed Jalon and spurred
Up Arburelo swiftly; soon they crossed
Torancio′s field, Molina reached where they ruled
Avengalvon. The Bishop Don Jerome -

El obispo don Jeronimo buen cristiano sin falla
Las noches & los dias las dueñas aguardando
& buen caballo en diestro que va ante sus armas
Entre el & Alvar Fañez iban a una compaña
1550 Entrados son a molina buena & rica casa
The ladies guarding, marched by night and day,
On horse of war that goes before him arms.
And what with Albarfanez and himself
A company they had, and now they passed
Within Molina, city fair and rich.

El moro Abengalbon bien los sirvie sin falla
De cuanto que quisieron no hobieron falla
Aun las ferraduras quitargelas mandaba
A Minaya & a las dueñas dios como las honraba
1555 Otro dia manaña luego cabalgaban
Whatever thing they wished, they lacked it not;
E′en cost of horses′ shoes he bade remit.
Ah God, what meed of honor did they give
Minaya and the dames! At morrow′s dawn
They mounted soon, no failed he serving them

Fasta en Valencia sirvialos sin falla
Los sus despendie el moro que de lo so no tomaba nada
Con estas alegrias & nuevas tan honradas
Apres son de Valencia a 3 leguas contadas
1560 A mio Çid el que en buen hora nacio
his own expended, naught he took of theirs.
With these delights and news of such degree No close upon Valencia they stand,
Three leagues all told. Within Valencia
Unto my Cid, on hour propitious born,

Dentro a Valencia llevanle el mandado
Alegre fue mio Çid que nunca mas ni tanto
Ca de lo que mas amaba ya le viene el mandado
200 caballeros mando exir privado
1565 Que reciban a minaya & a las dueñas fijas de algo
They bore the news. My Cid was filled with joy
Which ne′er had higher risen, nor so high.
For cometh word form all he loveth best.
Two hundred knights he bade depart in haste,
To greet Minaya and the noble dames.

El sedie en Valencia curiando & guardando
Ca bien sabe que Alvar Fañez trae todo recaudo
Afevos todos aquestos reciben a minaya
E a las dueñas & a las niñas & a las otras compañas
1570 Mando mio Çid a los que ha en su casa
he rests, for well he knows that Albarfanez
Brings all securely. See! the children now
And dames and all the rest Minaya greet.
My Cid commanded those within his house

Que guardasen el alcazar & las otras torres altas
E todas las puertas & las exidas & las entradas
E aduxiesenle a Babieca poco habie que le ganara
Aun no sabie mio Çid el que en buen hora cinxo espada
1575 Si serie corredor o si abrie buena parada
To guard, and likewise every gate that leads
Or in or out, and Babieca bring;
he had but newly gained him, now was yet
My Cid, who sword on hour propitious girt,
Aware an he were fleet or good at halt.

A la puerta de Valencia do fuese en so salvo
Delante su mugier & de sus fijas querie tener las armas
recibidas las dueñas a una gran honranza
El obispo don Jeronimo a delante se entraba
1580 Y dexaba el caballo pora la capiella adeliñaba
Before his wife and daughters he desired
to bear his arms. The Bishop Don Jerome,
when had the dames with honor great been met,
Before them entered, left his horse and straight

Con cuantos que el puede que con horas se acordaron
Sobrepellizas vestidas & con cruces de plata
recibir salien las dueñas & al bueno de minaya
El que en buen hora nacio no lo de tardaba
1585 Ensillanle a Babieca cuberturas le echaban
Upon that moment. Clad in surplices
And bearing silver crosses, went they forth
To welcome good Minaya and the dames.
Stayed not the one on hour propitious born.
They saddle Babieca, coverings
Cast over him, and forth upon him rode

Mio Çid salio sobre el & armas de fuste tomaba
Vistiose el sobregonel luenga trae la barba
Fizo una corrida esta fue tan estraña
Por nombre el caballo Babieca cabalga
1590 Cuando hobo corrido todos se maravillaban
My Cid, and wooden arms he took in hand;
A cloak o′er tunic threw, his beard was long.
A course he ran, most strange it was to see.
The horse he strode was Babieca named.
And when the course was run they marveled all.

Dese dia se precio Babieca en cuanto grande fue españa
En cabo del coso mio Çid descalgaba
Adeliño a su mugier & a sus fijas amas
Cuando lo vio doña Ximena a pies se le echaba
1595 Merced Campeador en buen hora cinxiestes espada
Through all of mighty Spain. Where ends the course
My Cid dismounted, straight he sought his wife
And daughters twain. And when the Dame Ximena
Beheld him, at his feet she cast herself:
"Grace, Campeador, on hour propitious thou
hast girded sword! Thou hast delivered me

Sacadas me habedes de muchas verg enzas malas
Afeme aqui señor yo vuestras fijas amas
Con dios & convusco buenas son & criadas
A la madre & a las fijas bien las abrazaba
1600 Del gozo que habien de los sus ojos lloraban
Behold me, liege, and both your daughters here,
Through God and you most nobly bred and good."
The mother and the daughters close he drew
Within his arms; and for their joy they wept.

Todas las sus mesnadas en gran deleite estaban
Armas teniendo & tablados quebrantando
Oid lo que dixo el que en buen hora nacio
Vos querida & honrada mugier & amas mis fijas
1605 Mi corazon & mi alma
tablados breaking, arms within their hands.
What spake the one on hour propitious born
Attend: "Oh thou, my honored cherished wife,
And both my daughters, heart and soul of mine,

Entrad conmigo en Valencia la casa
En esta heredad que vos yo he ganada
Madre & fijas las manos le besaban
A tan grande honra ellas a Valencia entraban
1610 Adeliño mio Çid con ellas al alcazar
Within this heritage I gained for you."
The mother and the daughters kissed his hands.
Valencia′s gates with honor great they passed.
My Cid the Alcazar straightway sought with them.

Alla las subie en el mas alto logar
Ojos bellidos catan a todas partes
Miran Valencia como yace la ciudad
E de la otra parte a ojo han el mar
1615 Miran la huerta espesa es & grande
On every hand the lovely eyes are turned.
They see how lies Valencia City spread,
And on the other hand behold the sea.
They gaze upon the huerta, dense and wide.

Alzan las manos pora dios rogar
Desta ganancia como es buena & grande
Mio Çid & sus compañas tan a grande sabor estan
El invierno es exido que el marzo quiere entrar
1620 Decir vos quiero nuevas de allende partes del mar
Full joyful made My Cid and company,
For fair it is and great. The winter now
hath gone and March is just about to come.
I would relate you news from o′er the sea,

De aquel Rey yucef de que en marruecos esta
Pesole al Rey de marruecos de mio Çid don rodrigo
Que en mis heredades fuerte mietre es metido
E el no gelo gradece si no a Jesu Cristo
1625 Aquel Rey de marruecos ajuntaba sus virtos
Morocco′s king was angered with My Cid
Don Roderick: "Within my heritage
he roughly enters; grace he renders not
Save unto Jesus Christ." That king who ruled
Within Morocco drew his forces up.

Con 50000 veces de armas todos fueron cumplidos
Entraron sobre mar en las barcas son metidos
Van buscar a Valencia a mio Çid don rodrigo
Arribado han las naves fuera eran exidos
1630 Llegaron a Valencia la que mio Çid ha conquista
they sought the idea and passed within their ships.
They go to seek Valencia, to My Cid
Don Roderick. The vessels have arrived
And forth they go. They reached Valencia

Fincaron las tiendas & posan las gentes descreidas
Estas nuevas a mio Çid eran venidas
Grado al criador & a padre espirital
Todo el bien que yo he todo lo tengo delante
1635 Con afan gane a Valencia & hela por heredad
Their tents and camped. The news hath reached My Cid;
"Creator, Spiritual Sire, be praised!
For all the wealth I own before me lies.
With pain I gained Valencia, and hold it

A menos de muerte no la puedo dexar
Grado al criador & a santa maria madre
Mis fijas & mi mugier que las tengo aca
Venidome es delicio de tierras de allende mar
1640 Entrare en las armas no lo podre dexar
Creator and Saint Mary Mother, praise!
My wife and daughters here I have at hand.
Delight is mine from lands beyond the sea.
I arms will seek, nor might I turn away.

Mis fijas & mi mugier verme han lidiar
En estas tierras agenas veran las moradas como se fazen
Afarto veran por los ojos como se gana el pan
Su mugier & sus fijas subiolas al alcazar
1645 Alzaban los ojos tiendas vieron fincadas
Within these foreign lands perceive the way
Of gaining lodgment. Well their eyes shall see
how bread is won." his daughters and his wife
he bade to mount upon the Alcazar′s height.
They raised their eyes, and fired they tents beheld:

Que es esto Çid si el criador vos salve
Ya mugier honrada no hayades pesar
riqueza es que nos a crece maravillosa & grande
A poco que viniestes presente vos quieren dar
1650 Por casar son vuestras fijas aducen vos axuar
"Now grieve ye not, my honored wife. ′Tis wealth
Most strange and great that riseth unto us.
But late you came, they would a gift bestow.
Your daughters are to marry. They but bring

A vos grado Çid & al padre espirital
Mugier sed en este palacio & si quisieredes en el alcazar
No hayades pavor por que me veades lidiar
Con la merced de dios & de santa Maria madre
1655 Creceme el corazon porque estades delante
Both unto you and the Spiritual Sire."
"Rest, wife, within the palace, and if so
It be your wish, within he Alcazar stay.
have never fear because ye see me fight.
With grace of God and of Saint Mary Mother,
My heart grows strong for that we are at hand.

Con dios aquesta lid yo la he de arrancar
Fincadas son las tiendas & parecen los albores
A una grande priesa tañen los atamores
Alegrabase mio Çid & dixo tan buen dia es hoy
1660 Miedo ha su mugier & quierele quebrar el corazon
The tents are fired and dawn begins to break;
In greatest haste they beat the drums. My Cid
Rejoiced and cried: "A day most fair is this!"
his wife hath fear, it seemed her heart would break;

Asi fazie a las dueñas & a sus fijas amas a dos
Del dia que nasquieran no vieran tal tremor
Prisose a la barba el buen Çid Campeador
No hayades miedo ca todo es vuestra pro
1665 Antes destos 15 dias si ploguiere al criador
Since birth they never such a terror knew.
he grasped his beard, the good Cid Campeador:
"Fear not, for all to your advantage turns;
Ere fifteen days have passed, an′t please Creator,

Aquellos atamores a vos los ponran delante & veredes cuales son
Desi han a ser del obispo don Jeronimo
Colgarlos han en santa maria madre del criador
Vocacion es que fizo el Çid Campeador
1670 Alegre son las dueñas perdiendo van el pavor
Thereon yea shall behold what things they be,.
The Bishop Don Jerome shall then receive
And hang them in the church they call Saint Mary
The Mother of Creator." ′Tis a vow
Cid Campeador hath made. The dames rejoice,

Los moros de marruecos cabalgan a vigor
Por las huertas adentro estan sines pavor
Violo el atalaya & tanxo el esquila
Prestas son las mesnadas de las gentes cristianas
1675 Adobanse de corazon e dan salto de la villa
They fearless pass within the huertas′ space.
The atalaya saw, and rang the bell.
The Christian forces stand prepared. They arm
Right willingly and rush without the town,

Do se fallan con los moros cometienlos tan aina
Sacanlos de las huertas mucho a fea guisa
500 mataron dellos cumplidos en ese dia
Bien fasta las tiendas dura aqueste alcance
1680 Mucho habien fecho piensan de cabalgar
In truth they drove them from the huertas forth
In goodly guise. Full fifteen hundred men
This day they slew. that chase hath reached the tents.
They had accomplished much and thought to ride.

Albar salvadorez preso finco alla
Tornados son a mio Çid los que comien su pan
El selo vio con los ojos cuentangelo delante
Alegre es mio Çid por cuanto fecho han
1685 Oidme caballeros no rastara por al
Now those who eat his bread have turned them back
Unto My Cid. he had beheld the thing,
And when they came to him they told it him.
For all they did My Cid with joy is filled.

hoy es dia bueno & mejor sera cras
Por la mañana prieta todos armados seades
Decirnos ha la misa & pensad de cabalgar
El obispo do Jeronimo soltura nos dara
1690 Irlos hemos ferir en el nombre del criador & del apostol santiago
This day is fair, the morn shall fairer be.
Armed by ye ready ere the light of dawn.
The Bishop Don Jerome shall unto us
Give absolution and recite the mass.
Thereafter unto riding turn your thoughts.
Forth let us go to strike them in the name

Mas vale que nos los vezcamos que ellos cojan el pan
eshora dixieron todos de amor & de voluntad
fablaba Minaya no lo quiso detardar
Pues eso queredes Çid a mi mandades al
1695 Dadme 130 caballeros pora huebos de lidiar
Better we crush them than they gain the field."
All cried threon: "With love and willingness."
Minaya spake, nor sought delay: "′Tis thus
You, Cid, desire, but bid me otherwise:
Give me hundred knights and thirty armed

Cuando vos los fueredes ferir entrare yo del otra parte
O de amas o del una dios nos valdra
eshora dixo el Çid de buena voluntad
Ese dia es salido & la noche entrada es
1700 No se detardan de adobarse esas gentes cristianas
Will I upon the other side attach.
To both or one will God assistance bear."
Thereon replied the Cid: "Right willingly."
This day is done and hath the night arrived.

A los mediados gallos antes de la mañana BR>
El obispo don Jeronimo la misa les cantaba
La misa dicha gran soltura les daba
El que aqui muriere lidiando de cara
1705 Prendole yo los pecados & dios le habra el alma
Ere morn, at cockcrow, Bishop Don Jerome
Recited them the mass. The mass complete,
Great absolution gave he unto them:
"Whoe′er shall perish here with face to fight
I take his sins and God his soul shall have.

A vos Çid don rodrigo en buen hora cinxiestes espada
Yo vos cante la misa por aquesta mañana
Pidovos un don & seame presentado
Las feridas primeras que las haya yo otorgadas
1710 Dixo el Campeador desaqui vos sean mandadas
On hour propitious; I think morn to you
Recited mass; a guerdon now I ask,
And be it granted me, first blows to deal."
The Campeador: "hereon ′tis granted you."

Salidos son todos armados por las torres de Valencia
Mio Çid a los sus vasallos tan bien los acordando
Dexan a las puertas homnes de gran recado
Dio salto mio Çid en Babieca el su caballo
1715 De todas guarnizones muy bien es adobado
My Cid encouraging his vassals well.
Most cautious men they leave beside the gates.
Sprang forth My Cid, upon his steed he rode,
On Babieca, well with trappings decked.

La seña sacan fuera de Valencia dieron salto
4000 menos 30 (3970) con mio Çid van a cabo
A los 50000 van los ferir de grado
Alvar Alvarez & Alvar salvadorez & minaya Alvar Fañez
1720 Entraronles del otro cabo
Four thousand, lacking thirty, leads My Cid.
They willingly ′gainst fifty thousand go.
Then ′mongst them dashed Minaya Albarfanez
From other side and Albar Albarez.

Plogo al criador & hobieronlos de arrancar
Mio Çid empleo la lanza al espada metio mano
Atantos mata de moros que no fueron contados
Por el codo ayuso la sangre destellando
1725 Al Rey yucef 3 colpes le hobo dados
My Cid his lance employed and grasped his sword.
So many Moors be slew, no count they took,
The blood a-dripping from the elbow down.
Three blows he dealt King Yusef. he escaped

Saliosele de so el espada ca mucho le andido el caballo
Metiosele en gujera un castiello palaciano
Mio Çid el de Vivar fasta alli llego en alcance
Con otros que le consiguen de sus buenos vasallos
1730 Desdalli se torno el que en buen hora nacio
Within Guiera stopped, a castle fair.
Thus far My Cid, he of Bivar, pursued,
And with him others of his vassals true.
Thence turned the one on hour propitious born.

Mucho era alegre de lo que han cazado
Alli precio a Babieca de la cabeza fasta acabo
Todo a esta ganancia en su mano ha rastado
Los 50000 por cuenta fueron notados
1735 No escaparon mas de 104
There Babieca, head to tail, he prized.
Within his hand this plunder all remained.
The fifty thousand men they count; and none
Beyond an hundred men and four escaped.

Mesnadas de mio Çid robado han el campo
Entre oro & plata fallaron 3000 marcos
Las otras ganancias no habia recaudo
Alegre era mio Çid & todos sus vasallos
1740 Que dios les hobo merced que vencieron el campo
Three thousand marks in gold and silver found.
The other spoils they knew not what their sum.
My Cid and all his vassals joyed that God
Did grant them grace and they the field had won.

Cuando al Rey de marruecos asi lo han arrancado
Dexo Alvar Fañez por saber todo recaudo
Con 100 caballeros a Valencia es entrado
Froncida trae la cara que era desarmado
1745 Asi entro sobre Babieca el espada en la mano
he Albarfanez left to learnt he sum;
Valencia entered with an hundred knights.
his face was grave, his arms he has removed;
Thus sword in hand on Babieca came.

recibienlo las dueñas que lo estan esperando
Mio Çid finco antellas & tobo la rienda al caballo
A vos me homillo dueñas gran prez vos he ganado
Vos teniendo Valencia & yo venci el campo
1750 Esto dios se lo quiso con todos los sus santos
Before them stopped, his horse′s reins he held:
"I bow before you, dames; I gained for you
A mighty prize. While you Valencia held
I won the field. this God and all his saints

Cuando en vuestra venida tal ganancia nos han dada
Vedes el espada sangrienta & sudiento el caballo
Con tal como esto se vencen moros del campo
rogando al criador que vos viva algun año
1755 Entraredes en prez & besaran vuestras manos
Behold the bloody sword, the sweating steed;
With such as this are Moors on field o′ercome.
Creator pray that he be spared to you
Yet many years. Ye shall to honor come,

Esto dixo mio Çid diciendo del caballo
Cuando le vieron de pie que era descabalgado
Las dueñas & las fijas & la mugier que vale algo
Delante el Campeador los hinojos fincaron
1760 Somos en vuestra merced & vivades muchos años
Descending form his horse. When him they saw
On foot, for had he now dismounted, dames
And daughters and his wife, of worth so high,
Fell on their knees before the Campeador:
"Within your grace we rest, and may you live

En vuelta con el entraron al palacio
E iban posar con el en unos preciosos escaños
Ya mugier doña Ximena no me lo habiedes rogado
Estas dueñas que aduxiestes que vos sirven tanto
1765 Quiero las casar con de aquestos mios vasallos
And passed within the palace. There they took
Fair seats beside him. "Dame Ximena, wife,
Now didst thou not demand the thing of me?
These dames you brought, who do so well attend you;
With these my vassals would I marry them.

A cada una dellas doles 200 marcos de plata
Que lo sepan en castiella a quien sirvieron tanto
Los de vuestras fijas venir sea mas por espacio
levantaronse todas & besaronle las manos
1770 Gran fue el alegria que fue por el palacio
That folk may come to know within Castile
To whom they bear such service excellent.
Your daughters′ case for other time be kept."
1769-70~ All rose and kissed his hands, and great the joy

Como lo dixo el Çid asi lo han acabado
Minaya Alvar Fañez fuera era en el campo
Con todas estas gentes escribiendo & contando
Entre tiendas & armas & vestidos preciados
1775 Tanto fallan desto que es cosa sobejana
the thing was done. Minaya Albarfanez
Within the camp remained with all these men
Writing and counting. What with tents and arms
And precious garments such a store they found
That ′tis a mighty thing. I would relate

Quiero vos decir lo que es mas granado
No pudieron ellos saber la cuenta de todos los caballos
Que andan arriados & no ha qui tomarlos
Los moros de las tierras ganado se han y algo
1780 Maguer de todo esto el Campeador contado
Of all horses that in harness ran
And none might take them. Moors within these lands
Did thereby greatly gain. Despite all this,
By lot there fell the Campeador renowned

de los buenos & otorgados cayeron le 1500 caballos
Cuando a mio Çid cayeron tantos los otros bien pueden fincar pagados
Tanta tienda preciada & tanto tendal obrado
Que ha ganado mio Çid con todos sus vasallos
1785 La tienda del Rey de marruecos que de las otras es cabo
When fell My Cid such number, might the rest
Be well content. So many beauteous tents,
And tent poles wrought, My Cid and vassals gained!
The tent Morocco′s ruler had which towers

Dos tendales las sufren con oro son labrados
Mando mio Çid Ruy Diaz que fita soviese la tienda
E no la tolliese dende cristiano
Tal tienda como esta que de marruecos es pasada
1790 Enviarla quiero a Alfonso el castellano
On tent poles twain which are with gold in wrought;
My Cid Ruy Diaz bade that tent to leave,
And that no Christian bear it thence away.
"Such tent as this, form out Morocco brought,
I would Alfonso the Castilian send,

Que croviese sus nuevas de mio Çid que habie algo
Con aquestas riquezas tantas a Valencia son entrados
El obispo don Jeronimo caboso coronado
Cuando es farto de lidiar con amas las sus manos
1795 No tiene en cuenta los moros que ha matados
how gain he hath." With such great wealth they passed
Valencia′s portal. Bishop Don Jerome,
Most worthy tonsured one, how tired was he
Of fight with both his hands, nor knows the sum
Of Moors he slew. What fell by lot to him

Lo que cae a el mucho era sobejano
Mio Çid don rodrigo el que en buen hora nacio
De toda la su 5 el diezmo le ha mandado
Alegres son por valencia las gentes cristianas
1800 Tantos habien de haberes de caballos & de armas
he born on hour propitious, bade a tithe
Of all his fifth he given unto him.
Throughout Valencia the Christian folk
Are joyful, such a store of wealth is theirs

Alegre es doña Ximena & sus fijas amas
E todas las otras dueñas que tienen por casadas
El bueno de mio Çid no lo tardo por nada
Do sodes caboso venid aca Minaya
1805 de lo que a vos cayo vos no gradecedes nada
her daughters twain, and other ladies deemed
for marriage chosen. Naught delayed My Cid
the goodly man. "Where are thou, worthy one?
Minaya, hither come. No thanks bestow
For what by lot hath fallen unto you.

Desta mi 5 digo vos sin falla
Prended lo que quisieredes lo otro remanga
E cras a la mañana ir vos hedes sin falla
Con caballos desta 5 que yo he ganada
1810 Con siellas & con frenos & con señas espadas
My Fifth whate′er you wish, the rest remain.
At morrow morn you must unfailingly go
With steeds form this the fifth that I have gained,
With saddles, bridles, and with each a sword,

Por amor de mi mugier & de mis fijas amas
Porque asi las envio donde ellas son pagadas
Estos 200 caballos iran en presentajas
Que no diga mal el Rey Alfonso del que Valencia manda
1815 Mando a Pero Vermudez que fuese con Minaya
For hath he sent them to their own content,
These twice an hundred steeds as gifts shall go,
That may the king Alfonso speak no ill
Of him who rules Valencia." he bade
Pero Vermudez with Minaya go.

Otro dia mañana privado cabalgaban
E 200 homnes llevan en su compaña
Con saludes del Çid que las manos le besaba
Desta lid que ha arrancada 200 caballos le enviaba en presentaja
1820 E servirlo he siempre mientra que hobise el alma
And bear within their ranks two hundred men,
With salutations from the Cid, who kissed
The king′s hands. As a gift he sent to him,
From out that fight he gained, two hundred steeds,
And service ever while remaineth life.

Salidos son de Valencia e piensan de andar
Tales ganancias traen que son a aguardar
Andan los dias & las noches & pasada han la sierra
Que las otras tierras parte
1825 Por el Rey don Alfonso toman se a preguntar
Such spoil they bear, it needs must guarded be.
They march by night and day; they passed the range
That parts the other lands, and set themselves
To asking for my lord the king Alfonso.

Pasando van las sierras & los montes & las aguas
Llegan a valadolid do el Rey Alfonso estaba
Enviabanle mandado Pero Vermudez & Minaya
Que mandase recibir a esta compaña
1830 Mio Çid el de Valencia envia su presentaja
Valladolid, where King Alfonso was.
A message, that he bid receive this band,
Pero Vermudez and Minaya sent:
"My Cid, he of Valencia, sends his gift."

Alegre fue el Rey no viestes atanto
Mando cabalgar apriesa todos sus fijos de algo
Y en los primeros el Rey fuera dio salto
A ver estos mensajes del que en buen hora nacio
1835 Los Infantes de Carrion sabed y se acertaron
he bade his gentlemen all quickly mount.
Forth ′mongst the first the king, to look upon
those sent form him on hour propitious born.
There know ye, drew the Lords of Carrion,

El conde don garcia su enemigo malo
A los unos plaze & a los otros va pesando
A ojo lo habien los del que en buen hora nacio
Cuidanse que es almofalla ca no vienen con mandado
1840 El Rey don Alfonso seise santiguando
To some it brought content, but other grieved.
Who serve the one on hour propitious born.
Beheld the thing, and did they deem it were
An army come, for herald brought they none.
My lord the king Alfonso crossed himself.

Minaya & Pero Vermudez adelante son llegados
Firieronse a tierra descendieron de los caballos
Ante el Rey Alfonso los hinojos fincados
Besan la tierra & los pies amos
1845 Merced Rey Alfonso sodes tan honrado
They sprang to earth, dismounting from their steeds.
Upon their knees before the king Alfonso
They fall and kiss the earth and both his feet:
"Grace, king Alfonso, honor great is yours!

Por mio Çid el Campeador todo esto vos besamos
a vos llama por señor & tienese por vuestro vasallo
Mucho precia la honra el Çid que le habedes dado
Pocos dias ha Rey que una lid ha arrancado
1850 A aquel Rey de marruecos yucef por nombrado
for all of this we salvation bear.
he names you Sire and holds himself your vassal.
The Cid esteems the honor you have done him
Most deeply. king, a fight he won of late
Against Morocco′s ruler, Yusef names.

Con 50000 arrancolos del campo
Las ganancias que fizo mucho son sobejanas
ricos son venidos todos los sus vasallos
& enviavos 200 caballos & besa vos las manos
1855 Dixo el Rey don Alfonso recibolos de grado
The spoil he made is vast, and all enriched
his vassals have become. he sent to you
Two hundred steeds, and doth he kiss your hands."
Said king Alfonso: "Gladly take I them.

Gradescolo a mio Çid que tal don me ha enviado
Aun vea hora que de mi sea pagado
Esto plogo a muchos & besaronle las manos
Peso al conde don garcia e mal era irado
1860 Con 10 de sus parientes a parte daban salto
And may I yet the hour behold when he
Shall guerdon gain form me.: This many pleased,
And did they kiss his hands. The Count Garcia
Was grieved and deeply angered, and he turned
Apart with ten among his family:

Maravilla es del Çid que su honra crece tanto
En la honra que el ha nos seremos abiltados
Por tan biltada mientre vencer Reyes del campo
Como si los fallase muertos aducirse los caballos
1865 Por esto que el faze nos habremos embargo
fablo el Rey don Alfonso & dixo esta razon
Grado al criador & al señor san Esidro el de leon
Estos 200 caballos que me envia mioÇid
Mio Reino adelante mejor me podra servir
A vos minaya Alvar Fañez & a Pero Vermudez aqui
So great his honor. We abased shall be
Through this his honor. kings upon the field
he shamefully defeated, just as though
he slew them, sending unto us their steeds.
Through this his deed we ill at ease shall be."
king Don Alfonso spake, these words he said:
"Creator and the Lord Saint Isidore,
he of Leon, I render them my thanks
For these two hundred steeds My Cid hath sent.
Thenceforward were my kingdom better served.
Minaya Albarfanez, unto you,
And likewise you, Pero Vermudez, here,

Mando vos los cuerpos honrada mientre servir & vestir
E guarnir vos de todas armas como vos dixieredes aqui
Que bien parescades ante Ruy Diaz mioÇid
Dovos 3 caballos & prendedlos aqui
1875 Asi como semeja & la voluntad melo dice
your persons, and equip with arms complete,
As here ye may desire, that well ye seem
Before My Cid Ruy Diaz. I bestow
Three steeds upon you, here accept of them.
Me seems, and doth the wish bespeak me, good

Todas estas nuevas a bien habran de venir
Besaronle las manos & entraron a posar
Bien los mando servir de cuanto huebos han
de los infantes de Carrion yo vos quiero contar
1880 fablando en su consejo habiendo su poridad
They kissed his hands and unto rest retired.
he bade to serve them well of all they need.
I′d tell you of the lords of Carrion.
With secret plan they counseled each with each:

Las nuevas del Çid mucho van adelante
Demandemos sus fijas pora con ellas casar
Creceremos en nuestra honra & iremos adelante
Vinien al Rey Alfonso con esta poridad
1885 Merced vos pidimos como a Rey & señor natural
his daughters let us ask of him to wed.
We shall advancement gain and grow in honor."
They brought this secret plan to king Alfonso:
"As king and lawful liege, we ask you grace;

Con vuestro consejo lo queremos fer nos
Que nos demandedes fijas del Campeador
Casar queremos con ellas a su honra & a nuestra pro
una gran hora el Rey penso & comidio
1890 Yo eche de tierra al buen Campeador
Demand the daughters of the Campeador.
For honor theirs and gain to us we seek
To wed the," Long the king considered it
And pondered. "Did I banish from the land
the goodly Campeador, and bearing ill

E faciendo yo a el mal & el a mi grande pro
Del casamiento no se si se habran sabor
Mas pues vos lo queredes entremos en la razon
A Minaya Alvar Fañez & a Pero Vermudez
1895 El Rey don Alfonso eshora los llamo
I know not if this marriage would content him,
But will we entrance to the subject make,
Since you desire." king Don Alfonso then
Called unto him Minaya Albarfanez,
Pero Vermudez likewise, and within

A una cuadra el los aparto
Oidme Minaya & vos Pero Vermudez
Sirveme mio Çid el Campeador el lo merece
E de mi habra perdon vinieseme a vistas si hobiese dende sabor
1900 Otros mandados ha en esta mi corte
Minaya, and you, Pero Vermudez, hark.
My Cid the Campeador her serveth me;
I must requite. he shall my pardon have,
And let him seek an audience of me
Whene′er he wish. Within this court of mine

Diego & Fernando los infantes de Carrion
Sabor han de casar con sus fijas amas a dos
Sed buenos mensajeros & ruegovoslo yo
Que gelo digades al buen Campeador
1905 Habra y honra & crecera en honor
The Lords of Carrion, have wish to wed
his daughters twain. Be ye good messengers:
I beg you tell the worthy Campeador.
he shall in honor gain and grow in fief,
By taking unto him as sons-in-law

Por consagrar con los infantes de Carrion
fablo Minaya & plogo a Pero Vermudez
rogargelo hemos lo que decides vos
Despues faga el Çid lo que hobiere sabor
1910 Decid a Ruy Diaz el que en buen hora nacio
the Lords of Carrion." Minaya spake
Pero Vermudez was content of it:
"The thing ye name we will request of him;
thereafter let the Cid his pleasure do."
"Ruy Diaz, born on hour propitious, tell

que le ire a vistas do fuere aguisado
Do el dixiere y sea el mojon
Andarle quiero a mio Çid en toda pro
Espidiense al Rey con esto tornados son
1915 Van pora Valencia ellos & todos los sus
And where he names be that the boundary.
I would My Cid entreat in all things well."
they bade the king farewell, on this returned,
And they and all their men Valencia seek.

Cuando lo sopo el buen Campeador
Apriesa cabalga a recibirlos salio
Sonrrisose mio Çid & bien los abrazo
Venides Minaya & vos Pero Vermudez
1920 En pocas tierras a tales dos varones
In haste he mounts and forth to greet them goes.
My Cid he smiled and well embraced he them.
"Come thou, Minaya, and thou likewise come,
Pero Vermudez. Few the lands that hold

Como son las saludes de Alfonso mio señor
Si es pagado o recibio el don
Dixo Minaya de alma & de corazon
Es pagado & davos su amor
1925 Dixo mio Çid grado al criador
My liege Alfonso? Doth he rest content,
Or hath received the gift?" Minaya said:
"Content with heart and soul, and gives you love."
"Creator do I thank!" exclaimed My Cid.

Esto diciendo compiezan la razon
Lo que le rogaba Alfonso el de Leon
De dar sus fijas a los Infantes de Carrion
que le conoscie y honra & crecie en honor
1930 Que gelo consejaba de alma & de corazon
Of how Alfonso of Leon had sought
That he bestow on Lords of Carrion
his daughters that therein were honor his,
And would he grow in fief, with heart and soul
thereunto did the king his counsel give.

Cuando lo oyo mio Çid el buen Campeador
una grande hora penso & comidio
Esto gradesco a Cristo el mio señor
Echado fu de tierra & tollida la honor
1935 Con grande afan gane lo que he yo
For long he thought and pondered over it.
"For this to Christ my Lord I render thanks.
I eriled was, of fief deprived. I gained
With heavy trouble what I now possess.

A dios lo gradesco que del Rey he su gracia
E pidenme mis fijas pora los Infantes de Carrion
Ellos son mucho orgullosos & han parte en la corte
Deste casamiento no habria sabor
1940 Mas pues lo conseja el que mas vale que nos
And that they do my daughters ask of me
For Lords of Carrion. Proud men are they,
And strong at court. It were no wish of mine,
This marriage yet since he of greater worth
Than we advise it, let us talk thereon -

Fablemos en ello en la poridad seamos nos
Afe dios del cielo que nos acuerde en lo mejor
Con todo esto a vos dixo Alfonso
Que vos vernie a vistas do hobiesedes sabor
1945 Querervos ie ver & dar vos su amor
May God of heaven the better way disclose!"
"moreover, did Alfonso say to you
That would he come to see you where you chose.
he would behold and give his love to you.

Acordarvos iedes despues a todo lo mejor
eshora dixo el Çid plazeme de corazon
Estas vistas o las hayades vos
Dixo minaya vos sed sabidor
1950 No era maravilla si quisiese el Rey Alfonso
"Now," said the Cid, "I am content at heart."
Minaya spake: "In whatsoever place
This meeting you will hold, ′tis yours to know."
"No marvel king Alfonso wished for it.

Fasta do lo fallasemos buscarlo iremos nos
Por darle grande honra como a Rey de tierra
Mas lo que el quisiere eso queramos nos
Sobre tajo que es una agua caudal
1955 Hayamos vistas cuando lo quiere mio señor
As king of all the land, to render him
Great honor. Yet the thing which he desired,
That were our own desire; and let us hold
The interview, since so my liege hath wish,
Beside the Tagus′ bank, a mighty stream."
No letters were prepares, he sealed them well.

Escribien cartas bien las sello
Con dos caballeros luego las envio
Lo que el Rey quisiere eso fera el Campeador
Al Rey honrado delante le echaron las cartas
1960 Cuando las vio de corazon se paga
The Campeador will do the king′s desire.
Arrived in presence of the honored king,
They gave the letter. When he those beheld
At heart he joyed: "For me salute My Cid,

Saludadme a mio Çid el que en buen hora cinxo espada
Sean las vistas destas 3 semanas
Si yo vivo so alli ire sin falla
No lo detardan a mio Çid se tornaban
1965 Della parte & della pora las vistas se adobaban
And be the interview three weeks from this.
There, an alive, unfailing will I go."
Delay they not, My Cid again they seek.
Both sides prepare them for the interview.

Quien vio por castiella tanta mula preciada
E tanto palafre que bien anda
Caballos gruesos & corredores sin falla
Tanto buen pendon meter en buenas astas
1970 Escudos boclados con oro & con plata
Such handsome mules and palfreys fair of gait,
Tall steeds and swift of foot andand free of fault,
So many goodly pennons set upon
Fair shafts, and shields with gold and silver bossed,

Mantos & pieles e buenos cendales de adria
Conduchos largos el Rey enviar mandaba
A las aguas de tajo o las vistas son aparejadas
Con el Rey atantas buenas compañas
1975 Los infantes de carrion mucho alegre se andan
Provisions great the king commanded sent
To Tagus′ water, where ′tis planned to hold
The interview. Full great the company
that goeth with the king, and high the joy
Of Lords of Carrion. to some they pay,

Lo uno adeudan & lo otro pagaban
Como ellos tenien crecerles ia la ganancia
Cuantos quisiesen haberes de oro o de plata
El Rey don Alfonso a priesa cabalgaba
1980 Condes & podestades & muy grandes mesnadas
Their gains already grow: whate′er they wish
Of wealth in gold or silver, deem ′tis theirs.
king Don Alfonso mounted steed in haste.
With troops in number, counts and potestates.

Los Infantes de Carrion llevan grandes es compañas
Con el Rey van leoneses & mesnadas galicianas
No son en cuenta sabed las castellanas
Sueltan las riendas a las vistas se van a deliñadas
1985 Dentro en valencia mio Çid el Campeador
And marched Gallegan troops beside the king,
With Leonese, and know, one might not count
The legions of Castile. The reins they slack
And straightway seek the interview. Within
Valencia My Cid Campeador

No lo detarda pora las vistas se adobo
Tanta gruesa mula & tanto palafre de sazon
Tanta buena arma & tanto buen caballo corredor
Tanta buena capa & mantos & pellizones
1990 Chicos & grandes vestidos son de colores
So many sturdy mules and palfreys sound,
So many goodly arms, fleet-footed steeds,
Pelisses, mantles, cloaks most fair to see!
In colors all are clad, both great and small.

Minaya Alvar Fañez & aquel Pero Vermudez
Martin Muñoz & Martin Antolinez el burgales de pro
El obispo don Jeronimo coronado mejor
Alvar Alvarez & Alvar salvadorez
1995 Muño Gustioz el caballero de pro
And Martin Antolinez, Burgales
Of noble reputation, and the best
Of tonsured ones, the Bishop Done Jerome;
Pero Vermudez, Albar Albarez.
And Muno Gustioz, distinguished knight;

Galinde garciaz el que fue de aragon
Estos se adoban por ir con el Campeador
E todos los otros que y son
Alvar salvadorez & galinde garciaz el de aragon
2000 A aquestos dos mando el Campeador que curien a Valencia
And Albar Salvadorez; these prepare
To join the Campeador with all the rest.
the Campeador bade Albar Salvadorez
And he of Aragon, Galin Garcia,
these two, as guard to hold Valencia,

De alma & de corazon & todos los que en poder desos fosen
Las puertas del alcazar que no se abriesen de dia ni de noche
Dentro es su mugier & sus fijas amas a dos
En que tiene su alma & su corazon
2005 E otras dueñas que las sirven a su sabor
And all within their power, with heart and soul.
Nor open night or day the Alcazar′s gates.
Therein are found his wife and daughters twain,
And hath he placed in them his heart and soul -
And other dames who serve to their content.

recaudado ha como tan buen varon
Que del alcazar una salir no puede
Fasta que se torne el que en buen hora nacio
Salien de Valencia aguijan & espoloneaban
2010 Tantos caballos en diestro gruesos & corredores
Like worthy man, he prudently ordained
That none the Alcazar leave until the one
On hour propitious born return again.
They left Valencia and urged and spurred.
Full many steeds of war, both tall and fleet-

Mio Çid selos ganara que no gelos dieran en don
Ya se va pora las vistas que con el Rey paro
De un dia es llegado antes el Rey don Alfonso
Cuando vieron que vinie el buen Campeador
2015 recibir lo salen con tan grande honor
My Cid hath gained them, none have given them.
Now doth he go to seek the interview
Between himself and king agreed upon.
The king Alfonso came a day ere he.
When they perceived the worthy Campeador
Approaching, forth they went to welcome him

Donde lo hobo a ojo el que en buen hora nacio
a todos los sus estar los mando
Si no a estos caballeros que querie de corazon
Con unos 15 a tierras firio
2020 Como lo comidia el que en buen hora nacio
With greatest honor. When he saw the thing,
he born on hour propitious bade his men
To stay, except those knights he dearly loved.
As he on hour propitious born had planned,
with fifteen men to earth he cast himself.

Los hinojos & las manos en tierra los finco
Las yerbas del campo a dientes las tomo
llorando de los ojos tanto habie el gozo mayor
Asi sabe dar homildanza a Alfonso su señor
2025 De aquesta guisa a los pies le cayo
With knees and hands he pressed the ground and took
The grasses of the field between his teeth,
A weeping, so profound the joy he felt.
So doth he know what way to homage bear
Before his liege Alfonso; at his feet

Tan grande pesar hobo el Rey don Alfonso
levantados en pie ya Çid Campeador
Besad las manos ca los pies no
Si esto no feches no habredes mi amor
2030 hinojos fitos sedie el Campeador
This wise he fell. The king Alfonso felt
Great grief thereat. "Now rise upon your feet,
Cid Campeador; not feet, but hands salute.
Refuse me this ye shall not have my love."
The Campeador remained upon his knees:

Merced vos pido a vos mio natural señor
Asi estando dedesme vuestra amor que lo oyan cuantos aqui son
Dixo el Rey esto fere de alma & de corazon
Aqui vos perdono & dovos mi amor
2035 En todo mio reino parte desde hoy
"I do implore your grace, may lawful liege,
I here in this position, grant to me
Your love, that all who present are may hear."
The king: "this will I do with heart and soul.
My pardon here I give you and my love,
Thenceforth to all my kingdom entrance grant."

fablo mio Çid & dixo merced yo lo recibo don Alfonso mio señor
Gradescolo a dios del cielo & despues a vos
E a estas mesnadas que estan aderredor
Hinojos fitos las manos le beso
2040 Llevose en pie & en la boca le saludo
Replied My Cid and said: "My liege Alfonso,
I thank you and accept it. I return
to God of heaven, and after unto you,
My gratitude, and unto all these troops
Around us." kneeling did he kiss his hands
he rose and on the mouth saluted him.

Todos los demas desto habien sabor
Peso a Alvar Diaz & a garci ordoñez
fablo mio Çid & dixo esta razon esto gradesco al criador
Cuando he la gracia de don Alfonso mio señor
2045 Valerme ha dios de dia & de noche
The others all thereof rejoiced. It grieved
Garciordonez, likewise Albardiaz.
Outspake My Cid, and these the words he said:
"For this I render the Creator thanks.
Since have I gained my liege Alfonso′s grace
Will god protection grant me night and day.,

Fuesedes mi huesped si vos ploguiese señor
Dixo el Rey no es aguisado hoy
Vos agora llegastes & nos viniemos anoche
Mio huesped seredes Çid Campeador
2050 E cras feremos lo que ploguiere a vos
Liege, an it be your pleasure, be my guest."
....the king: "It were not seemly for today.
You come but now, and we late night arrived.
And you my guest shall be, Cid Campeador.
Tomorrow whatso please you will we do."

Besole la mano mioÇid lo otorgo
eshora sele homillan los infantes de Carrion
Homillamosnos Çid en buen hora nasquiestes vos
En cuanto podemos andamos en vuestro pro
2055 respuso mio Çid asi lo mande el criador
My Cid did yield, and kissed the royal hand.
Before him then the Lords of Carrion
Came humbly: "Cid, on hour propitious born,
We give you homage; whatsoever way
We may be able, we your welfare seek."
My Cid replied: "Creator so ordain!"

Mio Çid Ruy Diaz que en hora buena nacio
En aquel dia del Rey su huesped fue
No se puede fartar de el tanto le querie de corazon
Catandole sedie la barba que tan aina le creciera
2060 Maravillanse de mio Çid cuantos que y son
Upon that day the king received as guest
My Cid Ruy Diaz, born on hour propitious.
he loves him so he cannot tire of him
he gazed upon his beard, so swiftly grown.
Each person present marveled at My Cid.

Ese dia es pasado & entrada es la noche
Otro dia mañana claro salie el sol
El Campeador a los sus lo mando
Que adobasen cocina pora cuantos que y son
2065 De tal guisa los paga mio Çid el Campeador
That day has passed and hath the night arrived.
Clear rose the sun upon the morrow morn.
The Campeador gave order to his men
For all those present to prepare a meal.
My Cid the Campeador in such a way

Todos eran alegres & acuerdan en una razon
Pasado habie 3 años no comieran mejor
Al otro dia mañana asi como salio el sol
El obispo don Jeronimo la misa canto
2070 Al salir de la misa todos juntados son
Doth treat them. All were joyful and agreed
That past three years they ate no better meal.
At other morn, when first the sun arose,
The Bishop Don Jerome recited mass.
At leaving mass they all together come.

No lo tardo el Rey la razon compezo
Oidme las escuelas condes & infanzones
Cometer quiero un ruego a mio Çid el Campeador
Asi lo mande Cristo que sea a su pro
2075 Vuestras fijas vos pido don Elvira & doña Sol
The king, delaying not, began to speak:
"Attend me, followers, counts, infanzones.
Now would I pray My Cid the Campeador,
And Christ ordain it be to his advantage.
Your daughters, Dame Elvira and Dame Sol,

Que las dedes por mugieres a los Infantes de Carrion
Semejame el casamiento honrado & con gran pro
Ellos vos las piden & mandovoslo yo
Della & della parte cuantos que aqui son
2080 Los mios & los vuestros que sean rogadores
I ask that ye on Lords of Carrion
As wives bestow them. Fraught with great advantage
And honor seems this marriage unto me.
They ask it you, and I command it you.
My men or yours, from either side, here present,
Now may they intercessors be. My Cid,

Dadnoslas mio Çid si vos vala el criador
No habria fijas de casar respuso el Campeador
Ca no han gran edad e de dias pequeñas son
De grandes nuevas son los Infantes de Carrion
2085 Pertenecen pora mis fijas & aun pora mejores
Creator guard you, give them unto us."
The Campeador replied: " No children mine
To wed, their age is tender, few their days.
Of high degree the Lords of Carrion.
For daughters mine or higher were they fit.

Yo las engendre amas & criasteslas vos
Entre yo & ellas en vuestra merced somos nos
Afelas en vuestra mano don Elvira & doña Sol
Dadlas a qui quisieredes vos ca yo pagado so
2090 Gracias dixo el Rey a vos & a toda esta corte
I have begotten both, and you have raised them;
Within your hand behold them, Dame Elvira
And Sol, on whomsoe′er ye choose bestow,
For am I satisfied." Then said the king:
"Thanks unto you and unto all his court."

Luego se levantaron los infantes de Carrion
Van besar las manos al que en hora buena nacio
Camearon las espadas ante el Rey don Alfonso
fablo el Rey don Alfonso como tan buen señor
2095 Grado & graciasÇid como tan bueno & primero al criador
Then straight arose the Lords of Carrion;
The hands of him on hour propitious born
They go to kiss. Before the king Alfonso
Their swords exchange. king Don Alfonso spake
As lord most worthy: "Cid, both grace and thanks -
But first be praised Creator -since you give me

Que me dades vuestras fijas pora los Infantes de Carrion
Daqui las prendo por mis manos a doña Elvira & doña Sol
E dolas por veladas a los Infantes de Carrion
Yo las caso a vuestras fijas con vuestro amor
2100 Al criador plega que hayades ende sabor
Your daughters for the Lords of Carrion.
Within my hands I both hereon receive,
Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, and affianced,
Upon the Lords of Carrion bestow.
′Tis I who make, with your approving love,
You daughters′ marriages, and may it please
Creator that you thence contentment gain.

Afelos en vuestras manos los Infantes de Carrion
Ellos vayan convusco ca daquende me torno yo
300 marcos de plata en ayuda les do yo
Que metan en sus bodas o do quisieredes vos
2105 Pues fueren en vuestro poder en Valencia la mayor
Behold, the Lords of Carrion are now
Within your hands, hereafter let them go
With you, for hence I turn me back again.
Three hundred marks of silver give I them
To aid them. Let the wedding be where′er
You please: within Valencia the great,
Since ′tis within your power. Your sons-in-law

Los yernos & las fijas todos vuestros fijos son
Lo que vos ploguiere dellos fed Campeador
Mio Çid gelos recibe las manos le beso
Mucho vos lo gradesco como a Rey & a señor
2110 Vos casades mis fijas ca no gelas do yo
Are children unto you, as are your daughters.
Act, Campeador, as you desire with them."
My Cid received them, and he kissed his hands.
"Profound my thanks to you as king as liege.
Ye wed my daughters, for I give them not."

Las palabras son puestas que otro dia mañana
Cuando salie le el sol que se tornase cada uno donde salidos son
Aqui se metio en nuevas mio Çid el Campeador
Tanta gruesa mula & tanto palafre de sazon
2115 Compezo mio Çid a dar a quien quiere prender su don
It is agreed, at morn, when sun shall rise,
That whence he came shall each of them return.
here generous deeds My Cid the Campeador
Began to do. Of mules full many, strong,
And palfreys sound , began My Cid to give
To whomsoever wished to take his gift,

Tantas buenas vestiduras que de alfaya son
Cada uno lo que pide nadi no le dice de no
Mio Çid de los caballos 60 dio en don
Todos son pagados de las vistas cuantos que y son
2120 Partir se quieren que entrada era la noche
So many goodly garments, rich are they;
To each whate′er he asked, be none refused.
My Cid presented sixty steeds as gifts.
Content are all who saw the interview.
They wished to part, for now the night had come.

El Rey a los Infantes a las manos les tomo
Metiolos en poder de mio Çid el Campeador
Evad aqui vuestros fijos cuando vuestros yernos son
hoy de mas sabed que fer dellos Campeador
2125 Gradescolo Rey & prendo vuestro don
The king hath ta′en the lords by hand and placed them
In power of My Cid the Campeador.
"Behold your sons, for sons-in-law are they.
hence know ye how to treat them, Campeador."
"I thank you, king, and do It take your gift.

Dios que esta en cielo deme den buen galardon
Sobre el su caballo Babieca mio Çid salto daba
Aqui lo digo ante mio señor el Rey Alfonso
Qui quiere ir conmigo a las bodas o recibir mi don
2130 Daquende vaya conmigo cuido que le habra pro
And God in heaven fair guerdon grant me thence."
My Cid on Babieca sprang, his steed:
"In presence of my liege, the king Alfonso,
I here proclaim, whoe′er would seek with me
The nuptials, or desires my gift to take,
In joining me I deem it were his gain.

Yo vos pido merced a vos Rey natural
Pues que casades mis fijas asi como a vos plaze
Dad manero a qui las de cuando vos las tomades
No gelas dare yo con mi mano ni dende no se alabaran
2135 respondio el Rey afe aqui Alvar Fañez
I grace implore from you, my lawful king.
Since ye daughters unto marriage gave,
As ye desire, and since ye take them, now
To some one give the power to bestow.
Unto the lords my hand shall give them not,
Nor shall they have therefrom a cause to boast."
The king replied: "See, Albarfanez, here,

Prendedlas con vuestras manos & dadlas a los Infantes
Asi como yo las prendo daquende como si fose delante
Sed padrino dellos a todo el velar
Cuando vos juntaredes conmigo que me digades la verdad
2140 Dixo Alvar Fañez señor afe que me plaze
Take you their hands and give them to the lords,
As I do, just as in my presence they.
Be ye a guardian unto them throughout
The time of their bethrothal. When again
We meet ye shall relate me what befell.:"
Said Albarfanez: "Sire, it pleaseth me."

Todo esto es puesto sabed en gran recaudo
Ya Rey don Alfonso señor tan honrado
Destas vistas que hobiemos de mi tomedes algo
Trayo vos 10 palafres estos bien adobados
2145 E 30 caballos corredores estos bien ensillados
Be sure this all is planned with greatest care.
"king Don Alfonso, now, most honored sire,
In memory of our meeting take my gift:
I bring you twenty palfreys, well equipped,
And thirty horses fleet, with saddles fair.

Tomad aquesto & beso vuestras manos
Dixo el Rey don Alfonso mucho me habedes embargado
recibo este don que me habedes mandado
Plega al criador con todos los sus santos este plazer
2150 Que me feches que bien sea galardonado
thereof accept, and do I kiss you hands."
king Don Alfonso said: "In deep confusion
Ye cast me. I accept this gift ye sent.
Creator may it please, and all his saints,
To crown with guerdon fair this joy you give me.

Mio Çid Ruy Diaz mucho me habedes honrado
De vos bien so servido & tengome por pagado
Aun vivo seyendo de mi hayades algo
A dios vos acomiendo destas vistas me parto
2155 Afe dios del cielo que lo ponga en buen logar
My Cid Ruy Diaz, hast thou honored me
Most highly; I full well am served by you;
I am content thereof, and while you live
I hope you something still may gain from me.
I leave this meeting and to God commend you.
Lo! God of heaven ordain that all be well!"

Ya se espidio mio Çid de su señor Alfonso
No quiere que le escurra quitole desi luego
Veriedes caballeros que bien andantes son
Besar las manos espedirse del Rey Alfonso
2160 Merced vos sea & fazed nos este perdon
Now from his liege Alfonso parts my Cid.
The king sought not his escort; so he left.
And knights who ride full well ye there had seen
kiss king Alfonso′s hands and take their leave.
"Now grace be thine, and this permission grant us:

Iremos en poder de mio Çid a Valencia la mayor
Seremos a las bodas de los Infantes de Carrion
& de las fijas de mio Çid de don Elvira & doña Sol
Esto plogo al Rey & a todos los solto
2165 La compaña del Çid crece & la del Rey mengo
We will depart and seek Valencia
The greater, ′neath the power of My Cid;
The marriage of the Lords of Carrion
With daughters of My Cid, the dames Elvira
And Sol, we will attend." This pleased the king.
he gave them all permission. Grew the band
My Cid commands, but doth the king′s decrease.

Grandes son las gentes que van con el Campeador
Adeliñan pora Valencia la que en buen punto gano
E a don fernando & a don Diego aguardar los mando
A Pero Vermudez & Muño Gustioz
2170 En casa de mio Çid no a dos mejores
The Campeador hath mighty following.
They straightway see Valencia, the place
That he up
Pero Vermudez, Muno Gustioz,
(In My Cid′s house no better two were found),

Que sopiesen sus mañas de los Infantes de Carrion
Evad y Asur Gonzalez que era bullidor
Que es largo de lengua mas en lo al no es tan pro
Gran honra les dan a los Infantes de Carrion
2175 Afelos en Valencia la que mio Çid gano
To learn the ways of Lords of Carrion,
he bade attend Fernando and Diego.
Asur Gonzalez see, a restless man;
Long tongued is he, but elsewise less his worth.
Great honor to the Lords of Carrion
They give. Behold them in Valencia,
Which gained My Cid. When there they had arrived

Cuando a ella asomaron los gozos son mayores
Dixo mio Çid a don Pero & a Muño Gustioz
Dadles un reyal & a los Infantes de Carrion
Vos con ellos sed que asi vos lo mando yo
2180 Cuando viniere la mañana que apuntare el sol
The joy was great. Then did My Cid address
Don Pero, likewise Muno Gustioz:
"A palace give the Lords of Carrion
And rest ye with them, thus I bid we do.
At morning when the sun arise shall they

Veran a sus esposas a doña Elvira & a doña Sol
Todos esa noche fueron a sus posadas
Mio Çid el Campeador al alcazar entraba
recibiolo doña Ximena & sus fijas amas
2185 Venides Campeador en buena hora cinxiestes espada
Their wives, Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, see."
Within their quarters through the night they rest.
My Cid the Campeador hath passed within
The Alcazar. Dame Ximena welcomed him
And both his daughters. "Come ye, Campeador,
In hour propitious didst thou gird they sword,

Muchos dias vos veamos con los ojos de las caras
Grado al criador vengo mugier honrada
Yernos vos adugo de que habremos honranza
Gradidmelo mis fijas ca bien vos he casadas
2190 Besaronle las manos la mugier & las fijas amas
And may our eyes behold you many days!"
"Thanks be creator, honored wife, I come.
I bring you sons-in-law whence honor ours.
My daughters, thank me, have I wed ye well."
Both wife and daughters kiss his hands, and all

E todas las dueñas que las sirven
Grado al criador & a vos Çid barba bellida
Todo lo que vos feches es de buena guisa
No seran menguadas en todos vuestros dias
2195 Cuando vos nos casaredes bien seremos ricas
The dames and who bear attendance unto them.
"Creator and fair bearded Cid be praised!
Whate′er ye do, in goodly guise is done.
They will not in want through all you days."
"Since you will wed us may we well be rich."

mugier doña Ximena grado al criador
A vos vos digo mis fijas doña Elvira & doña Sol
Deste vuestro casamiento creceremos en honor
Mas bien sabed verdad que no lo levante yo
2200 Pedidas vos ha & rogadas el mio señor Alfonso
"Wife, Dame Ximena, unto the Creator
I render thanks. I say, ye daughters mine,
Sol and Elvira, we in honor rise
From this your marriage. Learn, however, well
The truth that ′twas not I who made the plan.
My liege Alfonso hath solicited

Atan firme mientre & de todo corazon
Que yo nulla cosa no le sope decir de no
Metivos en sus manos fijas amas a dos
Bien melo creades que el vos casa ca no yo
2205 Pensaron de adobar eshora el palacio
And asked for ye so firmly and in such
An heartfelt way I might deny him naught.
Within his hands I place ye, daughters twain.
know well ′tis he who weds you, ′tis not I."
hereon they think he palace to prepare.

Por el suelo & suso tan bien encortinado
Tanta porpola & tanto xamed & tanto paño preciado
Sabor abriedes de ser & de comer en el palacio
Todos sus caballeros a priesa son juntados
2210 Por los infantes de Carrion eshora enviaron
From floor aloft with hangings well ′tis decked.
Such great array of purple and of samite
And precious stuffs, ye would have joyed to be
And dine within the palace. All his knights
Are soon assembled. Thereupon they sought
The Lords of Carrion. Then forward rode

Cabalgan los infantes adelante adeliñaban al palacio
Con buenas vestiduras & fuerte mientre adobados
De pie & a sabor dios que quedos entraron
recibiolos mio Çid con todos sus vasallos
2215 A el & a su mugier delante sele homillaron
The lords and straightway they the palace sought,
In goodly garments, valiantly equipped,
On foot and joyous - God, how calm were they!
My Cid and all his vassals welcomed them.
They gave him homage and his wife as well,

E iban posar en un precioso escaño
Todos los de mio Çid tan bien son acordados
Estan parando mientes al que en buen hora nacio
El Campeador en pie es levantado
2220 Pues que a fazer lo habemos por que lo imos tardando
Thereafter sought a seat of fair design.
So well they know their part who serve My Cid,
That all attentively await the one
Who was upon an hour propitious born.
Arose the Campeador: "Since this we must,
Why make delay? Come hither, Albarfanez

Venid aca Alvar Fañez el que yo quiero & amo
Afe amas mis fijas metolas en vuestra mano
Sabedes que al Rey asi gelo he mandado
No lo quiero fallir por nada de cuanto hay parado
2225 A los Infantes de Carrion dadlas con vuestra mano
The man I love and cherish. here behold
My daughters twain; within your hands I place them.
And learn I promised thus the king; his wish
In aught I would not fail. With your hand
Bestow them on the Lords of Carrion,

E prendan bendiciones & vayamos recaudando
Estonces dixo minaya esto fare yo de grado
levantanse derechas & metiogelas en mano
A los Infantes de Carrion minaya va fablando
2230 Afevos delante minaya amos sodes hermanos
And be the marriage blessings given them,
And let us act with caution." Thereupon
Minaya answered: "This I′ll gladly do."
They straight arose and placed them in his charge.
Minaya spake the Lords of Carrion:
"Lo! Both ye brothers stand before Minaya.

Por mano del Rey Alfonso que a mi lo hobo mandado
Dovos estas dueñas amas son fijas de algo
Que las tomasedes por mugieres a honra & a recaudo
Amos las reciben de amor & de grado
2235 A mio Çid & a su mugier van besar las manos
By king Alfonso′s hand, who bade it me,
These ladies I deliver unto you -
They both are nobly born - that ye as wives
With honor and consideration take."
They both received them gladly, lovingly.
They seek My Cid and wife to kiss their hands.
this done, they left the palace. Speedily

Cuando hobieron aquesto fecho salieron del palacio
Pora santa Maria apriesa adeliñando
El obispo don Jeronimo vistiose tan privado
A la puerta de la eglesia sedielos esperando
2240 Dioles bendiciones la misa ha cantado
They sought Saint Mary′s. Bishop Don Jerome
In haste his vestments donned, awaiting them
Beside the portal of the church, and gave
his blessing unto them and chanted mass.

Al salir de la eglesia cabalgaron tan privado
A la glera de Valencia fuera dieron salto
Dios que bien tovieron armas el Çid & sus vasallos
3 caballos cameo el que en buen hora nacio
2245 Mio Çid de lo que veie mucho era pagado
The church departing, very swift they rode,
And out across Valencia′s Glera sped.
Ah, God! how nobly did My Cid and all
his vassals bear their arms! Thrice changed his steed
The one upon an hour propitious born.
My Cid was well content with what we saw.

Los Infantes de Carrion bien han cabalgado
Tornanse con las dueñas a Valencia han entrado
ricas fueron las bodas en el alcazar honrado
E al otro dia fizo mio Çid fincar 7 tablados
2250 Antes que entrasen a yantar todos los quebrantaron
The Lords of Carrion have ridden well.
They turned within Valencia with their dames.
Within the Alcazar honored, sumptuous,
The nuptials were. Upon the morrow caused
My Cid to be upraised tablados seven.
They broke them all before they went to dine.

15 dias cumplidos duraron en las bodas
Ya cerca de los 15 dias ya se van los fijos de algo
Mio Çid don rodrigo el que en buen hora nacio
Entre palafres & mulas & corredores caballos
2255 En bestias sines al 100 son mandados
Full fifteen days they spent upon the weddings.
The fifteen days near past, the nobles leave.
My Cid Don Roderick, he born upon
An hour propitious, presents hath bestowed
In number to an hundred, what with mules
And palfreys, beasts of burden, horses fleet,

Mantos & pellizones & otros vestidos largos
No fueron en cuenta los haberes monedados
Los vasallos de mio Çid asi son acordados
Cada uno por si sus dones habien dados
2260 Qui haber quiere prender bien era abastado
Pelisses, cloaks, and other garments long.
Of money coined no counting was there made.
The vassals of My Cid are thus agreed:
Each one hath made his presents for himself.
And whose sought for wealth was well supplied.

ricos tornan a castiella los que a las bodas llegaron
Ya se iban partiendo aquestos hospedados
Espidiendose de Ruy Diaz el que en buen hora nacio
& a todas las dueñas & a los fijos de algo
2265 Por pagados se parten de mio Çid & de sus vasallos
Unto Castile with riches all returned,
Of those who went, the marriage to attend.
Now part those guests, Ruy Diaz bid farewell,
the man upon an hour propitious born,
And all the dames and lords of high degree.
They leave My Cid and vassals well content.

Gran bien dicen dellos ca sera aguisado
Mucho eran alegres Diego & Fernando
Estos fueron fijos del conde don Gonzalo
Venidos son a castiella aquestos hospedados
2270 El Çid & sus yernos en Valencia son rastados
Great meed of praise they give them, for ′tis just.
Delighted were Diego and Fernando:
These of Count Don Gonzalo were the sons.
Those guests have reached Castile. My Cid within
Valencia rests with both his sons-in-law

Y moran los Infantes bien cerca de 2 años
Los amores que les fazen mucho eran sobejanos
Alegre era el Çid & todos sus vasallos
Plega a santa maria & al padre santo
2275 Que se pague dese casamiento mio Çid o el que lo
And there the lords about two years remained.
The love bestowed on them was very great.
My Cid was joyful and his vassals all,
Saint Mary and the holy Father joyed
Tat of this marriage was content My Cid,

Las coplas deste cantar aqui se van acabando
El criador vos vala con todos los sus santos

En Valencia seie mio Çid con todos sus vasallos
Con el amos sus yernos los Infantes de Carrion
2280 Yacies en un escaño durmie el Campeador
Now draw to end the verses of this song.
Creator be your guard, with all his saints.

My Cid with all his vassals was within
Valencia. And both his sons-in-law
The Lords of Carrion - were with him there.
Upon a bench he lay - the Campeador
Was sleeping. know ye, fell an evil thing.


Mala sobrevienta sabed que les cuntio
Saliose de la red & desatose el leon
En gran miedo se vieron por medio de la corte
Embrazan los mantos los del Campeador
2285 E cercan el escaño & fincan sobre su señor
The lion left his cage and broke away.
In great alarm they saw him mid the court.
Thereon the men who serve the Campeador,
Their mantles bind around their arms and draw
About the bench and stand above their lord.

Fernando Gonzalez no vio alli do se alzase ni camara abierta ni torre
Metiose so el escaño tanto hobo el pavor
Diego Gonzalez por la puerta salio
Diciendo de la boca no vere Carrion
2290 Tras una viga lagar metiose con gran pavor
No place to hide Fernan Gonzalez saw,
Nor open room nor tower. So great his fear
he crept beneath the couch. Diego Gonzalez
Rushed forth and cried, "I′ll ne′er see the Carrion."
In fear he crouched behind a wine-press beam.

El manto & el brial todo sucio lo saco
En esto desperto el que en buen hora nacio
Vio cercado el escaño de sus buenos varones
Que es esto mesnadas o que queredes vos
2295 Ya señor honrado rebata nos dio el Leon
All stained, his cloak and tunic forth he drew.
Then waked the one on our propitious born;
his good men round about the couch beheld.
"What thing is this, my men, what seek ye here?"
"Now, honored liege, the lion startled us."

Mio Çid finco el codo en pie se levanto
El manto trae al cuello & adeliño pora leon
El leon cuando lo vio asi envergonzo
Ante mio Çid la cabeza premio & el rostro finco
2300 Mio Çid don rodrigo al cuello lo tomo
My Cid upon his elbow leaned; he rose,
his cloak about his neck, and straight advanced
Against the lion. When the lion thus
Perceived him, was he shamed. he bowed his head
And bent his visage down before my Cid.
Then seized his neck, My Cid Don Roderick;

E llevalo adestrando en la red le metio
A maravilla lo han cuantos que y son
E tornaronse al a palacio pora la corte
Mio Çid por sus yernos demando & no los fallo
2305 Maguer los estan llamando ninguno no responde
he led him straight and placed him in his cage.
And all those present deemed it marvelous.
They through the palace passed and toward the court.
My Cid demanded where his sons-in-law
Might be, and found them not. Although they called,
Did neither make reply. When found they them

Cuando los fallaron & ellos vinieron asi vinieron sin color
No viestes tal juego como iba por la corte
Mandolo vedar mio Çid el Campeador
Mucho se tobieron por embaidos los Infantes de Carrion
2310 Fiera cosa les pesa desto que les cuntio
And near they drew, all colorless they came.
Such mirth as filled the court ye ne′er beheld.
My Cid the Campeador he bade it cease.
The Lords of Carrion esteemed them grieved
Most deeply. What befell them sorely weighed.

Ellos en esto estando don habien gran pesar
Fuerzas de marruecos Valencia vienen cercar
50000 tiendas fincadas ha de las caudales
Aqueste era el rey bucar si le hobiestes contar
2315 Alegraba se el Çid & todos sus varones
While thus their state, whence very sore their grief,
To siege Valencia came Morocco′s hosts,
And fifty thousand mighty tents they raised.
This was king Bucar, an ye′ve heard it told.
My Cid and al his barons much rejoiced

Que les crece la ganancia grado al criador
Mas sabed de cuer les pesa a los Infantes de Carrion
Ca veien tantas tiendas de moros de que no habie sabor
Amos hermanos a parte salidos son
2320 Catamos la ganancia & la perdida no
That, thanks to the Creator, doth increase
The booty unto them. But be ye sure
It grieves at heart the Lords of Carrion,
For see they such a host of Moorish tents,
Which liked they not. Both brothers turned aside.
"Now let us gain attend, not loss. This fight

Ya en esta batalla a entrar habremos nos
Esto es aguisado por no ver Carrion
viudas remandran fijas del Campeador
Oyo la poridad aquel Muño Gustioz
2325 Vino con estas nuevas a mio Çid ruy diaz el Campeador
We needs must join; ′twere way to see no more
Of Carrion, and widows will be left
The daughters of the Campeador." O′erheard
The secret talk that Muno Gustioz.
My Cid Ruy Diaz, Campeador, he told

Evades que pavor han vuestros yernos tan osados son
Por entrar en batalla desean Carrion
Idlos conhortar si vos vala el criador
Que sean en paz & no hayan y racion
2330 Nos convusco la vencremos & valernos ha el criador
This news: "Behold how fear your sons-in-law,
So very brave they are! Because they needs
Must battle join they long for Carrion.
Go comfort them. Creator lend you aid!
here let them rest in peace, nor share therein.
We′ll win with you and will Creator aid us."

Mio Çid don rodrigo sonrisando salio
Dios vos salve yernos Infantes de Carrion
En brazos tenedes mis fijas tan blancas como el sol
Yo deseo lides & vos a Carrion
2335 En Valencia folgad a todo vuestro sabor
With smile on lips, My Cid Don Roderick went:
"May God preserve you, sons-in-law of mine,
Ye Lords of Carrion! Within your arms
Ye hold my daughters: white as sun are they.
I seek the fight and ye seek Carrion.
Within Valencia take your ease in full.

Ca daquellos moros yo so sabidor
Arrancarmelos trevo con la merced del criador
Aun vea el hora que vos merezca dos tanto
En una compaña tornados son amos
2340 Asi lo otorga don Pero como se alaba Fernando
For do I know these Moors, and I engage,
With grace of the Creator, to o′ercome them.
"And may he yet behold the hour when ye
Deserve as much." Together both returned.
Agreed Don Pero; how Fernando joyed!

Plogo a mio Çid & a todos sus vasallos
Aun si dios quisiere & el padre que esta en alto
Amos los mios yernos buenos seran en campo
Esto van diciendo & las gentes se allegando
2345 En la hueste de los moros los atamores sonando
My Cid and all his vassals hath it pleased.
"If God and he, the Father who doth dwell
On high, desire, my sons-in-law shall yet
Both prove them worthy men upon the field."
Thus speaking, they advance, the troops approach;
Within the Moorish army sound the drums.

A maravilla lo habien muchos desos cristianos
Ca nunca lo vieran ca nuevos son llegados
Mas se maravillan entre Diego & Fernando
Por la su voluntad no serien alli llegados
2350 Oidlo que fablo el que en buen hora nacio
Among these Christians many marveled deep,
For, newly come, they ne′er had seen the like.
Diego and Fernando marveled more;
There had they never come by will of theirs.
Attend ye now the words that spake the one
Who was upon an hour propitious born:

Ala Pero Vermudez el mio sobrino caro
Curiesme a Diego & curies me a don fernando
Mios yernos amos a dos las cosas que mucho amo
Ca los moros con dios no fincaran en campo
2355 Yo vos digo Çid por toda caridad
"ho! nephew dear of mine, Pero Vermudez!
Guard me Diego, Don Fernando too,
My sons-in-law, the ones I dearly love.
The Moors will fly the field, God aiding us."
"Twere in all charity I tell you, Cid,

Que hoy los Infantes a mi por amo no habran
Curielos qui quier ca dellos poco me incale
Yo con los mios ferir quiero delante
Vos con los vuestros firme mientre a la zaga tengades
2360 Si cueta fuere bien me podredes uyar
The lords this day in me no guardian find.
Who likes may guard them, for they′re naught to me.
I wish to strike in front with all my men.
hold ye position firm with yours at rear;
If harm befall ye, we may well assist."

Aqui llego Minaya Alvar Fañez oid ya Çid Campeador leal
Esta batalla el criador la fera
E vos tan digno que con el habedes parte
Mandadnoslos ferir de cual parte vos semejar
2365 El deudo que a cada uno a cumplir sera
hereon Minaya Albarfanez came:
"Cid Campeador, the loyal, hear me now!
This battle the Creator will arrange,
And you, who worthily his favor hold,
Bid us to strike them where you deem it well.
his duty each shall do. We′ll seek them out

Verlo hemos con dios & con la vuestra auze
Dixo mio Çid hayamos mas de vagar
Afevos el obispo don Jeronimo muy bien armado
Parabase delante al Campeador siempre con la buen auze
2370 hoy vos dixe la misa de santa trinidad
With help of God, and ′neath you auspices."
My Cid replied: "More slowly let us act."
Lo! Bishop Don Jerome full well is armed.
he stopped before the Campeador, who aye
hath goodly auspices: "Today for you
I said the mass of holy trinity.

Por eso sali de mi tierra & vine vos buscar
Por sabor que habia de algun moro matar
Mi orden & mis manos querria las honrar
E a estas feridas yo quiero ir delante
2375 Pendon trayo ha corcas & armas de señal
For this I left my land, and sought for you,
through eagerness of mine for slaying Moors.
My order and my hands I wished to honor.
And would I be the first to seek these blows
Pennon with cross I bear and arms of mark.

Si ploguiese a Dios querrialas ensayar
Mio corazon que pudiese folgar
E vos mio Çid de mi mas vos pagar
Si este amor no feches yo de vos me quiero quitar
2380 Eshora dixo mio Çid lo que vos queredes plazeme
Please God, I′d try them, that my heart rejoice
And you, My Cid, of me be more content.
If you deny this favor would I leave you."
Then said the Cid: "Your wish doth please me. Look!

Afe los moros a ojo id os ensayar
Nos daquende veremos como lidia el Abad
El obispo don Jeronimo priso a espolonada
E ibalos ferir a cabo del albergada
2385 Por la su ventura & dios que le amaba
The Moors in sight! To prove them go ye forth.
From here we′ll watch how doth the abbot fight."
Set spurs ad wen the Bishop Don Jerome
To fall upon them at the camp′s ertent.
Thanks unto fortune and to God who loved,

A los primeros colpes dos moros mataba de la lanza
El astil ha quebrado & metio mano al espada
Ensayabase el obispo dios que bien lidiaba
2 mato con lanza & 5 con el espada
2390 Los moros son muchos derredor le cercaban
Two Moors with lance he slew at first attack.
the shaft he broke, he laid his hand on sword.
The bishop proved him - God, how well he fought!
Two did he slay with lance and five with sword.
The Moors are many, round him close they draw.

Daban e grandes colpes mas no le falsan las armas
El que en buen hora nacio los ojos le fincaba
Embrazo el escudo & abaxo el asta
Aguijo a Babieca el caballo que bien anda
2395 Ibalos ferir de corazon & de alma
Great blows they deal, but never pierce his arms.
he born on hour propitious watched him close.
his shield he grasped and drooped his lance′s point.
Set spurs to Babieca, nimble steed;
With heart and soul he forth to strike them went.

En las aces primeras el Campeador entraba
Abatio a 7 & a 4 mataba
Plogo a dios aquesta fue el arrancada
Mio Çid con los suyos cae en alcanze
2400 Veriedes quebrar tantas cuerdas & arrancarse las estacas
Among the first lines dashed the Campeador.
he seven hurled to earth and four he slew.
It pleased God, there the victory was gained.
My Cid and his retainers make pursuit.
there had ye seen full many cords to break,

E acostarse los tendales con huebras eran tantas
Los de mio Çid a los de bucar de las tiendas los sacan
Sacanlos de las tiendas caenlos en alcance
Tanto brazo con loriga veriedes caer a parte
2405 Tantas cabezas con yelmos que por el campo campo caen
And stakes uptorn and fair -wrought tent poles fall.
My Cid′s men Bucar′s drive without the tents.
They drive them from the tents and start in chase.
Full many arms in cuirass had ye seen
Asunder fall. Full many heads with helms
That fall upon the field, steeds riderless

Caballos sin dueños salir a todas partes
7 migeros cumplidos duro el segudar
Mio Çid al Rey bucar cayole en alcance
Aca torna bucar veniste de allende mar
2410 Verte has con el Çid el de la barba grande
That unto all directions take their flight.
Full seven miles the chase endured. My Cid
Pursued king Bucar. "hither Bucar turn!
Thou cam′st from o′er the sea. And must thou meet
The Cid, the man of mighty beard; we both

Saludarnos hemos amos & tajaremos amistad
respuso bucar al Çid confonda dios tal amistad
El espada tienes desnuda en la mano & veote aguijar
Asi como semeja en mi la quieres ensayar
2415 Mas si el caballo no estropieza o conmigo no caye
Must needs salute each other, friendship for,."
Said Bucar to the Cid: "May God confound
Such friendship! Dost thou hold the naked sword
Within thy hand, I see thee spur they steed.
Me seems ye seek to try it upon me.
But if my steed slip not, nor fall with me,

No te juntaras conmigo fasta dentro en la mar
Aqui respuso mio Çid esto no sera verdad
Buen caballo tiene bucar & grandes saltos faz
Mas Babieca el de mio Çid alcanzando lo va
2420 Alcanzolo el Çid a bucar a tres brazas del mar
Ye′ll not o′ertake me ere I gain the sea."
hereon the Cid replied: "Twill not be so."
Good steed hath Bucar, mighty leaps he makes;
But Babieca, that My Cid bestrides,
Goes gaining on him. Bucar did the Cid
O′ertake within three arms′ lengths of the sea;

Arriba alzo colada un gran colpe dadole ha
Las carbonclas del yelmo tollidasgela ha
Cortole el yelmo & librado todo lo al
Fasta la cintura el espada llegado ha
2425 Mato a bucar al Rey de allende mar
On high Colada raised and dealt to him
A mighty blow, the carbuncles he burst
Asunder from the helm. The helm he but,
And bared the rest. The sword hath reached the waist.
he Bucar slew, the king from o′er the sea,

E gano a tizon que 1000 marcos de oro vale
Vencio la batalla maravillosa & grande
Aqui se honro mio Çid & cuantos con el son
Con estas ganancias ya se iban tornando
2430 Sabed todos de firme robaban el campo
Tizon he won - a thousand marks of gold
′Tis worth. he gained the great and wondrous fight.
My Cid himself and all hath honored here.
This plunder bearing now they turn them back.
know ye they plundered thoroughly the camp.

A las tiendas eran llegados do estaba
El que en buen hora nacio
Mio Çid Ruy Diaz el Campeador contado
Con dos espadas que el preciaba algo
2435 Por la matanza vinia tan privado
they reached the tent wherein was found the one
On hour propitious born. My Cid Ruy Diaz,
The Campeador, renowned, he passed across
The field of slaughter hastily; he bore
Two swords he valued much, his face was drawn,

La cara froncida & almofar soltado
Cofia sobre los pelos froncida della ya cuanto
Algo vie mio Çid de lo que era pagado
Alzo sus ojos estaba adelante catando
2440 E vio venir a Diego & a fernando
his helmet loose, the coif upon his hair
In uttermost disorder. Saw My Cid
A certain thing whereof he was content.
he raised his eyes, before him gazing stood.
he saw Diego and Fernando come.

Amos son fijos del conde don gonzalo
Alegrose mio Çid fermoso sonrisando
Venides mios yernos mios fijos sodes amos
Se que de lidiar bien sodes pagados
2445 A Carrion de vos iran buenos mandados
Are both of them Count Don Gonzalo′s sons.
My Cid rejoiced, and smilingly pleasantly:
"Ye come, my sons-in-law, both sons of mine.
I know with fighting are ye well content.
Good news to Carrion of you shall go,

Como al Rey bucar habemos arrancado
Como yo fio por dios & en todos los sus santos
Desta arrancada nos iremos pagados
Minaya Alvar Fañez eshora es llegado
2450 El escudo trae al cuello & todo espado
Of how we have King Bucar overcome.
As I in God have trust and all his saints,
We will contented leave this victory."
Minaya Albarfanez now has come.
his shield he bears about his neck, all marked

de los colpes de las lanzas no habie recaudo
Aquellos que gelos dieran no gelo habien logrado
Por el codo ayuso la sangre destellando
De 20 arriba ha moros matado
2455 De todas partes sus vasallos van llegando
With sword blows; and the lance thrusts none may count.
The ones who struck against him reached him not.
form elbow was the blood a dripping down,
And hath he slain above a score of Moors.
his vassals now from every hand arrive.

Grado a Dios & al padre que esta en alto
E a vos Çid que en buen hora fuestes nado
Matastes a bucar & arrancamos el campo
Todos estos bienes de vos son & de vuestros vasallos
2460 E vuestros yernos aqui son ensayados
"Thank God and Father who doth dwell on high
And you, Cid, born on propitious hour!
Slain hast thou Bucar, and we won the field.
And all this wealth your vassals′ is and yours.
And here your sons-in-law have trial had,

Fartos de lidiar con moros en el campo
Dixo mio Çid yo desto soy pagado
Cuando agora son buenos adelante seran preciados
Por bien lo dixo el Çid mas ellos lo tobieron a mal
2465 Todas las ganancias a Valencia son llegadas
Aweary fighting Moors upon the field."
My Cid replied: "I am of that content.
If worthy now, they shall in future come
to high esteem." My Cid thus spake for good,
But they in evil part received his words.
Within Valencia all the spoil hath come.

Alegre es mio Çid con todas sus compañas
Que a la racion cae 600 marcos de plata
Los yernos de mio Çid cuando este haber tomaron
Desta arrancada que lo tenien en su salvo
2470 cuidaron que en sus dias nunca serien menguados
My Cid and all his men rejoice, for fell
As share to each sir hundred silver marks.
When from this rout My Cid′s two sons-in-law
Received this wealth., and in their keeping held it,
they deemed they ne′er through all their lives should want.

Fueron en Valencia muy bien arreados
Conduchos a sazones buenas pieles & buenos mantos
Mucho son alegres mio Çid & sus vasallos
Gran fue el dia la corte del Campeador
2475 Despues que esta batalla vencieron & al Rey bucar mato
Full well equipped, they sought Valencia,
With goodly store of food, fair skins and cloaks.
My Cid and vassals very joyful were.
Great court the Campeador maintained that day,
For won the fight, and he king Bucar slew.

Alzo la mano a la barba se tomo
Grado a Cristo que del mundo es señor
Cuando veo lo que habia sabor
Que lidiaran conmigo en campo mios yernos amos a dos
2480 Mandados buenos iran dellos a Carrion
he raised his hand aloft, and grasped his beard.
"My thanks to Christ, the Lord of Earth, I give,
Since I behold the thing I wished: that both
My sons-in-law have fought with me afield.
To Carrion will go god news of them,

Como son honrados & haber vos grande pro
Sobejanas son las ganancias que todos han ganadas
Lo uno es nuestro lo otro han en salvo
Mando mio Çid el que en buen hora nacio
2485 Desta batalla que han arrancado
how honored they, and have ye high success.
The spoils that all have gained are very great.
One portion is our own, the rest is theirs."
Then bade My Cid, on hour propitious born,

Que todos prisiesen su derecho contado
E la su 5 no fuese olvidado
Asi lo fazen todos ca eran acordados
Cayeronle en 5 al Çid 600 caballos
2490 E otras acemilas & camellos largos
That all from out that fight they won should have
Their portion fair, nor be his fifth forgot.
Thus do they all, for knew they well their part.
Sir hundred steeds, and other beasts of toil,
And many camels, fell the Cid as fifth.

Tantos son de muchos que no serien contados
Todas estas ganancias fizo el Campeador
Grado ha dios que del mundo es señor
Antes fui menguado agora rico so
2495 Que he haber & tierra & oro & honor
Their sum is such they might not counted be.
The Campeador this booty all hath gained.
"My thanks to God, the Lord of all the Earth.
Before I was in want, now rich am I.
For have I wealth and land and gold and fief,

E son mios yernos Infantes de Carrion
Arranco las lides como plaze al criador
Moros & cristianos de mi han gran pavor
A la dentro en marruecos o las mezquitas son
2500 Que habran de mi salto quiza alguna noche
And Lords of Carrion, my sons-in-law.
I battles gain, as doth Creator please.
Great fear of me both Moors and Christians have.
Within Morocco there, where are the mosques,
They′ll fear, perchance, some night attack from me.

Ellos lo temen ca no lo pienso yo
No los ire buscar en Valencia sere yo
Ellos me daran parias con ayuda del criador
Que paguen a mi o a qui yo hobiere sabor
2505 Grandes son los gozos en Valencia con mio Çid el campeador
They fear it, but I do not think thereon.
I′ll seek them not, but in Valencia rest.
Creator aiding, shall they render me
Their tribute, or to me or whom I will."
Within Valencia the joy is great
Beside My Cid the Campeador, and all

De todas sus compañas & de todos sus vasallos
Grandes son los gozos de sus yernos amos a dos
Daquesta arrancada que lidiaron de corazon
Valia de 5000 marcos ganaron amos a dos
2510 Muchos tienen por ricos los Infantes de Carrion
his vassals and his companies rejoice.
his sons-in-law are both with joy elate.
Upon that rout where fought with courage they,
Both gained the value of five thousand marks.
The Lords of Carrion esteem them rich.

Ellos con los otros vinieron a la corte
Aqui esta con mio Çid el obispo don Jeronimo
El bueno de Alvar Fañez caballero lidiador
E otros muchos que crio el Campeador
2515 Cuando entraron los Infantes de Carrion
Together with the rest they sought the court.
The Bishop Don Jerome is present here
Beside My Cid, the goodly Albarfanez,
The fighting knight, and many more of those
The Campeador had raised. When entered there
The Lords of Carrion, Minaya gave them

recibiolos minaya por mio Çid el Campeador
Aca venid cuñados que mas valemos por vos
Asi como llegaron pagose el Campeador
Evades aqui yernos la mi mugier de pro
2520 E amas la mis fijas doña Elvira & doña Sol
Reception for My Cid the Campeador.
"Come hither, kinsmen, more our worth through you."
Content the Campeador since they had come:
"See, sons-in-law, my worthy wife is here,
And daughters twain, Dame Sol and Dame Elvira.

Bien vos abracen & sirvan vos de corazon
Venciemos moros en campo & matamos
A aquel Rey bucar traidor probado
Grado a santa maria madre & del nuestro señor dios
2525 Destos nuestros casamientos vos habredes honor
May they embrace ye well and serve of heart.
We overcame the Moor upon the field,
And that king Bucar slew, proved traitor he.
Saint Mary, mother of Lord God, I thank.
From these our marriages ye′ll honor win.

Buenos mandados iran a tierras de Carrion
A estas palabras fablo Fernando Gonzalez
Grado al criador & a vos Çid honrado
Tantos habemos de haberes que no son contados
2530 Por vos habemos honra & habemos lidiado
To lands of Carrion fair news will go."
Upon these words Fernan Gonzalez spake:
"Creator and you, honored Cid, I thank.
Such wealth is ours that is it counted not.
Through you we honor have and have we fought.

Pensad de lo otro que lo nuestro tenemoslo en salvo
Vasallos de mio Çid seiense sonrisando
Quien lidiara mejor o quien fuera en alcanze
Mas no fallaban y a Diego ni a Fernando
2535 Por aquestos juegos que iban levantando
The rest attend, for ours we safely hold."
Then smiled the vassals of My Cid; they thought
On who had fought the best and who had joined
Upon the chase, but there they neither found
Diego nor Fernando. through those jest

E las noches & los dias tan mal los escarmentando
Tan mal se consejaron estos infantes amos
Amos salieron a parte vera mientre son hermanos
Desto que ellos fablaron nos parte no hayamos
2540 Vayamos pora Carrion aqui mucho detardamos
They raised and through their sorely mocking them.
By night or day, these lords concerted ill.
They turned apart, in truth they brothers are!
No part be ours in this the thing they said.
"Now seek we Carrion, too long we stay.

Los haberes que tenemos grandes son & sobejanos
Mientra que visquieremos despender no lo podremos
Pidamos nuestras mugieres al Çid Campeador
Digamos que las llevaremos a tierras de Carrion
2545 Enseñar las hemos do las heredades son
The wealth we hold is great and plentiful,
And while we live we could not spend it all.
From Cid the Campeador our wives we′ll ask.
And say to lands of Carrion we bear them.
Where lie their heritages must we show.

Sacar las hemos de Valencia de poder del Campeador
Despues en la carrera feremos nuestro sabor
Ante que nos retraian lo que cuntio del leon
Nos de natura somos de condes de Carrion
2550 Haberes llevaremos grandes que valen gran valor
Must take them from the Campeador′s control
And from Valencia; later, by the way,
We′ll do our will, ere they recall the lion.
We, Lords of Carrion by birth, shall bear
Possessions great, of mighty worth. We will

Escarniremos las fijas del Campeador
Daquestos haberes siempre seremos ricos homnes
Podremos casar con fijas de Reyes o de emperadores
Ca de natura somos de condes de Carrion
2555 Asi las escarniremos a las fijas del Campeador
Insult the daughters of the Campeador.
With these possessions ever rich we′ll be;
May daughters wed of kings and emperors:
For we by birth are Lords of Carrion.

Antes que nos retraian lo que fue del leon
Con aqueste consejo amos tornados son
Hablo Fernando Gonzalez & fizo callar la corte
Si vos vala el criador Çid Campeador
2560 Que plega a doña Ximena & primero a vos
Tis thus we will, ere they recall the lion,
Insult the daughters of the Campeador."
with that design returned them both again.
Fernan Gonzalez spake and stilled the court:
"Creator be your guard, Cid Campeador!
An′t please first you, and likewise Dame Ximena,

E a Minaya Alvar Fañez & a cuantos aqui son
Dadnos nuestras mugieres que habemos a bendiciones
llevarlas hemos a nuestras tierras de Carrion
Meterlas hemos en las villas
2565 Que les diemos por arras & por honores
Minaya Albarfanez and all here,
Restore our wives, we took in wedlock blessed.
For would we to our lands of Carrion
Convey and set them in the towns we gave
For dowers and fiefs. Your daughters shall behold

Veran vuestras fijas lo que habemos nos
Los fijos que hobieremos en que habran particion
Dixo el Campeador darvos he mis fijas & algo de lo mio
El Çid que no se curiaba de asi ser afontado
2570 Vos les diestes villas e tierras por arras en tierras de Carrion
What wealth is ours, our children what their share."
The Campeador replied: "I′ll give to you
My daughters, likewise something else of mine."
And said the Cid, who there no insult deared:
"You gave them towns and lands in Carrion

Yo quiero les dar axuar 4000 marcos de plata
Darvos he mulas & palafres muy gruesos de sazon
Caballos pora en diestro fuertes & corredores
E muchas vestiduras de paños & de ciclatones
2575 Darvos he dos espadas a colada & a tizona
For dower. Three thousand silver marks would I
As bridal gift bestow, and unto you
Both palfreys, large and sound, and mules and steeds
For warlike service, strong and fleet of foot,
And many garments, cloth and ciclaton;
Two swords, Colada and Tizon, I′ll give.

Bien lo sabedes vos que las gane a guisa de varon
Mios fijos sodes amos cuando mis fijas vos doy
Alla me llevades las telas del corazon
Que lo sepan en gallicia & en castiella & en Leon
2580 Con que riqueza envio mios yernos amos a dos
In manly guise I won them, well ye know.
Ye both are sons of mine, since I bestow
My daughters on ye. hence ye bear away
The tissues of my heart. And let them know
Within Leon, Galicia, and Castile
how rich I sent my sons-in-law away.

A mis fijas sirvades que vuestras mugieres son
Si bien las servides yo vos rendre buen galardon
Atorgado lo han esto los infantes de Carrion
Aqui reciben las fijas del Campeador
2585 Compiezan a recibir lo que el Çid mando
My daughters, since they are your wives, attend.
Serve ye them well and I′ll fair guerdon give."
The Lords of Carrion they promised this,
Receive the daughters of the Campeador,
And what the Cid ordained begin o take.

Cuando son pagados a todo su sabor
Ya mandaban cargar infantes de Carrion
Grandes son las nuevas por Valencia la mayor
Todos prenden armas & cabalgan a vigor
2590 Porque escurren sus fijas del Campeador a tierras de Carrion
When they to their desire were satisfied,
Now bade the lords of Carrion to load.
Throughout Valencia the great the news
Spread wide. They all take arms and hard they ride
To escort bear to lands of Carrion
The daughters of the Campeador. And now

Ya quieren cabalgar en espidimiento son
Amas hermanas doña Elvira & doña Sol
Fincaron los hinojos ante el Çid Campeador
Merced vos pedimos padre si vos vala el criador
2595 Vos nos engendrastes nuestra madre nos pario
they seek to mount their steeds, their leave they take.
Before Cid Campeador the sisters both,
Sol and Elvira, fell upon their knees:
"We ask your grace, Creator guard you, sire!
Thou hast begotten us, our mother bare,

Delante sodes amos señora & señor
Agora nos enviades a tierras de Carrion
Deudo nos es a cumplir lo que mandaredes vos
Asi vos pedimos merced nos amas a dos
2600 Que hayades vuestros mensajes en tierras de Carrion
And both before us, lord and lady, stand.
Ye send us now to lands of Carrion.
Your bidding ′tis our duty to fulfill.
We both implore your grace, and may ye have
Reports of us in lands of Carrion."

Abrazolas mio Çid & saludolas amas a dos
El fizo aquesto la madre lo doblaba
Andad fijas de aqui el criador vos vala
De mi & de vuestro padre bien habedes nuestra gracia
2605 Id a Carrion do sodes heredadas
My Cid embraced them, and he kissed them both.
Thus he, the mother twice that love displayed.
"My daughters go, Creator lend you aid!
Ye bear with you your father′s grace and mine.
To Carrion depart, where heritage

Asi como yo tengo bien vos he casadas
Al padre & a la madre las manos les besaban
Amos las bendixeron & dieronles su gracia
Mio Çid & los otros de cabalgar pensaban
2610 A grandes guarnimientos a caballos & armas
Ye hold. I deem I well have married ye."
The mother′s and father′s hands they kissed.
They blessed them both and gave to them their grace.
My Cid and all the others thought to mount,
With great display of vestments, horses, arms.

Ya salien los Infantes de Valencia la clara
Espiendose de las dueñas & de todas sus compañas
Por la huerta de Valencia teniendo salien armas
Alegre va mio Çid con todas sus compañas
2615 Violo en los ag eros el que en buen hora cinxo espada
Now forth from bright Valencia go the lords,
And bid the dames and all their friends farewell.
And through Valencia′s huerta armed they go.
My Cid was gay and all his company.
The one who sword on hour propitious girt,

Que estos casamientos no serien sin alguna tacha
No se puede repentir que casadas las ha amas
O eres mio sobrino tu felez Muñoz
Primo eres de mis fijas amas de alma & de corazon
2620 Mandote que vayas con ellas fasta dentro en Carrion
In auguries had seen these marriages
Would not be free of some unsightly stain.
he might not change, for had he married both.
"Where art thou, Felez Munoz, nephew mine?
Of those two daughters of my heart and soul
Thou art the cousin; and I bid ye go
Along with them as far as Carrion.

Veras las heredades que a mis fijas dadas son
Con aquestas nuevas vernas al Campeador
Dixo felez Muñoz plazeme de alma & de corazon
Minaya Alvar Fañez ante mio Çid se paro
2625 Tornemosnos Çid a Valencia la mayor
The heritage my daughters each receive
Ye shall behold. With that report return
Unto the Campeador." Felez Munoz
Made answer: "Doth it please me, heart and soul."
Minaya Albarfanez stopped before
My Cid: "Back now to great Valencia, Cid;

Que si a Dios ploguiere & al padre criador
Irlas hemos ver a tierras de Carrion
A dios vos acomendamos doña Elvira & doña Sol
Atales cosas fed que en plazer caya a nos
2630 respondien los yernos asi lo mande dios
We′ll go, please God and Father the Creator,
To visit them in lands of Carrion.
Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, we commend you
To God, and may your actions bring us joy."
the sons-in-law replied: "God so ordain!"

Grandes fueron los duelos a la departicion
El padre con las fijas lloran de corazon
Asi fazian los caballeros del Campeador
Oyas sobrino tu felez Muñoz
2635 Por molina iredes una noche y yaceredes
The grief was deep at parting. From his heart
The father wept, and wept his daughters sore,
And so the knights who serve the Campeador.
"Thou Felez Munoz, nephew, bark! Ye will
Molina pass, a night ye there will spend.

Saludad a mio amigo el moro Abengalbon
reciba a mios yernos como el pudiere mejor
Dile que envio mis fijas a tierras de Carrion
de lo que hobieren huebos sirvan las a su sabor
2640 Desi escurralas fasta medina por la mi amor
Salute my friend, the Moor Avengalvon;
As best he may my sons-in-law receive.
And say, to lands of Carrion I sent
My daughters, let their every wish be filled.
Therefrom escort them to Medina town
For love of me. For whatsoe′er he do,

De cuanto el fiziere yo le dar por ello buen galardon
Como la uña de la carne ellos partidos son
Ya se torno pora Valencia el que en buen hora nacio
Piensanse de ir los Infantes de carrion
2645 Por santa Maria de albarracin fazian la posada
I will a goodly guerdon render him."
As nail from flesh they part. Now seeks again
Valencia the one upon an hour
Propitious born. The Lords of Carrion
bethink to go. Their camp they made about
Saint Mary′s of Albarrazin. The Lords

Aguijan cuanto pueden Infantes de Carrion
Felos en molina con el moro Abengalbon
El moro cuando lo sopo plogole de corazon
Saliolos recibir con grandes alboroces
2650 Dios que bien los sirvio a todo su sabor
Otro dia mañana con ellos cabalgo
Con 200 caballeros escurrirlos mando
Iban trocir los montes los que dicen de luzon
A las fijas del Çid el moro sus dones dio
Buenos seños caballos a los Infantes de Carrion
Of Carrion at utmost speed they spurred.
Behold them in Molina within the Moor
Avengalvon. It pleased the Moor at heart
When he had learned it. Forth to greet them went
With hearty demonstrations of his joy.
God, how he served them well, to their content!
At morrow morn he rode with them and bade
Two hundred knights escort. They set to cross
The mountains called Luzon′s. The Moor bestowed
his gifts upon the daughters of the Cid,
Fair steeds to both the lords of Carrion.

Trocieron arbuxuelo & llegaron a salon
O dicen el ansarera ellos posados son
Todo esto les fizo el moro por el amor del Çid Campeador
Ellos veien la riqueza que el moro saco
2660 Entramos hermanos consejaron traicion
Ya pues que a dexar habemos fijas del Campeador
Si pudiesemos matar el moro Abengalbon
Cuanta riqueza tiene haberla iemos nos
Tan en salvo lo habremos como lo de Carrion
Nunca habrie derecho de nos el Çid Campeador
They Arburuelo crossed and reached Jalon.
They camped where ′tis the Anssarera named.
All this the Moor hath done for love he bore
Cid Campeador. The brothers saw the wealth
The Moor displayed, they planned a traitor act:
"Now since the daughters of the Campeador
We needs must leave, an we might slay the Moor
Avengalvon, his wealth to us would fall.
As surely ours as that in Carrion;
And never would Cid Campeador obtain

Cuando esta falsedad dicien los de Carrion
un moro latinado bien gelo entendio
No tiene poridad dixolo Abengalbon
Alcayaz curiate destos ca eres mio señor
2670 Tu muerte oi consejar a los Infantes de Carrion
his right of us." When those of Carrion
Discussed this wickedness, a Moor adept
Of Latin tongue well understood their words.
he hid it not but told Avengalvon:
"Master, thou art my liege, have care of these;
I overheard the Lords of Carrion

El moro Abengalbon mucho era buen barragan
Con 200 que tiene iba cabalgar
Armas iba teniendo parose ante los Infantes
de lo que el moro dixo a los Infantes no plaze
2675 Decidme que vos fice Infantes de Carrion
Your death concert." The Moor Avengalvon
We very brave, and with the men he hath,
Two hundred, rode, and bearing arms he stopped
Before the lords. his words please not the lords:
"Tell me, ye Lords of Carrion, what harm

Yo sirviendo vos sin arte & vos consejastes pora mi muerte
Si no lo dexase por mio Çid el de Vivar
Tal cosa vos faria que por el mundo sonase
E luego llevaria sus fijas al Campeador leal
2680 Vos nunca en Carrion entrariedes jamas
I bore ye? While I serve ye free of guile,
Ye plot my death. And checked I not myself,
for reason of My Cid, he of Bivar,
I′d do ye such ′twould sound throughout the world.
his daughters tot he loyal Campeador
I then would bear. And never Carrion

Aqui me parto de vos como de malos & de traidores
Ire con vuestra gracia doña Elvira & doña Sol
Poco precio las nuevas de los de Carrion
Dios lo quiera & lo mande que de todo el mundo es señor
2685 Daqueste casamiento que grade el Campeador
Should ye behold again. I leave ye here
As evil ones and traitors. I will go,
Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, with your grace.
I low esteem the news of those who come
From Carrion. God, Lord of all the earth,
So will it and ordain that through this marriage
The Campeador have cause to joy!" The Moor

Esto les ha dicho & el moro se torno
Teniendo iban armas al trocir de salon
Como de buen seso a molina se torno
Ya movieron del ansarera los Infantes de Carrion
2690 Acogense a andar de dia & de noche
Thus spake and turned him back. Their arms in hand,
They crossed Jalon. Like prudent man he sought
Molina. Now the Lords of Carrion
The Anssarera left. By day and night
They hasten on their march; and on the left

A siniestro dexan atienza una peña muy fuerte
La sierra de miedes pasaronla estonces
Por los montes claros aguijan a espolon
A siniestro dexan a griza que alamos poblo
2695 Alli son caños do a elpha encerro
They Atienza leave; a rock of strength.
Miedes′ mountains then they passed, and spurred
Across the mountains clear; and Griza town,
Peopled by Alamos, to left they leave.
The caves are there wherein he Elpha shut.

A diestro dexan a san esteban mas cae aluen
Entrados son los Infantes al robredo de corpes
Los montes son altos las ramas pujan con las nubes
E las bestias fieras que andan aderredor
2700 Fallaron un vergel con una limpia fuente
To right Saint Stephen′s leave, which lies beyond.
Mid Corpes′ wood of oak the lords have come;
the trees are high, the branches reach the clouds,
And wild beasts roam about on every hand.
A wooded spot and limpid stream they found.

Mandan fincar la tienda Infantes de Carrion
Con cuantos que ellos traen y yacen esa noche
Con sus mugieres en brazos de muestranles amor
Mal gelo cumplieron cuando salie el sol
2705 Mandaron cargar las acemilas con grandes haberes
The Lords of Carrion bade fir the tents.
With all their following this night they lay;
Their wives within their arms - they showed them love.
At sunrise ill they proved it. Word they gave
To load the mighty wealth upon the beasts.

Cogida han la tienda do albergaron de noche
Adelante eran idos los de criazon
Asi lo mandaron los Infantes de Carrion
Que no y fincase ninguno mugier ni varon
2710 Si no amas sus mugieres doña Elvira & doña Sol
The tent was folded where they passed the night.
Retainers of their house before them went.
thus did the Lords of Carrion command:
That none, nor man nor woman, save the dames
Sol and Elvira, their two wives, remain.

Deportarse quieren con ellas a todo su sabor
Todos eran idos ellos 4 solos son
Tanto mal comidieron los Infantes de Carrion
Bien lo creades doña Elvira & doña Sol
2715 Aqui seredes escarnidas en estos fieros montes
they would enact on them their utmost wish.
They all have gone, these four alone remain.
Great evil planned the Lords of Carrion.
"Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, trust it well,
Ye here amid these wilds shall insult bear.

hoy nos partiremos & dexadas seredes de nos
No habredes parte en tierras de Carrion
Iran aquestos mandados al Çid Campeador
Nos vengaremos aquesta por la del leon
2720 Alli les tuellen los mantos & los pellizones
This day we go and ye′ll be left by us,
Nor shall ye share in lands of Carrion.
This news will reach Cid Campeador, and thus
We will avenge us for the thing which fell
About the lion." Then they took from them
Their cloaks and their pelisses; save chemise

Paranlas en cuerpos & en camisas & en ciclatones
Espuelas tienen calzadas los malos traidores
En mano prenden las cinchas fuertes & duradores
Cuando esto vieron las dueñas fablaba doña Sol
2725 Por dios vos rogamos don Diego & don Fernando
And ciclaton, they left them nude. Their spurs
They wear, the evil traitors. And they grasp
Within their hands the girths both strong and hard.
When that the dames beheld, cried Lady Sol:
"For God′s sake, Don Diego and Fernando,

Dos espadas tenedes fuertes & tajadores
Al una dicen colada & al otra tizon
Cortadnos las cabezas martires seremos nos
Moros & cristianos departiran desta razon
2730 Que por lo que nos merecemos no lo prendemos nos
We pray ye, two keen swords and strong ye have,
colada one, the other named Tizon;
Cut off our heads, we will be martyrs then.
Of this both Moor and Christian would agree,
That was our treatment not to our deserts.

Atan malos ensiemplos no fagades sobre nos
Si nos fueremos majadas abiltaredes a vos
retraer vos lo han en vistas o en cortes
Lo que ruegan las dueñas no les ha ningun pro
2735 eshora les compiezan a dar los Infantes de Carrion
Make not upon such examples ill.
An we ill-treated be, ye shame yourselves.
In interview or cortes will they make
Demand of you for payment." What the dames
Implored of them did no advantage bring.
Thereon the Lords of Carrion began

Con las cinchas corredizas majanlas tan sin sabor
Con las espuelas agudas donde ellas han mal sabor
rompien las camisas & las carnes a ellas amas a dos
Limpia salie la sangre sobre los ciclatones
2740 Ya lo sienten ellas en los sus corazones
to strike them, beat them sore with loosened girths.
With spurs so keen, whereof their pain was great,
Chemise of both they broke, and tore the flesh;
Upon the ciclaton the blood ran clear.
And now they anguish bear within their hearts.

Cual ventura serie esta si ploguiese al criador
Que asomase eshora el Çid Campeador
Tanto las majaron que sin cosimente son
Sangrientas en las camisas & todos los ciclatones
2745 Cansados son de ferir ellos amos a dos
Ensayandose amos cual dara mejores colpes
Ya no pueden fablar doña Elvira & dona Sol
Por muertas las dexaron en el robredro de corpes
llevaronles los mantos & las pieles armiñas
Mas dexanlas marridas en briales & en camisas

What fortune had Creator so been pleased
That on this hour Cid Campeador appear!
scourged them so they all unconscious lay,
All blood bestained chemise and ciclaton.
They both are tired with striking, strive they both
Which better blows shall deal. The ladies now,
Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, cannot speak;
For dead ′mid Corpes′ oaken wood they left them.
They took away their cloaks and ermine skins.
But beaten, there, in tunic and chemise,

E a las aves del monte & a las bestias de la fiera guisa
Por muertas las dexaron sabed que no por vivas
Cual ventura serie si asomase eshora el Çid Campeador
Los Infantes de Carrion en el robredo de corpes
2755 Por muertas las dexaron
Que el una al otra no le torna recaudo
Por los montes do iban ellos ibanse alabando
De nuestros casamientos agora somos vengados
No las debiemos tomar por barraganas
Si no fuesemos rogados
To savage beasts and mountain birds, they left them.
Know ye, for dead, not living, left them there!
What fair chance had Cid Campeador come then!
The Lords of Carrion, in oaken wood
Of Corpes, did for dead abandon them,
That might the one no aid the other bear.
Where, through the mountains, they their journey took,
Themselves congratulating did they go.
"Now have we vengeance form our marriages.
Nor should we ever, were we not implored,
have e′en as concubines accepted them,

Pues nuestras parejas no eran pora en brazos
La deshonra del leon asi se ira vengando
Alabandose iban los Infantes de Carrion
Mas yo vos dire daquel felez Muñoz
2765 Sobrino era del Çid Campeador
Mandaron le ir adelante mas de su grado no fue
En la carrera do iba doliole el corazon
De todos los otros aparte se salio
En un monte espeso felez Muñoz se metio
Fasta que viese venir sus primas amas a dos
For they were not our equals, for our arms.
Avenged will be the shame about the lion."
Rejoicing go the Lords of Carrion.
But will I tell you of that Felez Munoz.
he nephew was of Cid the Campeador.
Ahead they sent him, but he liked it not.
Upon the road his heart it grieved him sore.
he drew apart from all the rest, and ′mid
A coppice Felez Munoz hid himself
Till he should see his cousins twain go past,

O que han fecho los Infantes de Carrion
Violos venir & oyo una razon
Ellos no le vien ni dende sabien racion
Sabed bien que si ellos le viesen no escapara de muerte
2775 Vanse los Infantes aguijan a espolon
Por el rastro tornose felez Muñoz
Fallo sus primas amortecidas amas a dos
Llamando primas primas luego descabalgo
Arrendo el caballo a ellas adeliño
Ya primas las mis primas doña Elvira & doña Sol
Or what the Lords of Carrion had done.
he saw them come, and heard their talk, but they
Now saw nor had suspicion. know ye well
That, had they seen him, death he had not ′scaped.
The lords depart; they spurred upon their way.
Back Felez Munoz turned along the track.
There found his cousins both near death. he sprang
In haste to earth, with cries of "Cousins! Cousins!"
his steed by bridle fastened, straight to them
he made his way. "Now, cousins, cousins mine,
Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, ill indeed

Mal se ensayaron los Infantes de Carrion
A dios plega & a santa Maria que dende prendan ellos mal galardon
Valas tornando a ellas amas a dos
Tanto son de traspuestas que no pueden decir nada
2785 Partieronsele las telas de dentro de los corazones
The Lords of Carrion have treated ye!
Please God and please Saint Mary that therefrom
They evil guerdon win." Now both began
Once more to gain their consciousness. So great
Was their confusion that they naught could say.
It tore the inmost fabric of his heart.

Llamando primas primas doña Elvira & doña sol
Despertedes primas por amor del criador
mientra es el dia ante que entre la noche
Los ganados fieros no nos coman en aqueste monte
2790 Van recordando doña Elvira & doña Sol
"Cousins," he cried. "Dame Sol and Dame Elvira,
Cousins, oh cousins, for Creator′s love
(Awake while yet) ′tis day, ere come the night.
Wild beasts devour us not within this wood!"
Dame Sol and Dame Elvira slowly gain

Abrieron los ojos & vieron a felez Muñoz
Esforzadvos primas por amor del criador
De que no me fallaren los Infantes de Carrion
A gran priesa sere buscado yo
2795 Si dios no nos vale a qui morremos nos
Their consciousness and, opening their eyes,
They Felez Munoz saw: "Now courage take,
My cousins, for the love of the Creator!
When they, the Lords of Carrion, shall miss me,
I shall thereon in greatest haste be sought.
An God no aid provide, we perish here."

Tan a gran duelo fablaba doña Sol
Si vos lo meresca mio primo nuestro padre el Campeador
Dadnos del agua si vos vala el criador
Con un sombrero que tiene felez Muñoz
2800 Nuevo era & fresco que de Valencia lo saco
With pain profound then spake the lady Sol:
"My cousin, an our sire the Campeador
Deserve that thing of you, give unto us
Some water, so Creator be your aid!"
Within a hat that Felez Munoz had -
he brought it from Valencia, new and fresh -

Cogio del agua en el & a sus primas dio
Mucho son lazradas & amas las farto
Tanto las rogo fasta que las asento
Valas conhortando & metiendo corazon
2805 Fasta que esfuerzan & amas las tomo
he water took and to his cousins bore.
Sore wounded they, and both he satisfied.
he urged them much until he seated them,
And still he doth encourage and erhort,
Until their strength returns; then both he took

E privado en el caballo las cabalgo
Con el su manto a amas las cubrio
El caballo priso por la rienda & luego dende las partio
Todos tres señeros por los robredos de corpes
2810 Entre noche & dia salieron de los montes
And swiftly on the horse he mounted them,
And both of them within his mantle wrapped.
he grasped the horse′s rein and thence they went,
All three together, through the oaken wood
Of Corpes; ′tween the night and day they left

A las aguas de duero ellos arribados son
A la torre de doña Urraca el las dexo
A san esteban vino felez Muñoz
Fallo a Diego tellez el que de Alvar Fañez fue
2815 Cuando el lo oyo pesole de corazon
The mountains. To the Duero′s stream they came.
he left them at the Dame Urraca′s tower.
And Felez Munoz to Saint Stephen′s came.
Diego Tellez, he of Albarfanez,
he found. When that he heard, it grieved him sore.

Priso bestias & vestidos de pro
Iba recibir a doña Elvira & a doña Sol
En san esteban dentro las metio
Cuanto el mejor puede alli las honro
2820 Los de san esteban siempre mesurados son
With beasts and garments rich he journeyed forth
Dame Sol and Dame Elvira to receive.
Within Saint Stephen′s town established them,
And there they rested till their strength returned.
Saint Stephen′s people aye were prudent folk;

Cuando sabien esto pesoles de corazon
A las fijas del Çid dan les esfuerzo
Alli sovieron ellas fasta que sanas son
Alabandose seian los Infantes de Carrion
2825 De cuer peso esto al buen Rey don Alfonso
When this they learned they sorely grieved, and gave
The daughters of the Cid encouragement.
And there they rested till their strength returned.
Now ill betide the Lords of Carrion!
At heart the good king Don Alfonso grieved.

Van aquestos mandados a valencia la mayor
Cuando gelo dicen a mio Çid el Campeador
una grande hora penso & comidio
Alzo la su mano a la barba se tomo
2830 Grado a Cristo que del mundo es señor
This news hath reached Valencia the great;
And when they told My Cid the Campeador,
For long he thought and pondered over it.
his hand he raised, he grasped his beard: "To Christ
The Lord of earth be praise, since honor such

Cuando tal honra me han dada los Infantes de Carrion
Par aquesta barba que nadi no meso
No la lograran los Infantes de Carrion
Que a mis fijas bien las casare yo
2835 Peso a mio Çid & a toda su corte & Alvar Fañez de alma & de corazon
The Lords of Carrion have paid to me!
By this same beard, that man hath never plucked,
The Lords of Carrion shall profit not,
For will I yet full well my daughters wed!"
It grieves the Cid and all his court as well,
And Albarfanez heart and soul it grieved.

Cabalgo minaya con Pero Vermudez
E Martin Antolinez el burgales de pro
Con 200 caballeros cuales mio Çid mando
Dixoles fuerte mientre que andidiesen de dia & de noche
2840 Aduxiesen a sus fijas a Valencia la mayor
Pero Vermudez with Minaya rode,
And Martin Antolinez, worthy knight,
Of Burgos town, and went with them as well
Two hundred knights, My Cid commanded them:
he bade them haste by night and day to bring
his daughters to Valencia the great.

No lo detardan el mandado de su señor
Apriesa cabalgan los dias & las noches andan
Vinieron a san esteban de gormaz un castiello tan fuerte
Y albergaron por verdad una noche
2845 A san esteban el mandado llego
They naught delay their lord′s behest. In haste
They mount and march by night and day, and reach
Saint Stephen of Gormaz, a castle strong.
There truly found a night′s repose. The news

Que vinie Minaya por sus primas amas a dos
Varones de san esteban a guisa de muy pros
reciben a minaya & a todos sus varones
Presentan a minaya esa noche gran enfurcion
2850 No gelo quiso tomar mas mucho gelo gradio
Of how Minaya seeks his cousins twain
hath reached Saint Stephen′s, and Saint Stephen′s folk.
Right well receive Minaya and his men.
Great feast that night they offer to Minaya.
his gratitude he showed, but naught would take:

Gracias varones de san esteban que sodes conocedores
Por aquesta honra que vos diestes a esto que nos cuntio
Mucho vos lo gradece alla do esta mio Çid el Campeador
Asi lo fago yo que aqui esto
2855 Afe dios de los cielos que vos de dende buen galardon
"Saint Stephen′s men, my thanks, for are ye wise.
My Cid the Campeador, form where he waits,
Returns ye many thanks for this respect
That ye have rendered him in what befell,
And as I likewise render, who am here.
Lo, God of heaven fair guerdon grant ye thence!"

Todos gelo gradecen & sus pagados son
Adeliñan a posar pora folgar esa noche
Minaya va ver sus primas do son
En el fincan los ojos doña Elvira & doña Sol
2860 Atanto vos lo gradimos como si viesemos al criador
They thank him all and are content of him;
Then straightway sought their camp, to rest this night.
Minaya sought his cousins where they stay.
Dame Sol and Dame Elvira gaze on him:
"As we had looked upon Creator′s face

E vos a el lo gradid cuando vivas somos nos
En los dias de vagar toda nuestra rencura sabremos contar
lloraban de los ojos las dueñas & Alvar Fañez
E Pero Vermudez otro tanto las ha
2865 Don Elvira & doña Sol cuidado no hayades
So do we render unto you our thanks.
Be grateful unto him that still we live.
Ands will we learn, in leisure time, a way
Our evil fortune′s story to relate."
Whereat the dames and Albarfanez wept.
Pero Vermudez likewise spake to them:
"Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, have no care,

Cuando vos sodes sanas & vivas & sin otro mal
Buen casamiento perdiestes mejor podredes ganar
Aun veamos el dia que vos podamos vengar
Y yacen esa noche & tan grande gozo que fazen
2870 Otro dia mañana piensan de cabalgar
Since are ye living, well and free from ill.
Fair weddings lost ye; may ye better gain.
The day we may avenge you may we see."
That night with great rejoicing there they spent.
At morrow morn the thought to mount their steeds.

Los de san esteban escurriendo los van
Fasta rio damor dandoles solaz
Dallende se espidieron dellos piensanse de tornar
E minaya con las dueñas iba cabadelante
2875 Trocieron alcoceba adiestro de san esteban de gormaz
Saint Stephen′s folk escort them to the stream,
Both love and consolation bearing them.
There took they leave and thought upon return.
Minaya and the dames straight forward went.
They passed the town of Alcoceba by
On right hand of Saint Stephen of Gormaz;

O dicen bado de Rey alla iban posar
A la casa de berlanga posada presa han
Otro dia mañana metense a andar
A cual dicen medina iban albergar
2880 E de medina a molina en otro dia van
They sought a place to camp, the King′s Ford called;
And lodged within Berlanga town. At morn
They left and sought a rest within the place
Medina named; on other day they marched
The space between Medina and Molina.

Al moro Abengalbon de corazon le plaze
Saliolos a recibir de buena voluntad
Por amor de mio Çid rica cena les da
Dende pora Valencia adeliñechos van
2885 Al que en buen hora nacio llegaba el mensaje
Right well it pleased the Moor Avengalvon;
he went to greet, and there before them spread
A sumptuous feast, for love he bears My Cid.
Then straight they sought Valencia. And the word
Was brought to him on hour propitious born.

Privado cabalga a recibirlos sale
Armas iba teniendo & gran gozo que faze
Mio Çid a sus fijas ibalas abrazar
Besandolas amas tornose de sonrisar
2890 Venides mis fijas dios vos curie de mal
In haste he mounts and forth to greet them goes.
In arms he sallied; great the joy he showed.
There went My Cid his daughters to embrace.
he greeted both with kisses and with smiles:
"Come, daughters mine; may God from evil guard!

Yo tome el casamiento mas no ose decir al
Plega al criador que en cielo esta
Que vos vea mejor casadas daqui en adelante
De mios yernos de Carrion dios me faga vengar
2895 Besaron las manos las fijas al padre
The marriage I endured, nor dared object.
Creator who in heaven doth rest, be pleased
That I hereafter see ye better wed!
God grant me vengeance on my sons-in-law,
The Lords of Carrion!" his daughters then
Upon their father′s hands their kisses pressed

Teniendo iban armas entraronse a la ciudad
Gran gozo fizo con ellas doña Ximena su madre
El que en buen hora nacio no quiso tardar
Fallolos con los sus en su poridad
2900 Al Rey Alfonso de castiella penso de enviar
They armed, advance and pass within the town.
Great joy their mother, Dame Ximena, showed them.
Stayed not the one on hour propitious born.
In secret with his men he talked, and thought
To send to king Alfonso of Castile:

O eres Muño Gustioz mio vasallo de pro
En buen hora te crie a ti en la mi corte
Lleves el mandado a castiella al Rey Alfonso
Por mi besale la mano de alma & de corazon
2905 Como yo so su vasallo & el es mio señor
"My noble vassal, Muno Gustioz,
Where art thou? I received thee in my court
On hour propitious. Unto Castile bear
The news, to king Alfonso. kiss hand
With heart and soul for me; I am his vassal

Desta deshonra que me han fecha los Infantes de Carrion
que le pese al buen Rey de alma & de corazon
El caso mis fijas ca no gelas di yo
Cuando las han dexadas a gran deshonor
2910 Si deshonra y cabe alguna contra nos
And is he lord of mine. May this disgrace
The Lords of Carrion have done to me
In heart and soul distress the noble king.
he wed my daughters, for I gave them not.
Since they in great disgrace deserted them,
If aught to our dishonor be therein,

La poca & la gran toda es de mio señor
Mios haberes se me han llevado que sobejanos son
Eso me puede pesar con la otra deshonor
Adugamelos avistas o a juntas o a cortes
2915 Como haya derecho de Infantes de Carrion
Or great or small, ′tis all my lord′s affair.
My property, whereof the sum was great,
They bore away; this well may cause me grief,
Together with he other dire disgrace.
To interview, or meeting, or to cortes
Let them be called, that I may justice gain
From Lords of Carrion, for great the wrath

Muño Gustioz privado cabalgo
Con el dos caballeros que le sirvan a so sabor
E con el escuderos que son de criazon
2920 Salien de Valencia & andan cuanto pueden
Within my heart." Swift Muno Gustioz
his steed he mounted, with the pair of knights
Who serve his will, and squires whom he hath raised.
They left Valencia, and marched their best.

Al Rey en sagunt lo fallo
Rey es de castiella & Rey es de leon
E de las asturias bien a san salvador
2925 Fasta dentro en santiago de todo es señor
Through day or night they never take repose.
he came upon the king within Sahagun.
Castile he rules as king, he rules Leon,
And likewise o′er Asturia holds sway
Quite to San Salvador and e′en within
The walls of Santiago, lord of all.

Ellos condes galicianos a el tienen por señor
Asi como descabalga aquel Muño Gustioz
Homillose a los santos & rogo al criador
Adeliño pora el palacio do estaba la corte
2930 con el dos caballeros que le aguardan como a señor
And do the lords Gallegan deem him liege.
That Muno Gustioz, dismounting, knelt
Before the saints; Creator he implored.
he straight the palace sought where was the court.
Two knights who hold him lord attend on him.

Asi como entraron por medio de la corte
Violos el Rey & conocio a Muño Gustioz
levantose el Rey tan bien los recibio
Delante el Rey finco los hinojos aquel Muño Gustioz
2935 Besabale los pies aquel Muño Gustioz
When they had entered ′mid the court the king
Saw Muno Gustioz and knew him straight.
The king arose and well received he them.
knelt ′fore the king that Muno Gustioz,
That Muno Gustioz he kissed his feet:

Merced Rey Alfonso de largos Reinos a vos dicen señor
Los pies & las manos vos besa el Campeador
El es vuestro vasallo & vos sodes su señor
Casastes sus fijas con Infantes de Carrion
2940 Alto fue el casamiento ca lo quisiestes vos
"Grace, king Alfonso, broad lands call ye lord.
The Campeador your hands and feet doth kiss;
he is your vassal, and are you his lord.
You unto Lords of Carrion have wed
his daughters. Marriage ′twas of high degree,

Ya vos sabedes la honra que es cuntida a nos
Como nos han abiltados Infantes de Carrion
Mal majaron sus fijas del Çid Campeador
Majadas & desnudas a grande deshonor
2945 Desemparadas las dexaron en el robredo de corpes
For your desire it was. Now do ye know
The honor that has fallen unto us -
how Lords of Carrion insulted us.
The beat the daughters of Cid Campeador
In evil guise. In Corpes′ oaken wood,
With great dishonor, bruised and naked, left

A las bestias fieras & a las aves del monte
Afelas sus fijas en Valencia do son
Por esto vos besa las manos como vasallo a señor
Que gelos llevedes a vistas o a juntas o a cortes
2950 Tienese por deshonrado mas la vuestra es mayor
To wild beasts and the birds that haunt the wood.
Behold his daughters in Valencia!
For this, as vassal unto lord, your hands
he kisses; call ye them to interview,
Or meeting, or to cortes. Doth he deem him
Dishonored, but are ye dishonored more,

E que vos pese Rey como sodes sabidor
Que haya mio Çid derecho de Infantes de Carrion
El Rey una grande hora callo & comidio
Verdad te digo yo que me pesa de corazon
2955 E verdad dices en esto tu Muño Gustioz
And may it grieve ye, king, for know ye it;
And may My Cid, ′gainst Lords of Carrion,
Win justice." Long the king was still and thought:
"I tell ye truth, it grieves me mightily.
And, Muno Gustioz, here say ye truth,

Ca yo case sus fijas con Infantes de Carrion
Ficelo por bien que fuese a su pro
Si quier el casamiento fecho no fuese hoy
Entre yo & mio Çid pesanos de corazon
2960 Ayudarle he a derecho sin salve el criador
For I, unto the Lords of Carrion,
his daughters wed. For good I compassed it,
That unto his advantage it redound.
Ah, would this day the marriage had not been!
It sorely grieveth me and grieves My Cid;
′Tis right he hath that I should bear him aid,
Else may Creator save! Throurough all me realm -

Lo que no cuidaba fer de toda esta sazon
Andaran mios porteros por todo mio Reino
Pregonaran mi corte pora dentro en toledo
Que alla me vayan condes & Infanzones
2965 Mandare como y vayan Infantes de Carrion
What I′d not thought to do this season′ length -
Shall of my porters, and within Toledo
My court shall call, that counts and infanzones
There seek me. And the Lords of Carrion
There will I bid appear and justice give

E como den derecho a mio Çid el Campeador
E que no haya rencura podiendo yo vedallo
Decidle al Campeador que en buen hora nacio
Que destas 7 semanas adobese con sus vasallos
2970 Vengame a toledo esto le do de plazo
My Cid the Campeador, and that there be
No evil feeling, an I may prevent.
hence seven weeks, command to stand prepares
The Campeador, on hour propitious born,
Together with his vassals, and to seek me
Within Toledo this the time I give him.

Por amor de mio Çid esta corte yo fago
Saludadmelos a todos entre ellos haya espacio
Desto que les abino aun bien seran honrados
Espidiose Muño Gustioz a mio Çid es tornado
2975 Asi como lo dixo suyo era el cuidado
For love I bear My Cid I call this court.
To every one my salutation bear.
But let there ′mongst them some distinction be.
From this that fell shall honor yet be theirs."
Then Muno Gustioz parting, sought My Cid.
And just as he hath said, the care was his.

No lo detiene por nada Alfonso el castellano
Envia sus cartas pora Leon & a santiago
A los portogaleses & a galicianos
E a los de Carrion & a varones castellanos
2980 Que corte fazie en toledo aquel Rey honrado
Alfonso the Castillian tarried not:
Sent word to Santiago and Leon,
To Portuguese, Galleagans, and the men
Of Carrion and of Castile, how court
That honored king within Toledo held.

A cabo de 7 semanas que y fuesen juntados
Qui no viniese a la corte no se tobiese por su vasallo
Por todas sus tierras asi lo iban pensando
Que no falliesen de lo que el Rey habie mandado
2985 Ya les va pesando a los Infantes de Carrion
That after seven weeks there all should meet;
No vassal his, who came not to the court,
And all throughout his lands men thought to do
The king′s behest. Already doth it grieve
The Lords of Carrion, that doth the king

Por que el Rey fazie corte en toledo
Miedo han que y verna mio Çid el Campeador
Prenden su consejo asi parientes como son
ruegan al Rey que los quite desta corte
2990 Dixo el Rey no lo fere sin salve dios
Within Toledo town his court maintain.
They fear My Cid the Campeador comes there.
They take their counsel, like the kin they are;
And beg the king release them form that court.
The king said" "That I′ll not, else God defend!

Ca y verna mio Çid el Campeador
Darle hedes derecho ca rencura ha de vos
Qui lo fer no quisiese o no ir a mi corte
Quite mio Reino ca de el no he sabor
2995 Ya lo vieron que es a fer los Infantes de Carrion
For there will come My Cid the Campeador.
And unto him ye needs must justice give,
For hath he cause of anger ′gainst ye both.
Who would not do it, nor my court attend,
My kingdom let him leave, I like him not."
Now do the Lords of Carrion perceive

Prenden consejo parientes como son
El conde don garcia en estas nuevas fue
Enemigo de mio Çid que siempre le busco mal
Aqueste consejo los Infantes de Carrion
3000 Llegaba el plazo querien ir a la corte
It needs were done. The counsel hold of each,
Like kin they are. And was the Count Garcia
In this affair; unto My Cid was be
A foe who aye was seeking ill to him.
This man advised the Lords of Carrion.
The time approached, they wished to seek the court.

En los primeros va el buen Rey don Alfonso
El conde don Anriche & el conde don Remon
Aqueste fue padre del buen emperador
El conde don fruella & el conde don beltran
3005 Fueron y de su Reino otros muchos sabidores
Among the first good king Alfonso goes,
The Count Don Anrrich, Count Don Raymond too;
The father of the Emperor good was he.
The Count Don Vella and Count Don Beltran,
And many other men of wisdom rare,
From out his realm had come; the best of all

De toda castiella todos los mejores
El conde don garcia con Infantes de Carrion
E asur Gonzalez & Gonzalo asurez
E Diego & Fernando y son amos a dos
3010 E con ellos grande bando que aduxieron a la corte
Throughout Castile. Count Don Garcia there
Accompanied the Lords of Carrion,
Asur Gonzalez, Gonzalo Assurez,
And there are both Diego and Fernando;
And with them many men they brought to court.

Embairle cuidan a mio Çid el Campeador
De todas partes alli juntados son
Aun no era llegado el que en buen hora nacio
Por que se tarda el Rey no ha sabor
3015 Al 5 dia venido es mio Çid el Campeador
They hope to harm My Cid the Campeador.
There have they met from every land; but yet
Came not the one on hour propitious born.
The king is ill content with his delay.
the fifth day came My Cid the Campeador;

Alvar fañez adelante el envio
Que besase las manos al Rey su señor
Bien lo sopiese que y serie esa noche
Cuando lo oyo el Rey plogole de corazon
3020 Con grandes gentes el Rey cabalgo
And Albarfanez did he send before
To kiss upon the hands his liege the king;
And say that night be surely there would come.
the king, on hearing that, rejoiced at heart.
The king, with many, mounted steed and went

E iba recibir al que en buen hora nacio
Bien aguisado viene el Çid con todos los sus
Buenas compañas que asi han tal señor
Cuando lo hobo a ojo el buen Rey don Alfonso
3025 Firiose a tierra mio Çid el Campeador
The one on hour propitious born to meet.
My Cid and all his men come well equipped,
Fair troops are they who such a lord possess.
When good king Don Alfonso saw him first
My Cid the Campeador he sprang to earth,

Biltarse quiere & honrar a su señor
Cuando lo oyo el Rey por nada no tardo
Par san isidro verdad no sera hoy
Cabalgad Çid si no no habria dende sabor
3030 Saludarnos hemos de alma & de corazon
For ′twas his wish to humble him before
his liege and render honor unto him.
When this he saw, the king delayed him not:
"Now, by Saint Isidore, not so, this day!
Cid, mount your steed, else were I ill content.
We needs must greet each other heart and soul

de lo que a vos pesa a mi duele el corazon
Dios lo mande que por vos se honre hoy la corte
Amen dixo mio Çid el Campeador
Besole la mano & despues le saludo
3035 Grado a Dios cuando vos veo señor
Your burden is to me an heartfelt grief;
God grant, through you, the court be honored now!"
"Amen," My Cid the Campeador replied.
his hand he kissed, then salutation gave:
"Grace unto God, since I behold you, liege.

homillome a vos & al conde don Remon
E al conde don Anriche & a cuantos que y son
Dios salve a nuestros amigos & a vos mas señor
Mi mugier doña Ximena dueña es de pro
3040 Besavos las manos & mis fijas amas a dos
To you I bow and unto Count Don Raymond,
And Count Don Anrrich and all others here.
God save our friends, and guard you most, my liege!
My wife Ximena, noble dame is she,
And both my daughters, do they kiss your hands.

Desto que nos avino que vos pese señor
respondio el Rey si fago sin salve dios
Pora toledo el Rey tornada da
Esa noche mio Çid tajo no quiso pasar
3045 Merced ya Rey si el criador vos salve
What hath befallen us, may′t grieve you, liege."
The king said: "So I do, else God defend!"
Unto Toledo turned again the king.
That night My Cid the Tagus would not pass.
"Now grace, king, so Creator be your guard!

Pensad señor de entrar a la ciudad
E yo con los mios posare a san servan
Las mis compañas esta noche llegaran
Terne vigilia en aqueste santo logar
3050 Cras mañana entrare a la ciudad
Bethink you, liege, to pass within the town,
And I, with mine, will camp at San Servan.
My companies upon this night will come.
Within this holy place I′ll vigil hold.
At morrow morn I′ll pass within the town,

E ire a la corte enantes de yantar
Dixo el Rey plazeme de voluntad
El Rey don Alfonso a toledo es entrado
Mio Çid Ruy Diaz en san servan posado
3055 Mando fazer candelas & poner en el altar
And will I seek the court ere food I take."
The king replied: "Of that I′m well content."
king Don Alfonso passed within Toledo,
My Cid Ruy Diaz camped in San Servan.
he bade them candles make and place upon

Sabor ha de velar en esa santidad
Al criador rogando & fablando en poridad
Entre minaya & los buenos que y ha
Acordados fueron cuando vino la man
3060 Matines & prima dixieron faza el alba
The altar. Wish he hath to watch within
This holy spot, in prayer and secret speech
Unto Creator. When the morn had come
Minaya and the other good men there
Were warned. The matins said and prime till dawn.

Suelta fue la misa antes que saliese el sol
E su ofrenda han fecha muy buena & cumplida
Vos Minaya Alvar Fañez el mio brazo mejor
Vos iredes conmigo & el obispo don Jeronimo
3065 E Pero Vermudez & aqueste Muño Gustioz
The mass was over ere the sun arose,
Their offering complete and fair they made.
"Minaya Albarfanez, thou who art
Right arm of mine, ye shall accompany me,
And Bishop Don Jerome, Pero Vermudez,
That Muno Gustioz as well shall go,

E Martin Antolinez el burgales de pro
E Alvar Alvarez & Alvar Salvadorez
E martin Muñoz que en buen punto nacio
E mio sobrino felez Muñoz
3070 Conmigo ira mal anda que es bien sabidor
And Martin Antolinez, noble man
Of Burgos town, and Albar Albarez,
Martin Munoz, at time propitious born,
And Albar Salvadorez go as well,
And Felez Munoz too, my nephew he.
With me shall go Mal Anda, wise is he;

E galinde garciez el bueno de aragon
Con estos cumplanse ciento de los buenos que y son
Velmeces vestidos por sufrir las guarnizones
De suso las lorigas tan blancas como el sol
3075 Sobre las lorigas armiños & pellizones
Galin Garcia, good man of Aragon.
With these, they fill the number of five score
From good men present; wearing gambesons,
More easily to bear the weight of arms.
Beneath, cuirasses brilliant as the sun.
And o′er cuirasses ermines and pelisses.

E que no parescan las armas bien presos los cordones
So los mantos las espadas dulces & tajadores
Daquesta guisa quiero ir a la corte
Por demandar mios derechos & decir mi razon
3080 Si de sobra buscaren Infantes de Carrion
And, that the arms show not, well drawn the cords.
Beneath the cloaks the trenchant swords and keen.
In such a guise I wish to seek the court,
To say my say and my deserts demand.
If Lords of Carrion plan evil act,

Do tales 100 tobiere bien sere sin pavor
respondieron todos nos eso queremos señor
Asi como lo ha dicho todos adobados son
Nos detiene por nada el que en buen hora nacio
3085 Calzas de buen paño en sus camas metio
With such an hundred shall I fearless be."
They all made answer: "Liege, ′tis thus we wish."
As he hath bidden do they all prepare.
Naught stays the one on hour propitious born.
In hose of goodly stuff his limbs he clad,

Sobre ellas unos zapatos que a gran huebra son
Vistio camisa de ranzal tan blanca como el sol
Con oro & con plata todas las presas son
Al puño bien estan ca el selo mando
3090 Sobre ella un brial primo de ciclaton
And over them shoes most ornate. A shirt
Of linen fine, as white as is the sun;
the fastenings, with gold and silver all:
Bound fast upon the write, for so he bade.
Above the shirt a tunic rich he wore
Of ciclaton: with gold ′twas wrought, and all

Obrado es con oro parecen por do son
Sobre esto una piel bermeja las bandas de oro son
Siempre la viste mio Çid el Campeador
una cofia sobre los pelos de un escarin de pro
3095 Con oro es obrada fecha por razon
Appeared to be of gold. And over this
A scarlet skin, the edges are of gold;
My Cid the Campeador he wore it aye.
A noble scarlet coif upon his hair.
And is it wrought with gold, for this ′tis made

Que no le contalasen los pelos al buen Çid Campeador
La barba habie luenga & prisola con el cordon
Por tal lo faze esto que recaudar quiere todo lo suyo
De suso cubrio un manto que es de gran valor
3100 En el abrien que ver cuantos que y son
That might the hair of good Cid Campeador
Be never cut away. his beard was long,
he bound it with a cord; and that he did
That might he all his person keep secure
Beneath, he wore a cloak of greatest worth:
In this, all present found whereon to gaze.

Con aquestos ciento que adobar mando
Apriesa cabalga de san servan salio
Asi iba mio Çid adobado al la corte
A la puerta de fuera descabalga a sabor
3105 Cuerda mientre entra mio Çid con todos los sus
With that five score he ordered to prepare,
he quickly mounts and goes from San Servan.
Thus unto court My Cid departs prepared.
he would dismount beside the outer gate.
With circumspection passed My Cid within,
With all his men, and seeks the midst of all,

El va en medio e los 100 aderredor
Cuando lo vieron entrar al que en buen hora nacio
levantose en pie el buen Rey don Alfonso
E el conde don Anriche & el conde don Remon
3110 E desi adelante sabed todos los otros
And round about him stand his hundred men.
When they the man on hour propitious born
Beheld arrive, good king Alfonso rose
And Count Don Anrrich, Count Don Raymond too,
And, know ye, thereupon all others rose.

A gran honra lo reciben al que en buen hora nacio
No se quiso levantar el crespo de grañon
ni todos los del bando de Infantes de Carrion
El Rey dixo al Çid venid aca ser Campeador
3115 En aqueste escaño que me diestes vos en don
With greatest honor they receive the man
On hour propitious born. But was no wish
in Crespo de Granon to rise, nor all
the party of the Lords of Carrion.
The king addressed the Cid: "Sir Campeador,
Come hither, on the seat ye gave to me.

Maguer que algunos pesa mejor sodes que nos
eshora dixo muchas mercedes el que Valencia gano
Sed en vuestro escaño como Rey e señor
Aca posare con todos aquestos mios
3120 Lo que dixo el Çid al Rey plogo de corazon
Though some it grieve, ye better are than we."
Thereon the man who gained Valencia
Gave many thanks: "Rest thou upon thy seat
As king and liege, and here will I remain
With all of these, my men." What said the Cid
Right heartily it pleased the king. Thereon

En un escaño torniño eshora mio Çid poso
Los 100 que le aguardan posan aderredor
Catando estan a mio Çid cuantos ha en la corte
A la barba que habie luenga & presa con el cordon
3125 En sus aguisamientos bien semeja varon
Upon a fair-wrought seat My Cid reposed.
The hundred men who guard him stood about.
All gaze upon My Cid within the court,
Upon his beard so long and bound with cord.
he truly in his trappings seems a man!

No le pueden catar de verg enza Infantes de Carrion
Eshora se llevo en pie el buen Rey don Alfonso
Oid mesnadas si vos vala el criador
Yo de que fu Rey no fice mas de dos cortes
3130 La una fue en Burgos & la otra en Carrion
For very shame the Lords of Carrion
Dares not regard him. Rose good king Alfonso:
"hark me, my men, so help you the Creator!
Since I was king but twice I called my court:
In Burgos one, the other Carrion;

Esta tercera a toledo la vine fer hoy
Por el amor de mio Çid el que en buen hora nacio
Que reciba derecho de Infantes de Carrion
Grande tuerto le han tenido sabemoslo todos nos
3135 Alcaldes sean desto el conde don Anriche & el conde don Remon
This third today I come to hold within
Toledo. for the love I bear My Cid,
The one who on propitious hour was born,
That right he have of Lords of Carrion.
We all are ′ware great wrong they bore to him.
Count Anrrich and Count Raymond judge herein,

E estos otros condes que del bando no sodes
Todos meted y mientes ca sodes conocedores
Por escoger el derecho ca tuerto no mando yo
Della & della parte en paz seamos hoy
3140 Juro par san isidro el que volviere mi corte
And ye, the other counts, who join them not.
thereto attend ye all, for are ye wise,
To find the right, for wrong I order not.
In each division be there peace this day.
And do I by Saint Isidore make oath

Quitarme ha el Reino perdera mi amor
Con el que tobiere derecho yo desa parte me soy
Agora demande mio Çid el Campeador
Sabremos que responden Infantes de Carrion
3145 Mio Çid la mano beso al Rey & en pie se levanto
That whosoever shall disturb my court,
My kingdom shall he leave and lose my love.
Whose cause is just I favor. Let My Cid
The Campeador demand and shall we learn
The answer of the Lords of Carrion."
My Cid arose and kissed the royal hand:

Mucho vos lo gradesco como a Rey & a señor
Por cuanto esta corte fiziestes por mi amor
Esto les demando a Infantes de Carrion
Por mis fijas que me dexaron yo no he deshonor
3150 Ca vos las casastes Rey sabredes que fer hoy
"Great thanks I render you as king and liege,
Wherein ye called this court through love of me.
Of Lords of Carrion this thing I seek;
Not mine the shame that they my daughters left.
For did ye wed them, king, and will ye know

Mas cuando sacaron mis fijas de Valencia la mayor
Yo bien las queria de alma & de corazon
Diles dos espadas a colada & a tizon
Estas yo las gane a guisa de varon
3155 Que se honrasen con ellas & sirviesen a vos
What thing this day o do. But when they took
My daughters from Valencia the great
I loved them well of heart and soul, and gave
Two swords to them, Colada and Tizon -
In manly guise I gained them - that they earn
honor with them and service render you.

Cuando dexaron mis fijas en el robredo de corpes
Conmigo no quisieron haber nada & perdieron mi amor
Denme mis espadas cuando mios yernos no son
Atorgan los alcaldes todo esto es razon
3160 Dixo el conde don garcia a esto nos fablemos
When they in Corpes′ oaken forest left
My daughters twain, they nothing sought of me
And lost my love. Return my swords to me,
Since are they sons-in-law of mine no more."
The judges grant it: "All of this is just."
Count Don Garcia said: "We′ll speak on this."

eshora salien aparte infantes de Carrion
Con todos sus parientes & el bando que y son
Apriesa lo iban trayendo & acuerdan la razon
Aun grande amor nos faze el Çid Campeador
3165 Cuando deshonra de sus fijas no nos demanda hoy
The Lords of Carrion then drew apart
With all their kin and party present there.
They soon discuss the thing and all agree:
"Still unto us Cid Campeador doth show
Great love, wherein this day he seeketh not
The payment for his daughters′ shame from us.

Bien nos avendremos con el Rey don Alfonso
Demosle sus espadas cuando asi finca la voz
E cuando las tobiere partirse ha la corte
Ya mas no habra derecho de nos el Çid Campeador
3170 Con aquesta fabla tornaron a la corte
And will we place us well with king Alfonso:
Give back his swords, since there his seeking ends.
he having them, the court will go. Nor more
Of us Cid Campeador shall justice gain."
Upon that word again they sought the court:

Merced ya Rey don Alfonso sodes nuestro señor
No lo podemos negar ca dos espadas nos dio
Cuando las demanda & dellas ha sabor
Dargelas queremos delante estando vos
3175 Sacaron las espadas colada & tizon
"Now, king Alfonso, grace; our liege are ye.
We may deny it not, two swords he gave us.
And since he asks for these and wishes them,
Before you here we′d give them back to him"
They drew the swords Colada and Tizon

Pusieronlas en mano del Rey su señor
Saca las espadas & relumbran toda la corte
Las manzanas & los arriaces todos de oro son
Maravillanse dellas todos los homnes buenos de la corte
3180 recibio las espadas las manos le beso
And placed in hands of their liege lord the king.
he drew the swords, the court was lighted all.
The pommels and the quillons all were gold.
Then marveled all the good men in the court.
he took the swords, the king′s hand kissed, and turned,

Tornose al escaño donde se levanto
En las manos las tiene & amas las cato
No se las pueden camear ca el Çid bien las conosce
Alegrosele todo el cuerpo sonrisose de corazon
3185 Alzaba la mano a la barba se tomo
And sought once more the seat from whence he rose.
he held them in his hands and gazed on both;
Nor might they change them; knew them well the Cid.
his body all rejoiced, and did he smile
With all his heart. he raised his hand aloft

Par aquesta barba que nadi no meso
Asi se iran vengando doña Elvira & doña Sol
A su sobrino por nombre le llamo
Tendio el brazo la espada tizon le dio
3190 Prendedla sobrino ca mejora en señor
And grasped his beard: "By this bear man ne′er plucked,
Avenged Dame Sol and Dame Elvira thus."
By name he called his nephew; then he stretched
his arm and gave to him the sword Tizon.
"Take, nephew, this, for gains it better lord."

A Martin Antolinez el burgales de pro
Tendio el brazo el espada colada le dio
Martin Antolinez mio vasallo de pro
Prended a colada ganela de buen señor
3195 Del conde de Remon verengel de barcelona la mayor
he reached and gave to Martin Antolinez,
The noble Burgales, the sword Colada.
"My noble vassal, Martin Antolinez,
Colada take, from worthy lord I gained it,
′Twas from the Count Don Raymond Verengel
Of mighty Barcelona; unto you

Por eso vos la doy que la bien curiedes vos
Se que si vos acaeciere con ella ganaredes grande prez & grande valor
Besole la mano el espada tomo & recibio
Luego se levanto mio Çid el Campeador
3200 Grado al criador & a vos Rey señor
I give to guard it well. If chance befall,
I know with that great prize and fame were yours."
he kissed his hand, the sword accepting took;
Right soon arose My Cid the Campeador:
"Grace to Creator and to you, liege king,

Ya pagado soy de mis espadas de colada & de tizon
Otra rencura he de Infantes de Carrion
Cuando sacaron de Valencia mis fijas amas a dos
En oro & en plata 3000 marcos de plata les di yo
3205 Yo faziendo esto ellos acabaron lo su
Now of my swords Colada and Tizon
I satisfaction have. Yet other cause
have I against the Lords of Carrion.
When from Valencia my daughters twain
they led, in gold and silver gave I them
three thousand silver marks. While this I did
They yet their deed performed. Give back my wealth,

Denme mis haberes cuando mios yernos no son
Aqui veriedes quexarse Infantes de Carrion
Dice el conde don Remon decid de si o de no
Eshora responden Infantes de Carrion
3210 Por eso le diemos sus espadas al Çid Campeador
Since they no more are sons-in-law of mine."
here had ye seen the Lords of Carrion
Complain. Count Raymond cried: "Say yes or no."
Then spake the Lords of Carrion: "We gave
Cid Campeador his swords that naught beyond

Que al no nos demandase que aqui finco la voz
Si ploguiere al Rey asi decimos nos Dixo el Rey
A lo que demanda el Çid que le recudades vos
Dixo el buen Rey asi lo otorgo yo
3215 Dixo Alvar Fañez levantandose en pie el Çid Campeador
he ask of us and there the matter end.
An′t please the king ′tis thus that we reply."
the king said: "Must ye meet the Cid′s demands."
And said the good king: "Thus do I ordain."
Spake Albarfanez: "Rise, Cid Campeador!"

Destos haberes que vos di yo si melos dades o dedes dello razon
Eshora salien aparte Infantes de Carrion
No acuerdan en consejo ca los haberes grandes son
Espesos los han Infantes de Carrion
3220 Tornan con el consejo e fablaban a su sabor
"That wealth I gave return, or make account."
Then drew the Lords of Carrion apart.
Nor in their talk agree, for, great the wealth;
The Lords of Carrion have spent it all.
They this decision brought and spake their wish:

Mucho nos afinca el que Valencia gano
Cuando de nuestros haberes asi le prende sabor
Pagarle hemos de heredades en tierras de Carrion
Dixieron los alcaldes cuando manifestados son
3225 Si eso ploguiere al Çid no gelo vedamos nos
"Who gained Valencia doth press us hard.
Since wealth he seeks form us, we needs must pay
With property in lands of Carrion."
When this was shown the judges made reply:
"that do we not forbid, an′t please the Cid;

Mas en nuestro juicio asi lo mandamos nos
Que aqui lo enterguedes dentro en la corte
A estas palabras fablo el Rey don Alfonso
Nos bien la sabemos aquesta razon
3230 Que derecho demanda el Çid Campeador
But thus, upon our judgment, we command:
That here, within the court, ye payment make."
Upon these words king Don Alfonso spake:
"Cid Campeador seeks justice well we know.

Destos 3000 marcos los 200 tengo yo
Entramos me los dieron los Infantes de Carrion
Tornargelos quiero ca todos fechos son
Enterguen a mio Çid el que en buen hora nacio
3235 Cuando ellos los han apechar no gelos quiero yo
Of these three thousand marks have I two hundred,
Received from those two Lords of Carrion.
Are all prepared, I wish to give them back.
Unto My Cid, on hour propitious born,
Let them be given. Since must they render them,

Hablo Fernando gonzalez haberes monedados no tenemos nos
Luego respondio el conde don Remon
El oro & la plata espendiesteslo vos
Por juicio lo damos ante el Rey don Alfonso
3240 Paguenle en apreciadura & prendalo el Campeador
I wish them not." Fernan Gonzalez spake:
"No coin have we." Count Raymond then replied:
"Now have ye spent the gold and silver all.
′Fore king Alfonso thus do we ordain:
That they shall pay a fair equivalent
And that the Campeador accept the same."

Ya vieron que es a fer los Infantes de Carrion
Veriedes aducir tanto caballo corredor
Tanta gruesa mula tanto palafre de sazon
Tanta buena espada con toda guarnizon
3245 recibiolo mio Çid como apreciaron en la corte
Now did the Lords of Carrion perceive
It must be done. Ye had beheld them bring
t steeds in number, many sturdy mules,
And palfreys and full store of goodly swords
Equipped in full. My Cid accepted all

Sobre los 200 marcos que tenie el Rey Alfonso
Pagaron los Infantes al que en buen hora nacio
Emprestanles de lo ageno que no les cumple lo suyo
Mal escapan jugados sabed desta razon
3250 Estas apreciaduras mio Çid presas las ha
Upon their valuation in the court.
O′er that two hundred marks of king Alfonso
Their own sufficing not, they borrowed it.
know ye, ill served they ′scaped from this affair.
My Cid accepted these equivalents.

sus homnes las tienen & dellas pensaran
Mas cuando esto hobo acabado pensaron luego de al
Merced hay Rey señor por amor de caridad
La rencura mayor no se me puede olvidar
3255 Oidme toda la corte & pesevos de mio mal
his men received them and will give them care.
This done, full soon to other thought they came.
"Oh, Lord king, grace, for love of charity!
The chief complaint, it may not be forgot.
Attend me all this court and grieve ye all

de los Infantes de Carrion que me deshonraron tan mal
A menos de retos no los puedo dexar
Decid que vos mereci Infantes en juego o en vero
O en alguna razon aqui lo mejorare a juicio de la corte
3260 A que me descubriestes las telas del corazon
With my affliction. Lords of Carrion,
Who dire dishonor brought me, will I not
Permit that short of challenge they escape.
Speak, Lords, and say wherein I did ye harm,
In jest or earnest , or what way soe′er;
I′ll make amends as shall the court decide.
Why stripped ye bare my heart? I gave to you

A la salida de Valencia mis fijas vos di yo
Con muy grande honra & haberes a nombre
Cuando las no queriedes ya canes traidores
Por que las sacabades de Valencia sus honores
3265 A que las firiestes a cinchas & a espolones
My daughters, when ye left Valencia,
With honor very high and riches great.
Dogs, traitors, since ye wished for them no more,
Why take them from Valencia their fief?
And wherefore struck ye them with girths and spurs?

Solas las dexastes en el robredo de corpes
A las bestias fieras & a las aves del monte
Por cuanto les fiziestes menos valedes vos
Si no recudedes vealo esta corte
3270 El conde don garcia en pie se levantaba
Alone ye left them in the oaken wood
Of Corpes, to the wild beasts and the birds
That haunt the mountain. ′Tis yourselves that stand,
In what ye did to them, the less in worth.
An ye redress me not, this court attend it."
then rose upon his feet Count Don Garcia.

Merced ya Rey el mejor de toda españa
Vezose mio Çid a las cortes pregonadas
Dexola crecer & luenga trae la barba
Los unos le han miedo & los otros espanta
3275 Los de Carrion son de natura tal
"Grace now, O king, in all of Spain the best!
here stands My Cid, announced before this court.
his beard he lets to grow and wears it long.
With wonder some are filled and some with fear.
The Lords of Carrion are such by birth,

No gelas debien querer sus fijas por barraganas
O quien gelas diera por parejas o por veladas
Derecho fizieron por que las han dexadas
Cuanto el dice no gelo preciamos nada
3280 Eshora el Campeador prisose a la barba
for concubines they should not wish his daughters.
As wives and equals who had thought to give?
Deserting them they acted in their right.
We naught esteem what thing soe′er he saith."
The Campeador laid hand upon his heard.

Grado a dios que cielo & tierra manda
Por eso es luenga que a delicio fue criada
Que habedes vos conde por retraer la mi barba
Ca de cuando nacio a delicio fue criada
3285 Ca no me priso a ella fijo de mugier nada
"My thanks to God who heaven and earth commands!
′Tis long, for while it grew, ′twas cared for well.
What moves you, Count, to thus attack my beard?
For since it grew it every care received.
Ne′er son of woman born laid hand thereon,

Ni me la meso fijo de moro ni de cristiana
Como yo a vos conde en el castiello de cabra
Cuando prise a cabra & a vos por la barba
No y hobo rapaz que no meso su pulgada
3290 La que yo mese aun no es eguada
Nor ever plucked it Christian′s son nor Moor′s,
As I did yours in Cabra′s castle, Count,
When took I Cabra and you by your beard,
No boy was there but plucked a thumb′s length forth,
Not yet the part I plucked hath even grown."

Fernando gonzalez en pie se levanto
A altas voces odredes que fablo
Dexasedes vos Çid de aquesta razon
De vuestros haberes de todos pagados sodes
3295 No creciese baraja entre nos & vos
Fernan Gonzalez rose upon his feet.
with voice uplifted, hear the word he spake:
"Now leave ye, Cid, this talk. For are ye now
Of wealth and all content. Let quarrel not
Arise ′tween you and us. For we by birth

De natura somos de condes de Carrion
Debiemos casar con fijas de Reyes o de emperadores
Ca no pertenecien fijas de Infanzones
Porque las dexamos derecho fiziemos nos
3300 Mas nos preciamos sabed que menos no
Are Counts of Carrion, ′twere ours to wed
Daughters of Infanzones ne′er were meet.
And have we done the right in leaving them.
know ye, we more, not less, esteem ourselves."

Mio Çid Ruy Diaz a Pero Vermudez cata
Habla Pero mudo varon que tanto callas
Yo las he fijas & tu primas cormanas
A mi lo dicen a ti dan las orejadas
3305 Si yo respondiere tu no entraras en armas
My Cid Ruy Diaz gazed on Pero Vermudez:
"Dumb Peter speak, thou ever silent man!
My daughters and your cousins German they.
To me they speak, upon your ears it falls.
An I reply, ye may not arms assume."

Pero Vermudez compezo de fablar
Detienesele la lengua no puede delibrar
Mas cuando empieza sabed no le da vagar
Direvos Çid costumbres habedes tales
3310 Siempre en las cortes Pero Mudo me llamades
Pero Vermudez then began to speak.
his speech was halting and unable he
To reason, yet, when once he had begun,
know ye, not any rest he took therein:
"Cid, will I say to you your ways are strange;
In cortes, aye, Dumb Peter call ye me.

Bien lo sabedes que yo no puedo mas
Por lo que yo hobiere a fer por mi no mancara
Mientes fernando de cuanto dicho has
Por el Campeador mucho valiestes mas
3315 Las tus mañas yo te las sabre contar
Ye well are ′ware that I can do no more.
Whate′er be mine to do lacks not through me.
Ye lie, Fernando, lie in all ye spake.
For great your honor, through the Campeador.
And I your evil ways will tell. Recall,

Miembrate cuando lidiamos cerca Valencia la grande
Pediste las feridas primeras al Campeador leal
Viste un moro fustele ensayar antes fuxiste que a el te allegases
Si yo no uyase el moro te jugara mal
3320 Pase por ti con el moro me hobe de ajuntar
When near Valencia the great, we fought,
First blows ye begged the loyal Campeador.
Ye saw a Moor and forth to try him went,
But ere ye gained him turned about in flight.
had I not charged the Moor, be ill served you.
I took your place and fought against the Moor.

de los primeros colpes hobele de arrancar
Dite el caballo tovetelo en poridad
Fasta este dia no lo descubri a nadi
Delante mio Çid & delante todos hobistete de alabar
3325 Que mataras el moro & que fizieras barnax
the blows that first I dealt him conquered him.
I gave his horse to you, and hid the thing.
Unto this day to none discovered it.
And might ye boast before My Cid and all
That ye had slain a Moor and that ye did

Crovierontelo todos mas no saben la verdad
E eres fermoso mas mal barragan
Lengua sin manos como osas fablar
Di Fernando otorga esta razon
3330 No te viene en miente en Valencia lo del leon
A feat of arms. They all believed it true,
But knew they not the truth, and are ye fair
But cowardly. Thou tongue devoid of hands,
how dare ye talk? Fernando, speak and grant
The justice of my words. Recall ye not
The lion story in Valencia,

Cuando durmie mio Çid & el leon se desato
E tu fernando que fiziste con el pavor
Metistete tras el escaño de mio Çid el Campeador
Metistete Fernando por do menos vales hoy
3335 Nos cercamos el escaño por curiar nuestro señor
When slept My Cid and broke the lion loose?
And thou, Fernando, what, with fear, didst thou?
Didst hide thyself behind the couch where slept
My Cid the Campeador; didst hide thyself,
Fernando, whence today your worth is less.
About the couch we drew to guard our liege,

Fasta do desperto mio Çid el que Valencia gano
levantose del escaño & fuese pora el leon
El leon premio la cabeza a mio Çid espero
Dexose el prender al cuello & a la red le metio
3340 Cuando se torno el buen Campeador
Until awoke My Cid, the man who gained
Valencia. he from the couch arose
And toward the lion went. The lion bowed
his head, and did await My Cid, and let
him seize his neck; he placed him in the cage.
When turned him back the goodly Campeador,

A sus vasallos violos aderredor
Demando por sus yernos ninguno no fallo
retote el cuerpo por malo & por traidor
Esto te lidiare aqui ante el Rey don Alfonso
3345 Por fijas del Çid doña Elvira & doña Sol
his vassals round about him he beheld.
Inquiry for his sons-in-law he made,
But neither found. For evil one and traitor
Do I defy thy body here before
king Don Alfonso. Daughters of the Cid,
Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, as to them,

Por cuanto las dexastes menos valedes vos
Ellas son mugieres & vos sodes varones
En todas guisas mas Valen que vos
Cuando fuere la lid si ploguiere al criador
3350 Tu lo otorgaras a guisa de traidor
In that ye left them is your worth the less,
For they but women are and ye are men:
In every guise their worth is more than yours.
An′t please Creator, when the fight is come,
In traitor guise ye shall acknowledge it.

De cuanto he dicho verdadero sere yo
Daquestos a dos aqui quedo la razon
Diego Gonzalez o dredes lo que dixo
De natura somos de los condes mas limpios
3355 Estos casamientos no fuesen aparecidos
I′ll prove the truth of all that I have said."
Of these two now the talking came to end.
Attend the words Diego Gonzalez sake:
"By birth are we of counts of purest blood.
These marriages were all unsuitable,

Por consagrar con mio Çid don rodrigo
Porque dexamos sus fijas aun no nos repentimos
Mientra que vivan pueden haber sospiros
Lo que les fiziemos serles ha retraido esto lidiare a todo el mas ardido
3360 Que por que las dexamos honrados somos nos
Wherein we did accept as father-in-law
My Cid Don Roderick. And that we left
his daughters do we still repent us not.
While living let them sigh! For what to them
We did they will forever be reproached;
On this I′ll fight the most courageous one,
that through deserting them we honored are."

Martin Antolinez en pie se levantaba
Calla alevoso boca sin verdad
Lo del leon no se te debe olvidar
Saliste por la puerta metistete al corral
3365 Fustete meter tras la viga lagar
Rose Martin Antolinez to his feet.
"Silence, ye false one, mouth that knows not truth!
Shouldst not forget the story of the lion.
Didst through the portal fly and place thyself
Within the court, didst go to hide behind
The wine-press beam, but ne′er again didst wear

Mas no vestiste el manto ni el brial
Yo lo lidiare no pasara por al
Fijas del Çid porque las vos dexastes
En todas guisas sabed que mas Valen que vos
3370 Al partir de la lid por tu boca lo diras
Thy cloak nor tunic. Will I fight thereon,
Nor shall it otherwise befall. What cause
hath made ye leave the daughters of the Cid?
know ye their worth is greater than your own
In every way. When ye the fight desert
thy mouth shall say it, that ye are a traitor,

Que eres traidor & mentiste de cuanto dicho has
Destos amos la razon finco
A Asur Gonzalez entraba por el palacio
Manto armiño & un brial rastrando
3375 Bermejo viene ca era almorzado
And lied in whatsoever ye have said."
here talk about these two was brought to end.
Asur Gonzalez in the palace came,
Trailing a tunic and an ermine cloak.
all flushed he came, for had he broken fast.

En lo que fablo habie poco recaudo
Ya varones quien vio nunca tal mal
Quien nos darie nuevas de mio Çid el de vivar
Fuese a rio d e orvina los molinos picar
3380 E prender maquilas como lo suele far
he little did attend whereof he spake:
"Now, men, whoe′er such evil thing beheld?
Who′ll bring us information of My Cid,
he of Bivar? Now hath he sought the stream
Of Obierna, there to drive his mills
And take his miller′s dues, as was his wont?

Qui le darie con los de Carrion a casar
Eshora Muño Gustioz en pie se levanto
Calla alevoso malo & traidor
Antes almuerzas que vayas a oracion
3385 A los que das paz fartaslos aderredor
Who led him to contract these marriages
With those of Carrion?" Then to his feet
Rose Muno Gustioz: "Thou treacherous one,
Thou evil man and traitor, hold thy peace!
Ye breakfast ere ye pray; to those ye give
Your salutation, do ye all disgust;

No dices verdad amigo ni a señor
Falso a todos & mas al criador
En tu amistad no quiero haber racion
Facerte he lo decir que tal eres cual digo yo
3390 Dixo el Rey Alfonso calle ya esta razon
Nor do ye speak the truth to friend or liege,
To all men false, and more to the Creator.
No sharing in your friendship I desire.
I′ll make ye grant that are ye what I say."
Said king Alfonso: "Cease ye now this talk.

Los que han retado lidiaran sin salve dios
Asi como acaban esta razon
Afe dos caballeros entraron por la corte
Al uno dicen ojarra & al otro eñego Ximenez
3395 El uno es Infante de navarra
Those who defied shall fight, else God defend."
Now as this talking to an end was brought,
Behold there came two knights within the court.
The one was called Oiarra, and the other
Y nego Ximenez. And the one,
The Infant of Navarre, and was the other

E el otro Infante de aragon
Besan las manos al Rey don Alfonso
Piden sus fijas a mio Çid el Campeador
Por ser Reinas de navarra & de aragon
3400 E que gelas diesen a honra & a bendicion
Infant of Aragon. And did they kiss
king Don Alfonso′s hands, and did they ask
his daughters of My Cid the Campeador
For queens of Aragon and of Navarre,
that be they honorably given them,

A esto callaron & ascucho toda la corte
levantose en pie mio Çid el Campeador
Merced Rey Alfonso vos sodes mio señor
Esto gradesco yo al criador
3405 Cuando me las demandan de navarra & de aragon
And blessed. And thereupon the court was still.
All harkened. Rose my Cid the Campeador:
"Grace, king Alfonso, are ye liege of mine!
For this I render the Creator thanks,
Since from Navarre and Aragon they ask

Vos las casastes antes ca yo no
Afe mis fijas en vuestras manos son
Sin vuestro mandado nada no fere yo
levantose el Rey fizo callar la corte
3410 ruego vos Çid caboso Campeador
My daughters. You before in marriage gave,
For ′twas not I. Behold, my daughters are
Within your hands. And lest you bid me so,
I naught will do." The king arose; he bade
The court be silent: "I desire you, Cid,
Most worthy Campeador, that you be pleased,

Que plega a vos & atorgar lo he yo
Este casamiento hoy se otorgue en esta corte
Ca crece vos y honra & tierra & honor
levantose mio Çid al Rey las manos le beso
3415 Cuando a vos plaze otorgolo yo señor
And I will grant it, that this wedding be
Within this court accomplished on this day.
Thereon your honor grows and lands and fief."
My Cid arose; the king′s hands did he kiss:
"Since that is your desire, I yield it, liege."

Eshora dixo el Rey dios vos de dende buen galardon
A vos ojarra & a vos eñego Ximenez
Este casamiento otorgo vos le yo
De fijas de mio Çid doña Elvira & doña Sol
3420 Pora los Infantes de navarra & de aragon
Then said the king: "God give ye guerdon thence!
Oiarra, and you, Y nego Ximenez,
This marriage do I grant it unto you;
The ladies Dame Elvira and Dame Sol,
The daughters of My Cid, unto the Lords
Of Aragon and of Navarre be given

Que vos las den a honra & a bendicion
levantose en pie ojarra & eñego Ximenez
Besaron las manos del Rey don Alfonso
E despues de mio Çid el Campeador
3425 Metieron las fes & los homenajes dados son
To you in blessed wedlock honorable."
Oiarra rose with Y nego Ximenez.
king Don Alfonso′s hands they kissed, and then
My Cid the Campeador′s. They pledged their faith,
The oaths are given, that as thus ′twas said

Que como es dicho asi sea o mejor
A muchos plaze de toda esta corte
Mas no plaze a los Infantes de Carrion
Minaya albar fañez en pie se levanto
3430 Merced vos pido como a Rey & a señor
It so befall, or better e′en than that.
Of all that court it many satisfied,
Bu t did not the Lords of Carrion.
Minaya Albarfanez rose: "I beg
Your grace, as king and liege, and may this not

E que no pese esto al Çid Campeador
Bien vos di vagar en toda esta corte
Decir querria ya cuanto de lo mio
Dixo el Rey plazeme de corazon
3435 Decid Minaya lo que hobieredes sabor
Cid Campeador displease. Full leisure I
have given unto you through all this court.
Now would I tell you something of me own."
the king replies: "Right glad am I thereof.
Minaya, speak what thing soe′er thou wish."

Yo vos ruego que me oyades toda la corte
Ca grande rencura he de Infantes de Carrion
Yo les di mis primas por mandado del Rey Alfonso
Ellos las prisieron a honra & a bendicion
3440 Grandes haberes les dio mio Çid el Campeador
"I pray you that you hear me all the court;
For high is my resentment ′gainst the Lords
Of Carrion. My cousins gave I them,
By king Alfonso′s order. They received them
With blessing and with honor. Great the wealth
My Cid the Campeador on them bestowed.

Ellos las han dexadas a pesar de nos
retoles los cuerpos por malos & por traidores
De natura sodes de los de vanigomez
Onde salien condes de prez & de valor
3445 Mas bien sabemos las mañas que ellos han
And have they, to our grief, deserted them.
As evil men and traitors I defy.
Their bodies. They by nature are of those
Of Vanigomez, whence came counts of worth
And valor; but full well we know their ways!

Esto gradesco yo al criador
Cuando piden mis primas doña Elvira & doña Sol
Los Infantes de navarra & de aragon
Antes las habiedes parejas pora en brazos las tener
3450 Agora besaredes sus manos & llamarlas hedes señoras
For this I thank Creator, since the Lords
Of Aragon and of Navarre demand
Dame Sol and Dame Elvira, cousins mine.
Ere this ye deemed them equals to be held
Within your arms, but now their hands ye′ll kiss,

haberlas hedes a servir mal que vos pese a vos
Grado a Dios del cielo & aquel Rey don Alfonso
Asi le crece la honra a mio Çid el Campeador
En todas guisas tales sodes cuales digo yo
3455 Si hay qui responda o dice de no
And needs must call them ladies, and must serve them,
though it be grievous unto ye. My thanks
To God in heaven, and that king Don Alfonso,
My Cid the Campeador in honor thus
Increaseth! Such a man as I have named,
In every guise ye are. If one there be
To answer make or to deny the thing,

Yo soy Alvar Fañez pora todo el mejor
Gomez pelayet en pie se levanto
Que vale minaya toda esa razon
Ca en esta corte afarto ha pora vos
3460 E qui al quisiese serie su ocasion
I, Albarfanez, am in all his better."
Gomez Pelayet thereupon arose:
"Of what avail, Minaya, all this talk!
For in this court are quite enough for you:
Whose would else desire ′twould be his death.

Si dios quisiere que desta bien salgamos nos
Despues veredes que dixiestes o que no
Dixo el Rey fine esta razon
No diga ninguno della mas una entencion
3465 Cras sea la lid cuando saliere el sol
God will, an forth from this unscathed we come,
Ye after shall perceive ye spake not truth."
The king: "Now cease the talking. None thereon
Another word address. At morrow morn,
When cometh forth the sun, be then the fight

Destos 3 por 3 que retaron en la corte
Luego fablaron Infantes de Carrion
Dadnos Rey plazo ca cras ser no puede
Armas & caballos tienen los del Campeador
3470 Nos antes habremos a ir a tierras de Carrion
Between these three ′gainst three in court defied."
then soon outspake the Lords of Carrion:
"king, grant us time, it may not be tomorrow;
For those who service bear the Campeador
have arms and horses, needs we first must go
to lands of Carrion." The king addressed

Hablo el Rey contra el Campeador
Sea esta lid o mandaredes vos
En eshora dixo mio Çid no lo fare señor
Mas quiero a Valencia que tierras de Carrion
3475 En eshora dixo el Rey aosadas Campeador
The Campeador: "Wherever you ordain,
Be there the fight." Thereon My Cid replied:
"I will not so, my liege, for I esteem
Valencia more than lands of Carrion."
And thereupon the king an answer made:
"Content ye, Campeador, and give to me

Dadme vuestros caballeros con todas vuestras guarnizones
Vayan conmigo yo sere el curiador
Yo vos lo sobrellevo como buen vasallo faze a señor
Que no prendan fuerza de conde ni de Infanzon
3480 Aqui les pongo plazo de dentro en mi corte
Your knights and all equipments; leave with me
And I will guardian be. I guarantee it,
As vassal good to liege; they′ll ne′er be harmed
By count nor infanzon. hereon within
My court a time I set; at three weeks hence,

A cabo de tres semanas en vegas de Carrion
Que fagan esta lid delante estando yo
Quien no viniere al plazo pierda la razon
Desi sea vencido & escape por traidor
3485 Prisieron el juicio Infantes de Carrion
Let them engage before me, on the plains
Of Carrion, and whoso fail to come
Upon the time agreed this cause shall lose
And thence as conquered and a traitor go.
that judgment took the Lord of Carrion.

Mio Çid al Rey las manos le beso & dixo plazeme señor
Estos mis tres caballeros en vuestra mano son
Daqui vos los acomiendo como a Rey & a señor
Ellos son adobados pora cumplir todo lo suyo
3490 honrados melos enviad a Valencia por amor del criador
My Cid the king′s hands kissed and said: "My liege.
It pleaseth me. These three knights mine are now
Within your hands. I hence commend them you,
As king and liege; to do their part prepared.
For love of the Creator send them back
to me with honor in Valencia."

Eshora respuso el Rey asi lo mande dios
Alli se tollio el capello el Çid Campeador
La cofia de ranzal que blanca era como el sol
E soltaba la barba & sacola del cordon
3495 No se fartan de catarle cuantos ha en la corte
thereon replied the king: "God so ordain!"
his headgear then Cid Campeador removed,-
The linen coif was white as sun, -his beard
he freed, its cord he loosened. All in court
With look that never tired did gaze on him.

Adeliño a el el conde don anriche & el conde don Remon
Abrazolos tan bien & ruegalos de corazon
Que prendan de sus haberes cuanto hobieren sabor
A esos & a los otros que de buena parte son
3500 a todos los rogaba asi como han sabor
Straightway to him the Count Don Anrrich came,
And Count Don Raymond. Well embraced he them,
And begged them heartily that form his wealth
They take whate′er they would. Both these and others
Amongst the fitting ones, he begged them all
To take as they desired. Now some there were

Tales ya que prenden tales ya que no
Los 200 marcos al Rey los solto
de lo al tanto priso cuanto hobo sabor
Merced vos pido Rey por amor del criador
3505 Cuando todas estas nuevas asi puestas son
Who took thereof, but others who took naught.
The twice an hundred marks he left the king;
And of the rest the king took what he pleased.
"For love of the Creator, king, I beg
Your grace! Since all these things are now arranged,

Beso vuestras manos con vuestra gracia señor
E ir me quiero pora Valencia con afan la gane yo
El Rey alzo la mano la cara se santiguo
Yo lo juro par san esidro el de leon
3510 Que en todas nuestras tierras no ha tan buen varon
With your good grace, liege, do I kiss your hands,
And would I seek Valencia. I gained
The place with toil." Then raised his hand the king,
And on his face the sign of cross he made.
"Now, by Saint Isidore, he of Leon,
I swear, no man so good in all my lands!"

Mio Çid en el caballo adelante se llego
Fue besar la mano a su señor Alfonso
Mandastesme mover a Babieca el corredor
En moros ni en cristianos otro tal no ha hoy
3515 Y vos le do en don mandedesle tomar señor
Straight forward rode My Cid upon his horse.
his liege Alfonso′s hand he went to kiss:
"Ye bade me stir my steed, fleet Babieca.
′Mongst Moors or Christians lives there not his like.
To you as present do I give him, liege.
Bid them to take him." Then the king replied:

Eshora dixo el Rey desto no he sabor
Si a vos le tolliese el caballo no habrie tan buen señor
Mas atal caballo como este pora tal como vos
Pora arrancar moros del campo & ser segudador
3520 Quien vos lo toller quisiere no le vala el criador
"This like I not. An took I him from you,
The steed would not so good a lord possess.
Such steed for such as you were fit to rout,
And chase the Moors afield. what man from you
Would take him may Creator guard him not,

Ca por vos & por el caballo honrados somos nos
Eshora se espidieron & luego se partio la corte
El Campeador a los que han lidiar tan bien los castigo
Ya Martin Antolinez & vos Pero Vermudez
3525 E Muño Gustioz firmes sed en campo a guisa de varones
For by yourself and steed we honored are."
Then took they leave, and soon the court dissolved.
The Campeador full well instructed those
Who were to fight:: "Now, Martin Antolinez,
And you, Pero Vermudez, Muno Gustioz,
Be firm upon the field in manly guise.

Buenos mandados me vayan a Valencia de vos
Dixo Martin Antolinez por que lo decides señor
Preso habemos el deudo & a pasar es por nos
Podedes oir de muertos ca de vencidos no
3530 Alegre fue da questo el que en buen hora nacio
Let good words reach me in Valencia
Concerning you." said Martin Antolinez:
"Liege, wherefore speak ye so? We undertook
this task, and will it be by us fulfilled.
Of dead men may ye hear, but conquered, no!"
thereat the one on hour propitious born

Espidiose de todos los que sus amigos son
Mio Çid pora Valencia & el Rey pora Carrion
Mas tres semanas de plazo todas cumplidas son
Felos al plazo los del Campeador
3535 Cumplir quieren el deudo que les mando su señor
rejoiced and leave he took of all his friends.
My Cid betook him toward Valencia,
The king to Carrion. But now complete
The three weeks set. Behold the ones who serve
The Campeador at time allotted come.
They wish to fill the trust their liege hath set.

Ellos son en poder del Rey don Alfonso el de Leon
Dos dias atendieron a Infantes de Carrion
Mucho vienen bien adobados de caballos & de guarnizones
E todos sus parientes con ellos son
3540 Que si los pudiesen apartar a los del Campeador
In power of king Alfonso of Leon
they stand. Upon the Lords of Carrion
Two days they waited. Well equipped they come,
Of steeds and trappings, all their king with them,
In hope that those who serve the Campeador

Que los matasen en campo por deshonra de su señor
El cometer fue malo que lo al no se empezo
Ca grande miedo hobieron a Alfonso el de Leon
De noche velaron las armas & rogaron al criador
3545 Trocida es la noche ya quiebran los albores
They might decoy apart and on the field
Might slay them, for dishonor to their lord.
The scheme was ill, but fell there naught beyond,
For much thy feared Alfonso of Leon.
They watched their arms by night and prayed Creator.
The night has passed, already breaks the dawn.

Muchos se juntaron de buenos ricos homnes
Por ver esta lid ca habien ende sabor
Demas sobre todos y es el Rey don Alfonso
Por querer el derecho & no consentir el tuerto
3550 Ya se metien en armas los del buen Campeador
There gathered many goodly men and rich
This fight to see, for pleased they were thereof.
And more than all the rest, king Don Alfonso
To seek the right and not permit the wrong.
The men who service bear the Campeador

Todos tres se acuerdan ca son de un señor
En otro logar se arman los Infantes de Carrion
Sedielos castigando el conde garci ordoñez
Andidieron en pleito dixieron lo al Rey Alfonso
3555 Que no fuesen en la batalla las espadas tajadores
Now don their arms and all the three accord,
For theirs a single liege. On other spot,
The Lords of Carrion equip themselves.
The count Garciordonez counseled them.
They make a plea and told the king Alfonso:
That in the battle might not bear a part,
And those who serve the Campeador use not,

Colada & tizon que no lidiasen con ellas los del Campeador
Mucho eran repentidos los Infantes por cuanto dadas son
Dixierongelo al Rey mas no gelo conloyo
No sacastes ninguna cuando hobiemos la corte
3560 Si buenas las tenedes pro habran a vos
The trenchant blades Colada and Tizon.
the lords repented sore they gave them up.
They told the king, but would he grant it not:
"When held we court ye did not any take.
And if ye good ones have they′ll serve ye well.

Otrosi faran a los del Campeador
Llevad & salid al campo Infantes de Carrion
Huebos vos es que lidiedes a guisa de varones
Que nada no mancara por los del Campeador
3565 Si del campo bien salides grande honra habredes vos
And ′twere the same for those who service bear
The Campeador. Rise, Lords of Carrion,
And forth to field. It doth behoove that ye
In manner of brave men shall bear the fight,
For naught will lack who serve the Campeador.
Great honor yours, if well ye leave the field,

E si fueres vencidos no retedes a nos
Ca todos lo saben que lo buscastes vos
Ya se van repintiendo Infantes de Carrion
de lo que habien fecho mucho repisos son
3570 No lo querrien haber fecho por cuanto ha en Carrion
And be ye vanquished, make us no complaint,
for all men know ′twas ye who sought the thing.
Regretful go the Lords of Carrion.
They do repent them of the deed they did,
for all in Carrion they had not done it.

Todos tres son armados los del Campeador
Ivalos ver el Rey don Alfonso
Dixieron los del Campeador
Besamos vos las manos como a Rey & a señor
3575 Que fiel seades hoy dellos & de nos
the three who serve the Campeador are armed.
king Don Alfonso went to look on them.
Thus spake the men who serve the Campeador:
"As unto king and liege we kiss your hands,
that ye today be judge ′tween them and us.

A derecho nos valed a ningun tuerto no
Aqui tienen su bando los Infantes de Carrion
No sabemos que se comidran ellos o que no
En vuestra mano nos metio nuestro señor
3580 Tenednos a derecho por amor del criador
Lend us your aid in justice, not in wrong.
The Lords of Carrion have here their friends.
We know not what they plan or do not plan.
Unto your charge our liege confided us;
For love of the Creator guard our right."

Eshora dixo el Rey de alma & de corazon
Aducenles los caballos buenos & corredores
Santiguaron las siellas & cabalgan a vigor
Los escudos a los cuellos que bien blocados son
3585 En mano prenden las astas de los fierros tajadores
Thereon the king replied: "With heart and soul."
They lead to them the goodly steeds, and swift
Upon their saddles sign of cross they made
And boldly mount their steeds; they wear their shields
Upon their necks, and bossed right well are they.
Grasp keen tipped shafts; these lances three have each

Estas tres lanzas traen seños pendones
E derredor dellos muchos buenos varones
Ya salieron al campo do eran los mojones
Todos tres son acordados los del Campeador
3590 Que cada uno dellos bien fose ferir el suyo
A pennant; round them many worthy men.
The field where stood the boundaries now they sought.
All three who serve the Campeador agreed
that each of them should well assail his foe.

Fevos de la otra parte los Infantes de Carrion
Muy bien acompañados ca muchos parientes son
El Rey dioles fieles por decir el derecho & al no
Que no barajen con ellos de si o de no
3595 Do sedien en el campo fablo el Rey don Alfonso
Behold, upon the other hand the Lords
Carrion, full well accompanied,
For great the number of their relatives.
The king appointed judges to decide
The righteous cause, nor any wrong uphold,
that no discussion should between hem rise
this way or that. king Don Alfonso spake,

Oid que vos digo Infantes de Carrion
Esta lid en toledo la fizierades mas no quisiestes vos
Estos tres caballeros de mio Çid el Campeador
Yo los aduxe a salvo a tierras de Carrion
3600 habed vuestro derecho tuerto no querades vos
Form where on field he stood: "Attend my words,
Ye Lords of Carrion. Ye wished it not,
Else had ye held this fight within Toledo.
These three knights of My Cid the Campeador
I safely brought to lands of Carrion.
Maintain your right, but seek ye nought of wrong,

Ca qui tuerto quisiere fazer mal gelo vedare yo
En todo mio Reino no habra buena sabor
Ya les va pesando a los Infantes de Carrion
Los fieles & el Rey enseñaron los mojones
3605 Librabanse del campo todos aderredor
For who would do a wrong, in vile guise,
Will I prevent him; through my realm′s ertent
No rest for him." the Lords of Carrion
Are filled with grief. the king and judges marked
The boundaries. All others left the field.

Bien gelo demostraron a todos 6 como son
Que por y serie vencido qui saliese del mojon
Todas las gentes escombraron aderredor
Mas de 6 astas de lanzas que no llegasen al mojon
3610 Sorteabanles el campo ya les partien el sol
All sir they fully told, that whose pass
Outside the boundary was vanquished there.
All those about withdrew, and did they stay
Sir lances′ lengths beyond the boundary.
The field by lot is chosen and they place them

Salien los fieles de medio ellos cara por cara son
Desi vinien los de mio Çid a los Infantes de Carrion
Ellos Infantes de Carrion a los del Campeador
Cada uno dellos mientes tiene al suyo
3615 Abrazan los escudos delante los corazones
Where falls the sunlight fairly. From their midst
the judges go and face to face they stand.
Then ′gainst the Lords of Carrion advanced
My Cid′s men, and the Lords of Carrion
′Gainst those who serve the Campeador, and each
Attends his foe. Before their hearts they hold

Abaxan las lanzas a vueltas con los pendones
Enclinaban las caras sobre los arzones
Batien los caballos con los espolones
Tembrar querie la tierra donde eran movedores
3620 Cada uno dellos mientes tiene al suyo
Their shields and lances decked with pennons all;
O′er saddle-bows they bow their faces low.
With spurs they strike their steeds; the very earth
Appeared to quake beneath their onward rush;
And closely each his enemy regards.

Todos 3 por 3 ya juntados son
Cuidanse que eshora cadran muertos los que estan aderredor
Pero Vermudez el que antes reto
Con Fernando gonzalez de cara se junto
3625 Firiense en los escudos sin todo pavor
Now all the three with three have joined their fight.
Those round prepared to see them fall in death.
Pero Vermudez, he who first defied,
Straight facing, with Fernan Gonzalez closed.

Fernando gonzalez a Pero Vermudez el escudo le paso
Prisole en vacio en carne no le tomo
Bien en dos logares el astil le quebro
Firme estido Pero Vermudez por eso no se encamo
3630 un colpe recibiera mas otro firio
Each fearless struck their shields. Fernan Gonzalez
Pero Vermudez′ shield transfired; he struck
On naught, nor reached the flesh; the lance′s shaft
At two points brake. Pero Vermudez stood
Right firmly, was he not thereby disturbed.

Quebranto la boca del escudo a parte gela echo
Pasogelo todo que nada no le valio
Metiole la lanza por los pechos que nada no le valio
Tres dobles de loriga tenie Fernando aquesto le presto
3635 Las dos le desmanchan & la tercera finco
A blow he took, but other blow he dealt.
The boss upon the shield he burst apart,
And hurled aside. Completely did he pierce it,
And naught protected. Ferdinand was clad
In thrice thick cuirass, and it lent him aid.
Two broke, but held the third. The gambeson,

El belmez con la camisa & con la guarnizon
De dentro en la carne una mano gela metio
Por la boca afuera la sangre le salio
Quebraronle las cinchas ninguna no le hobo pro
3640 Por la copla del caballo en tierra lo echo
Together with the shirt and garniture,
Within the flesh he drove a hand in depth.
Whereon the blood came gushing from his mouth.
then brake his horse′s girths, nor one that held.
To earth he bore him o′er the horse′s croup.

Asi lo tenien las gentes que mal ferido es de muerte
El dexo la lanza & al espada metio mano
Cuando lo vio Fernando gonzalez conuvo a tizon
Antes que el colpe esperase dixo venzudo so
3645 Atorgarongelo los fieles Pero Vermudez le dexo
The people deem him stricken unto death.
he flung the lance aside and grasped his sword.
When that Fernan Gonzalez saw, he knew
Tizon, nor stayed to feel the blow, but cried:
"I vanquished am!" The judges yield it him.
Pero Vermudez left him. Then with lance

Martin Antolinez & Diego Gonzalez firieronse de las lanzas
Tales fueron los colpes que les quebraron amas
Martin Antolinez mano metio al espada
relumbra todo el campo tanto es limpia & clara
3650 Diole un colpe de travieso le tomaba
Diego Gonzalez and Martin Antolinez
Each other struck. Such blows the lances brake.
Then Martin Antolinez grasped his sword,
So clean and bright it lighted all the field.
A blow he dealt, as it fell upon him.

El casco de somo aparte gelo echaba
Las moncluras del yelmo todas gelas cortaba
Alla llevo el almofar fasta la cofia llegaba
La cofia & el almofar todo gelo llevaba
3655 raxole los pelos de la cabeza bien a la carne llegaba
And from his head he hurled the helm aside;
The fastenings of the helmet all he cut,
And bore away the hood and reached the coif.
Both coif and hood he bore away, and cut
The hair upon his head and reached the flesh.

Lo uno cayo en el campo & lo al suso fincaba
Cuando este colpe ha ferido colada la preciada
Vio Diego Gonzalez que no escaparie con el alma
volvio la rienda al caballo por tornarse de cara
3660 Eshora Martin Antolinez recibiole con el espada
Part fell to earth; the rest remained upon him.
This blow by fair Colada dealt, perceived
Diego Gonzalez he′d not ′scape alive.
he pulled the reins to turn his horse′s face.
Then Martin Antolinez did receive him

un colpe le dio de llano con lo agudo no le tomaba
Diego gonzalez espada tiene en mano mas no la
Eshora el Infante tan grandes voces daba
3665 Valeme dios glorioso señor & curiame deste espada
With sword. A blow with flat against him aimed;
The edge attained him not. Diego Gonzalez
held sword within his hand, but tired it not.
Thereon the lord his voice upraised and cried:
"Now aid me, glorious God! Protect me, Sire,

El caballo asorrienda & mesurandole del espada
Sacole del mojon Martin Antolinez en el campo fincaba
Eshora dixo el Rey venid vos a mi compaña
Por cuanto habedes fecho vencida habedes esta batalla
3670 Otorgangelo los fieles que dice verdadera palabra
Against this sword!" he reined his steed aside
To fly the blade, and from the bounds escaped.
Stayed Martin Antolinez on the field.
Then said the king: "Come join my company;
Your deed this battle won." The judges grant
That truth he spake. They have o′ercome the two.

Los dos han arrancado direvos de Muño Gustioz
Con asur Gonzalez como se adobo
Firiensen en los escudos unos tan grandes colpes
Asur Gonzalez forzudo & de valor
3675 Firio en el escudo a don Muño Gustioz
Now will I tell how Muno Gustioz
Made with Assur Gonzalez settlement:
Great blows they dealt upon each other′s shields.
Assur Gonzalez, strong and valorous,
hath struck the shield of Muno Gustioz,

Tras el escudo falsoge la guarnizon
En vacio fue la lanza ca en carne no le tomo
Este colpe fecho otro dio Muño Gustioz
Tras el escudo falsoge la guarnizon
3680 Por medio de la bloca del escudo le quebranto
hath pierced the shield and through the trappings torn.
Wild flew the lance, for touched it not the flesh.
That blow accomplished, Muno Gustioz
Another dealt; it shield and trappings pierced.
The buckle of the shield at midst it brake.

No le pudo guarir falsoge la guarnizon
Aparte le priso que no cabo el corazon
Metiole por la carne adentro la lanza con el pendon
De la otra parte una braza gela echo
3685 Con el dio una tuerta de la siella lo encamo
The trappings yielded, nor defense could make.
Aside he took it, for his heart failed.
he plunged the lance and pennon in his flesh,
And drove an arm′s length out the other side.
Dire shock he gave him, on his saddle dazed.

Al tirar de la lanza en tierra lo echo
bermejo salio el astil & la lanza & el pendon
Todos se cuidan que ferido es de muerte
La lanza recombro & sobre le se paro
3690 Dixo Gonzalo asurez no le firgades por dios
The lance drawn forth, to earth he hurled it down.
The shaft, both lance and pennon, red came forth.
All present deemed him wounded unto death.
The lance he lowered, standing over him.
Gonzalo Assurez cried: "For God, strike not!

Venzudo es el campo cuando esto se acabo
Dixieron los fieles esto oimos nos
Mando librar el campo el buen Rey don Alfonso
Las armas que y rastaron el selas tomo
3695 Por honrados se parten los del buen Campeador
The field is won." This done, the judges spake:
"We understand it thus." Good king Alfonso
Bade clear the field. he took the arms they left.
Who serve the Campeador with honor go.

Vencieron esta lid grado al criador
Grandes son los pesares por tierras de Carrion
El Rey a los de mio Çid de noche los envio
Que no les diesen salto ni hobiesen pavor
3700 A guisa de membrados andan dias & noches
Now, by Creator′s grace, this fight why won.
Dire sorrow weighs the lands of Carrion.
By night the king My Cid′s attendants sent,
That none attack, nor filled with dear they go.
In manner shrewd by night and day they march.

Felos en Valencia con mio Çid el Campeador
Por malos los dexaron a los Infantes de Carrion
Cumplido han el deudo que les mando su señor
Alegre fue daquesto mio Çid el Campeador
3705 Grande es la biltanza de Infantes de Carrion
Together with My Cid the Campeador,
behold them in Valencia! They left
As evil men the Lords of Carrion.
The task their lord hath set they have fulfilled.
Rejoiced thereof My Cid the Campeador.
The Lords of Carrion′s disgrace is deep.

Qui buena dueña escarnece & la dexa despues
Atal le contesca o si quier peor
Dexemosnos de pleitos de Infantes de Carrion
de lo que han preso mucho han mal sabor
3710 Hablemos nos daqueste que en buen hora nacio
Who treateth ill sweet woman and deserts,
May like befall, or e′en a fate more dire!
This question of the Lords of Carrion
Now let us leave; of what they earned they grieve.
But speak of him on hour propitious born.

Grandes son los gozos en Valencia la mayor
Porque tan honrados fueron los del Campeador
Prisose a la barba Ruy Diaz su señor
Grado al Rey del cielo mis fijas vengadas son
3715 Agora las hayan quitas heredades de Carrion
high joy is in Valencia the great,
Because the men who serve the Campeador
Such high degree of honor have attained.
Their lord Ruy Diaz grasped his beard: "Be praised
The King of heaven, my daughters are avenged -
Freed now of heritage in Carrion!

Sin vergüenza las casare o a qui pese o a qui no
Andidieron en pleitos los de navarra & de aragon
hobieron su ajunta con Alfonso el de Leon
Ficieron sus casamientos con doña Elvira & con doña Sol
3720 Los primeros fueron grandes mas aquestos son mejores
I will in marriage give them, free of shame,
Be that to some a pleasing thing or no."
The ones of Aragon and of Navarre
Their question urged; Alfonso of Leon
In talk they held; their weddings thereupon
With Dame Elvira and Dame Sol arranged.
The first were great, these weddings better far;

A mayor honra las casa que lo que primero fue
Ved cual honra crece al que en buen hora nacio
Cuando señoras son sus fijas de navarra & de aragon
hoy los Reyes de España sus parientes son
3725 A todos alcanza honra por el que en buen hora nacio
The Cid hath wed them higher than before.
Behold, to him on hour propitious born
What honor falls! his daughters have become
The queens of Aragon and of Navarre;
his relatives today are kings of Spain.
To him on hour propitious born hath come

Pasado es deste sieglo el dia de cincuaesma
De Cristo haya perdon
Asi fagamos nos todos justos & pecadores
Estas son las nuevas de mio Çid el Campeador
3730 En este logar se acaba esta razon
Quien escribio este libro dele dios paraiso amen
I n all things honor. From this age he passed
Upon Cinquesma day. Christ pardon him!
A nd grant us pardon, just and sinners all!
These are the tales related of My Cid
The Campeador; and here the story ends.

Per Abad le escribio en el mes de mayo
En era de 1245 245 años el romance
Es leido dadnos del vino si no tenedes dineros echad
3735 Alla unos peños que bien vos lo daran sobre ellos
God grant who wrote it Paradise, amen!
The abbot Peter was the man who wrote it
In month of May, and fashioned was the tale
In era of twelve hundred forty-five.
Now if ye have not money give us wine.